Gen. Hyten denies sexual assault allegations at hearing l ABC News

Gen. Hyten denies sexual assault allegations at hearing l ABC News

Gen. John Hyten’s accuser, Army Colonel Kathryn Spletstoser, said sexual assault survivors are getting the message “you won’t be taken seriously.”

#ABCNews #HytenNomination #GeneralHyten


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20 thoughts on “Gen. Hyten denies sexual assault allegations at hearing l ABC News

  1. During the investigative process in this case… it appears 'sexual assault victim' has a staff of employees who cast doubt due to issues/problems due to her prior behaviors- she'd be deemed not credible/reliable. Its is because of this fact….her disclosed accusation (true or untrue) is deemed not credible. If there is no compelling evidence such as would be in rape, an accusation is just that and no more, an accusation. I've noticed in this case and THANKFULLY in our nation we are innocent u til proven guilty, whereas nation such as SaudiArabia- one is guilty unless 4 credible persons speak out on behalf of accused- that they are not guilty. With this law- many many innocent persons are severely punished or put to death. Our system is NOT foolproof, however it's the best and one of fairest systems in this world which we live. ( news also doesnt detail here what the 'assault' was stated to be & I'm curious to know. Some women will call just touch an assault.)

  2. 中央军委已准备好与美国,台湾,日本在台海、东海、上海、福建的作战方案,同时作好了三峡大坝遭攻击的牺牲预期,大内宣正在作战前动员的舆论准备。中央将以2年的战争及经济损失,来换取防止反党情绪蔓延国内。

  3. You say he denied it? 😮 Gasp loudly while holding my chest is sarcasm

    "Wha? NOOO". I nev, I never kneewww. 👀☕

  4. More corruption in the military…. They can just do a the general should take a polygraph test to clear his name💯🤔

  5. Katherine’s body language suggests she’s doing this out of malicious intent. The eyes can’t hide your lies.

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