Gas prices soar after Russian oil banned in US – Car Mod Pros Portal

Here is what Americans are saying about the soaring prices at the pump.


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Gas prices soar after Russian oil banned in US”
  1. How screwed up ABC news is? This is just disgusting, bringing some idiot to promote Biden and how good the President is. THis dumb idiot guy failed to mention about disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

  2. The United States is rich in “Oil” we can pump enough oil for us to bring down gas prices and pump enough oil for Europe so they can stop using Russian oil. But our government can’t figure that out, with our government 2 + 2 = 6

  3. That's because the Gas prices are gonna stay up for some time. Russia is a huge player in the international gas market and the war in Ukraine means the gas prices stay up around the world. However US Gas is looking up right now because of huge reserves and the prices could come back down when the war is over. The state of war spreading around the world however may continue unabated for some time now even over through 2023 as the US considers a military intervention in Taiwan. TLDR: Gas Price May Continue Soaring High as War Rages in Europe and Asia.

  4. Biden is leading America down the path of economic destruction. POTUS could easily suspend the fed tax on gas, he could renew leases immediately, he could complete Keystone. Instead he ignores common sense, he ignores that all the money he is printing only contribute to inflation,Biden will only be remembered for bringing America down.

  5. LOL this video was to try and reinforce Biden wow. Hes done a terrible job and We the people know it, stop trying to save face and own up to it.

  6. IT would be nice if there were more restrictions on lying through the media. Every year oil companies spend BILLIONS in stock buybacks to enrich their consumers, and despite the U.S. having about 1.2% of their gas from Russia the idea that the price increases by so much is absurd.. oil companies are evil, and it's only now that people are realizing just HOW evil.

  7. Joe Biden,,,,"I had to shut down the pipeline and ban domestic drilling, because it was messing with our global warming. We will now be getting the oil from other countries, so we can mess with THEIR global warming"..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  8. Biden did the right thing. Period. I really hope that all the people in the US start to understand that Russia threatened to shoot nuclear weapons on the US.. while invading and taking over another country.. in 2022. Yeah.. gas prices.. that’s what’s really important right now. There could be a moment in the near future that you WISH you could go back to the moment that gas prices were the worst thing on your mind.

  9. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
    and He will deliver you."
               -Psalm 50 :15

  10. Gas prices are not up because of the war in Ukraine alone. That is not the sole reason for gas being the price it is. If you actually believe this you are misinformed. If you look at the government chart for inflation and gas prices since the 1st day Biden has taken office the price was increasing. That’s a fact you can look this up for yourself with the .gov charts if you don’t believe me. This is also a result of shutting down major pipelines. If you believe in thee “9000 oil leases not being used” you are misinformed Psaki is a lying snake good at word games. They can’t use the lease because Biden passed law to shut down our own production this is why gas pre COVID was around 3 I believe we were starting to become energy dependent now we are asking other counties for oil and using our reserves

  11. Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.
    250 sentadillas son unos DRISEX.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio.
    5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😍👍

    Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.

  12. Thanks president Joe Biden for shutting down the pipelines. It really helped us all with the gas prices. 🙄🙄🙄

  13. News flash, prices were going up before Ukraine was invaded. They’ve been going up since Biden. You can’t have major rising gas prices for well over a year and now a week after banning Russian oil say omg it’s because of Putin gas is going up. Idiotic. We consume 20 million barrels of oil each day, we imported 500k from Russia. It was Bidens fault before, it’s his fault now and ultimately it’s the fault of the liberals whom I hope get hit hardest by the policies they were sold.

  14. Liberals 🤣 . Blaming Russia for our gas prices when not to long ago we used to be energy independent. 😅

  15. The US hardly imports oil from russia 🇷🇺
    So that’s pretty darn weird that the prices explode


  16. Pretty sure the mainstream media has been running nonstop videos about how high gas prices have gotten for the last month. Apparently they feel the need to hammer the point home, probably to push for more oil drilling which makes the fossil fuel companies happy.

  17. And the rich are just getting richer. We as a country need a bipartisan government who are willing to work together and start taking care of the people that voted them into office and not worrying about their own party lines.

  18. Protest outside oil executive houses and send them and their family members threats.

    Protest Oil company and Supermarket executives like they are Vote officials and Fauci.

  19. That's because the oil companies are putting profits to shareholders instead of thinking of the public! GOP greed over people party want nothing more than to make Biden look bad because if Dems stay in power this fall, they WILL RAISE TAXES On the rich! About damn time they pay their fair share! 🙏

  20. This really isn’t the whole story. Just today, crude prices are up another 8-9% on an alleged loss of 12% of global production. And that is just today. I know price to supply isn’t 1:1 but today there were also news stories on a surprise (higher than expected) output from US offshore rigs and increased production out of Guyana. This is speculative more so than supply and demand. The usual suspects are going to profit immensely based on the public’s fear and the public’s belief that the temporary loss of Russian oil is as dire as they say. In other words I call 🐄 💩.

  21. We’re becoming to be more and more like China and Russia every day we need a new administration I don’t know how we’re gonna make it the next two years

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