In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talks about vaccine distribution.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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Full Fauci Interview: Vaccine Shortages ‘A Supply-Demand Issue’ | Meet The Press | NBC News
Kary Mullis created the test used to find covid PCR, he said in other videos that you can find anything you want with the test if you're good enough with it, he won the Nobel prize in chemistry. Here he is discrediting Fauci and calling him a lying puppet. He died right before the pandemic. How convenient.
Pos lying news media FAUCI pos
Fraud-ci the spin doctor. Clown
Look at fauci’s neck??? That’s not normal right? Is it a mask?
It was well known that the Korona test kit was most beneficial when the Korona pen dummy spread around the world and was taken over. But there was a serious problem. Since last year, when Corona Pendermic swept the world, Korean companies have produced corona test kits and supplied them to foreign countries in the form of push-out, but they used poison that should never be used except for drug materials used to manufacture diagnostic kits for cost-saving purposes.
It's a car fixer. According to reports from former factory workers, it was based on a special and booming business called Corona Pendermic. Originally, automobile sticking agents are raw materials called car repair primers, and toxic substances such as ethylbenzene and toluene help paint the car well.
The guidebook for the sticking agent says that it is harmful to swallow without eating or drinking, but the swab diagnostic kit was manufactured while it was piled up on one side of the swab manufacturing plant. The daily production of 2 million units and the monthly production of about 40 million units and 50 million units were produced and delivered overseas.Automotive sticking agents were used to make cotton stick to cotton swab plastic sticks.
If you go through a worker's touch at a factory, you'll need to buy a machine called plasma to keep it from being pushed with your fingernails, and if it's too expensive, you'll end up using our auto stick as a test kit swab material to save money.
Originally, cotton swabs for corona examination are classified as medical devices, so they need to be certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for what materials they are made of, and furthermore, send samples to Europe and the United States for final certification. What's serious is that the use of vehicle sticking agents has been confirmed to be unauthorized.
Unlike other countries, Korea and China have a pervasive habit of rushing to make money. Even behind the policy of localization, it is common to make unfair profits from localization and exports by improving or copying foreign intellectual property rights or patents. In other words, China often infringes or abuses foreign intellectual property rights regardless of industry, and Korea ruled the country's survival with a strategy to imitate overseas intellectual property rights after the armistice.
Safety and quality verification are also procedures for obtaining final approval from Korean government-affiliated organizations, but it has long been a practice to buy or provide convenience to people in charge for document approval. Korea is known to have the worst corruption and transparency index.
Satán's bich!!!
Who would have thought that there might be some supply issues associated with rolling out vaccines to everyone on the planet? Shocker.
That’s not fowchee
How many sheeple are willing to take a suicide jab? Whatever; I’ve tried to warn but continually attacked. So bye bye. I was looking at a career change anyhow; jobs are bout to be opening up. Nice latex docta fowwchee
This isn’t even Fauci ! Look at this neck ! MASK ðŸâ€ÂÂÂ¥ðŸâ€ÂÂÂÂ¥
fauci is a fake hes wearing a mask look close
Ummm…whats going on with his neck? Watch close right at the collar? I wish I could zoom in!!!
Zoom in on his neckline, he's wearing a mask
Fog of war
whats wrong with Fauci's neck oops
WTF is up with his neck
The vaccine is worse than the virus.
No one has commented on his neck.. zoom in and tell me what you think about his bouncing neck..
Fraud fauci the genocidal maniac.
Remember Gates stated he wanted to reduce the population by better healthcare and vaccination.
He also wants to reduce the population to 1 billion.
How does vaccination achieve this???
Fire Michael Che. Super Spreader of Misinformation and hate
Lock him up
Fake Fauci on fake news selling out America
Fauci looks like he's having a great time now that he's back on TV spreading his bullsh*t. Maybe working on getting his emmy. Creep. "Dr."lmfao all
The responsible police cosmetically squash because alligator neuropathologically bomb apud a direful yellow. free, anxious gas
Nobody likes these people or their message. Traitor and parasite is the doktor.
america's/ frontline / doctors / dot / com for critical video refuting the "party line" Suppression of information is rampant with the media. They are now guard dogs for big government.
You should be talking to that doctor he keeps saying we have the shots then we don't which one is it he don't know nothing
For the non-lunatics in the comments looking for the voice of reason, this video does work fairly well if you skip the shrieking, raving NBC announcer and listen to Dr Fauci.
For the rest of you, contract it and die in a ditch if you don't trust anything. Live your truth. Deny it exists while it closes your throat, die with your fist in the air knowing you were right and the evil institutions did you in.
Google 1200 studies for scientific info
I thought the interviewer had great questions!
$-Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alertâ€ÂÂÂÂ, by Doctor Robert B Strecker a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anythingâ€ÂÂÂÂ.
The only ones demanding an unsafe ,untested vaccin is Faucci and his cohorts who are running a depopulation agenda .He should be arrested,tried and convicted for conspiring to commit global genocide.
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons have been against this whole Cov id scam from the very beginning .Check out their website.
Continue to invest in China and emerging markets 🙂
Dr. Doom really wants to rush and get these vaccines into every American…
Dr. Fauci offshored the gain of function bat experiments from Dr. Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill, to Dr. Shi Zhengli WUHAN P4 LAB, where the leak occured. In addition to being the highest paid government employee, Dr Fauci has financial interests in the vaccines aimed at stopping the chimera virus, he indirectly helped to create.
Why does NBC support the CIA's Monarch Program?
In news from the future: Suicide hotlines begin referring the depressed to test pharmaceutical corporations vaccine trials to work the bugs out
Bc is using info from europe and 42 days between doses
I can barely get through a Chuck Todd vid. Such a media vulture. And he should be arrested for this ridiculous tomfoolery of a hairline.
Dr. Fauci deserves to have his own show like Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. Oprah could help him launch it.
The lobotomized crown loves the always dishonest DR FRAUDNAZI
So what's the Cabal ramming down our throats today?
By the time this is available to the gen public will be 2022. Maybe have a company with experience in supply chain handle the rollout instead of the government smh. Have Coca Cola run this or something. Obviously the companies have a hand in the rollout but the government at this point has no idea on a timeline and changes stories every 10 minutes.