Fugitive parents found in Hawaii ordered to produce missing kids l ABC News

Fugitive parents found in Hawaii ordered to produce missing kids l ABC News

Lori Vallow was given a deadline to physically produce her missing kids to authorities by Thursday morning after she was last seen in Hawaii by police.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2GActpJ

#ABCNews #LoriVallow #ChadDaybell


32 thoughts on “Fugitive parents found in Hawaii ordered to produce missing kids l ABC News

  1. Her brother killed her ex-husband, her and her new husband killed the brother ,the ex-wife and the kids 💔💔💔

  2. Those poor kids were abused by her so long . She treated them as if they had no feelings .married 5 times , father's killed when she was done with them .the list goes on & on ..I feel terrible for the grands & the older brother

  3. FOUR MONTHS!?!? & she’s out on vacation and not in jail!? Gotta love this judicial system.

  4. Prescriptions not being renewed, finding their personal items. In storage locker. Outcome im afraid will not be good. Kids knew too much, and parents are whack jobs.

  5. Throw them both in Max prison & let them know they have 30 days to confess the whereabouts of the children or they face the death penalty! This is ridiculous! Why let this draw out any longer?!!!

  6. This is the second video where i see a grandparent just mentioning the missing boy. And not and their granddaughter. Idk i could be looking at this all wrong too but, who knows?

  7. What is a doomsdayer? 😧

  8. Something is not adding up. How is the husband’s ex dead suddenly after the wife’s ex is murdered along with her brother. This could just be a coincidence, but I don’t think so.

  9. I feel like there was an affair going on. I feel like maybe she convinced her brother to murder her husband and when her brother wanted to tell what happened, she killed him. Maybe with poison. Then what’s-his-face killed his former wife. Then boom, they get married and decide the kids are “in the way” so they get rid of them somehow. Maybe they killed them too. Maybe they put them somewhere.

  10. Rexburg Idaho police are pretty dumb so don’t expect much from them

  11. You know why they being so easy on her🤔 Its her privilege😉 its 2/17 2 weeks after authorities gave her a dead line🤔🧐She has gotten away with Murder This will not be solved🙏

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