Gas prices surge as millions hit the road for holiday weekend – Car Mod Pros Portal

Tips to avoid traffic and what to expect on the road and in the air over Memorial Day weekend.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Gas prices surge as millions hit the road for holiday weekend”
  1. They don't even know there is worldwide oil cartel called OPEC+ that literally controls prices? LOL.. you now know how flimsy "news" really is, you just have to take everything with a ton of salt.

  2. Left in charge inflation as usual never fails. More taxes and higher prices add paying for illegals and there you have the lefts America

  3. "…millions hit the road for holiday weekend (despite on-going pandemic)" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the B.1.1.7 lineage mutations and others like the P.1, B.1.135, B.1.351, B.1.429, B.1.525, & B.1.617.1-3 lineage mutations combining to render current COVID vaccines no longer effective.

  4. Maybe if Joe hadn’t doled out pallets of cash, cancelled the Keystone and returned to the reliance of foreign oil prices wouldn’t be skyrocketing.
    Don’t worry though he says just deal with the pain of inflation for a little bit, all due to his genius policies of printing money.

  5. This happens every major holiday , so what’s new? 🙄🙄

  6. The price of gasoline is not going up, the value of the dollar is going down. It's called inflation. (You didn't really think China Joe's trillions were free did you?)

  7. Supply in demand people! Its like selling a product, the more people that want it, the more you can charge!!…..if you don't like it, get an electric vehicle…but you will complain about that too!!

  8. Gas always shoots up when Dems are in office. This is so dumb I shouldn’t have to pay $78 dollars for a full tank.

  9. Joe's New Green Deal ⛽⛽⛽⛽💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

  10. THANK you joe biden for stopping the pipe line and the wall KILLING thousands of jobs along with our country and the INSANE GAS PRICES stop ACTING ABC why the prices are up..THIS ADMINISTRATION IS WHY…STOP BEING FAKE

  11. All you people have voted for Joe Biden congratulations for having to pay more at the gas station this man shut down the XL pipeline yeah probably would not have been done by now but there's no backup anywhere nowhere so we either got to import gasoline from other countries which is going to cost more money because there's a shortage congratulations for voting for the dumbest president ever and congratulations for voting in Harris the lady Joe Biden calls president at least six times now You're all idiots for voting for that dumbass

  12. Using economic data as a metric, voting for a Republican is like choosing Dansby Swanson over Mike Trout.  Swanson is a good player but he is no Mike Trout.

    Speak her story :

    “… This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion…” (Quran 5:3)

    I was born 1967 in a small town in Sauerland County, Germany. My younger brother and I grew up in the country, where my parents and grandparents lived in a two-family house. My grandfather used to be principal of a primary school. My father would have liked to become a forester, but instead he only became a teacher in secondary school. He still does love nature very much. But throughout the years he seems to have lost His love for Jesus Christ, which was quite disappointing for my grandmother, who has always been a firm believer. She was a member of a small church and all her life she participated actively in the church and tried hard to set a true Christian example for her children. My grandfather on the other hand could hardly be called a believer; this was something that my grandmother only found out after the wedding. Steady church attendance turned out to be no proof of faith. Till today after each church service my grandparents engage in heated discussions about Christian belief in general and the contents of the last sermon in particular. This situation did affect their three sons. Today only one of them is a church member.

    My mother on the other side comes from a family, where devotion to faith was key.

    Continue to read :

  14. Well never be at last year's gas prices because Trump's gone. Gas was at the lowest price in the decade. During Obaam administration gas prices were only a few cents cheaper

  15. Just another one of Biden’s failures he’s only been in office for a watch for months or so look at all the destruction he’s caused him and his lovely Democrats I don’t remember any of this bullshit happening under President Trump I never paid this much for gas under President Trump

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