Fugitive parents found in Hawaii, children still missing l ABC News

Fugitive parents found in Hawaii, children still missing l ABC News

Authorities caught up with Lori Vallow, the Idaho mother whose children have been missing for months, and served a court order to physically produce her two kids immediately.

#ABCNews #LoriVallow #MissingChildren #Fugitives


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29 thoughts on “Fugitive parents found in Hawaii, children still missing l ABC News

  1. Why give her till Thurs? I feel like that couple knows they are going down and they are trying to enjoy their last moments together idk? So dumb that they gave her till Thursday wtf? Those poor kids & poor grandparents😢!

  2. It's very easy to believe the children are deceased & the couple are not cooperating be cause they do not want to be charged with children's deaths.its the only thing that makes sense .they are hoping they can't be charged with anything as long as they keep their mouths shut

  3. Common Sense. This guy has his wife killed then collects Life Insurance money,then marry`s this woman whose kids are missing and she has a dead husband also and a dead brother? Movie Time.

  4. Why is she not in jail for murder? No, 17-year-old falls off the Grid these days, her friends would have heard from her if she is safe this is absolutely ridiculous!!

  5. As a mother, I cannot wrap my head around this. My kids are my everything, always, and forever! When things were tough when they were little, I went without food, so that they could eat well when finances were rough for a couple of months. I have made many sacrifices and have put a lot of things on hold and have gone without, to provide and be there for my children. The love I have for them is beyond words. I could never ever harm them in anyway, shape or form. For a mother to harm her children, that is just sheer evil, that's a demon, not a parent.

  6. Racism in America is
    -Eric Garner being shot dead by police for "supposedly" selling loose cigarettes
    -Trayvon Martin shot dead by Zimmerman for wearing a hoodie while black
    -Two white fugitive parents who both have former spouses who were murdered, the brother of the mom was murdered, and their two kids are missing but the parents are on vacation in Hawaii walking free and still given more time to "physically produce" her two kids

    And what's also weird is that the grandparents seem like they don't even care, they're just saving face. The grandmother is smiling during the interview, like what in the world. I don't trust them either. Because think about it, the mom's BROTHER was MURDERED! That's the grandparents SON, and they weren't speaking out about that? They haven't even bothered to mention that. And the fact that their daughter is probably involved with their SON's murder, yet don't even think twice about that part? Hmm so they should have known something wasn't right with their daughter when both her brother and her ex-husband were murdered.
    The grandparents know more than they are saying, and they are probably involved.

  7. Wait so both of their exes are dead? They’ve been married for 6 months. The children are missing? Definitely not a coincidence.

  8. So what is this telling the public authorities that if Your children are missing for whatever reason and you do not cooperate with the authorities you can walk around free that is bullshiT!!!

  9. Bullshit story theres no evedance thet these kids ever exested … Its another bs story just like susan powell every year or two they do this and play on your heart strings just. Humor me the cops dont aresst anybody but how many are dead. Ya like that would happen no facts just alot of hearsay no blood no bodys. So ya crisses actors again.bs. story from fake news

  10. You want to bet the cell phones tell-all also, what does she have to hide I know so many women that killed children so they can be with the new beau. This sounds like that same case. I wouldn't be surprised. If they are found somewhere in the next couple of weeks. Bitch.

  11. We need Gideon and his team on this🤦🏻‍♂️

  12. Lets hope they don’t kill anyone else. Scary to think they are possible serial killers and are roaming around free.

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