Gas prices near all-time high – Car Mod Pros Portal

The national average is now topping $4 per gallon for the first time since 2008. ABC News’ Em Nguyen reports on what the White House is now considering.


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Gas prices near all-time high”
  1. Another Biden accomplishment. Complete incompetence by Joe. Are you
    happy with your vote? Closing Keystone and reversing all on President
    Trumps energy de-regulations, only to purchase oil from Russia another
    countries that don't like is ridiculous. This is smoke and mirrors.
    Nobody to blame other than the people who voted for him and the pot
    smoking VP

  2. Mean while they tax you when you get your paycheck, tax you to deposited it in your bank account then tax you again at the end of the year for the money you have in your savings that you don’t spend and then if you spend above 599 bucks you get taxed again when it leaves your account and then you get taxed again for what ever you buy.. don’t believe me look it up. I was in shock too! I thought they just talked about doing that but I didn’t know they did it. You are being fleeced of your hard eared money at every turn. They got away with it social security and now they are onto a grander scale. No difference than being robbed but this way you are robbed everyday

  3. Mean while they tax you when you get your paycheck, tax you to deposited it in your bank account then tax you again at the end of the year for the money you have in your savings that you don’t spend and then if you spend above 599 bucks you get taxed again when it leaves your account and then you get taxed again for what ever you buy.. don’t believe me look it up. I was in shock too! I thought they just talked about doing that but I didn’t know they did it. You are being fleeced of your hard eared money at every turn. They got away with it social security and now they are onto a grander scale. No difference than being robbed but this way you are robbed everyday

  4. Foolish people complained about President Trump…Trump kept our country going into oil independence…
    Biden is blaming the Russian invasion as the problem for high oil gas prices…Biden is liar as can be.
    When Biden took over he reversed all of President Trump's oil independence accomplishments!
    Including stopping the keystone pipeline..
    Biden has lied to the American people for over 40 yrs as a politician.

  5. The American authorities have frozen the Central Bank's foreign exchange reserves. An embargo has been imposed on oil products from Russia. They undermined global stability with sanctions against the sixth economy of the world, as a result of which stock prices for oil and gas rose… And now the Americans think that Mr. Putin should pay for it?! Enjoy it!

  6. I bet Aaron Rodgers don't care that gas prices are going up. Everybody happy that these athletes making the money they get. When will people actually wake up. I hope professional sports price tickets so high that people actually get it and figure it out!!!!

  7. How are we supposed to live? I work 65 hours a week. Im barely making it. I’m a single parent. I never comment about politics or how anyone else decides to vote. I’m angry.

  8. High gas prices are because greedy polititions and a complete jackass in office. How do you like Biden now since he's turned on you? Burger flippers $15 an hour and still broke! Your not woke, your dilutional!!

  9. Atleast I don't have to listen to screaming exhaust pipes anymore! That's a good thing. I can definitely live with $5 a gallon for gas just for that reason. Hope it stays like this!

  10. Biden’s arrogant policies have destroyed Americas fossil fuel independence. Now Joe wants to work with Venezuela and Iran. Disgraceful…..

  11. While we're on the subject, who'll get to pay for all these stimulus checks we got from sleepy joey?? And the $500 for each illegal immigrant in our country? I wish to thank all the kids that will get to pay higher taxes in the near future for supporting such a wonderful contribution!

  12. When is Big Oil gonna bite the bullet and quit price qouging? A lot of other companies big and small are taking a stand against Russian aggression without passing the cost directly to consumers. Why everytime there's a world crisis of any type from hurricanes to wars the gas companies make record profits? It's bullshit that not only our government but any government tolerate it! I hope there's enough room at the lowest levels of Hell for these gas company tycoons. Because it'll be pretty crowded with all those Big Pharma CEOs! Profit from human suffering would be the biggest sin in my eyes if I were God.

  13. Thanks a million Joe for putting so many rules and regulations in place on the fossil fuels industry that it made it extremely hard and expensive to continue producing oil. And that started from day one of your administration. You want to go with alternative energy to help the climate? That's fine but how about you wait till we have it in place?? Cover that, ABC/Woke Disney. That's your high gas prices in a nutshell.

  14. Gutting your catalytic converter and getting rid of emissions controls will save up to 20 dollars a tank of gas. Or at least that what's I save a tank of gas without all that environmental junk!!!

  15. Under Trump: my gas prices 1.90s – 2.30/gal; Under Biden my gas 3.30 – 3.80/gal (and going UP). Thanks President Biden. Thank you.

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