Salon owners protested after learning that the plan to relax restrictions in the state — the last to do it in the U.S. — would not include them.
#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #ConnecticutReopening
“Dem dam crazie demsâ€ÂÂÂÂ
Why is the Media always quick to single out Churches?? Jesus Christ is LORD ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
All 20 people of CT protesting 🤣🤣ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
This is such inaccurate, reckless, and irresponsible reporting. "In the past 3 weeks, there has not been another surge." It takes up to 2 weeks to even notice symptoms, you leftist dingbats. There will be another surge from reopening. It's simple mathematics, along with a fundamental understanding of the principles of virology. The spread takes time. You leftists are a threat to all Americans.
About time even though it's gonna be painfully slow process. Too scared to go out? Stay home in your little no life comfort zone then while the rest of us get on with our lives again! This has gone on way too long already.
More government propaganda from The Smith Mundt Act of 2012!!! Google it!!!
The Second Wave will be from wearing masks! Familial Cluster Infections from wearing masks! Wearing masks will make you sick from rebreathing your own co2 and toxins excreted from your lungs exhaling and detoxing themselves! It’s a huge setup for us!!!
Unless they sanitize there tools after cutting hair or shaving l, it should remain close.
Arkansas, Texas, and Florida will be the new hotspots when the 2nd wave hits. Many of then just don't care, they aren't wearing mask or practicing social distancing. Only a small fragment of those states population's are practicing safe guidelines.
Demand your rights, and when you are on a respiratory remember how much you screamed your lungs out , apparently there has not been enough death for them.
I bet none of these people have ever thought of forming a union – because that'd be socialism.
The lady's sign says "Dems are crazie" but we're not the ones standing out there all bunched together with no mask but we'll see who's "crazie" in the end.
Your vote should be about what is good for American family values, peace and prosperity. Donald Trump can not deliver on any of those. Do we really want 4 more years of a drama queen president. We need adult leadership in the White House! Not a Cheerleader, Go Warriors Save My Economy ~ Oh! Oh! I Get an A+ for a Great Job Iv'e Done! Look at the ratings! They Love Me! Who is voting for America's best interest? It would be waste and anti-progress to vote for Donald Trump, he had his chance and he has shown us to dislike about 70% of American citizens, attacks our freedom of press and violates our rule of law and shits on our constitution. He says that our constitution is a phony and now we have seen it all, as he has recently proven to be irrelevant and useless in dealing with a national crisis, avoiding responsibility and accountability, creating drama and praising himself. About the pandemic, he won't be bothered with it, he needs his campaign high. Open America, Free America! One word, Psycho! America needs a competent, thoughtful (sane) and respectful leader who cares for all Americans equally. Not a candidate who has a strong track record of favoring one race or class over another. Hopefully the candidate haves at least 8 years experience of success in government. A candidate must already have had proven to be worthy of your vote and Donald Trump has proven to be, not worthy. I'm just being honest. God help Donald Trump whatever happens to him, but after 2020 he won't be our problem anymore. MAKE AMERICA! ~ AMERICA AGAIN 2020!
Because they are fudging their numbers. Do your job media!
I heard that lots of areas are messing with the data to make it look better to ease people’s minds about reopening.
Freedom in America
corona is waving again
They are going slowly back up in GA and FL.
Are those the same UV lights Trump wanted to get into people's body. Ah I got it, they will get NY subs to pilot the experiment, very cool!
Hell with em, open up and let natural selection run its course
Looks like female need their salon/spa, or they will go crazy. Women logic.
The lockdown protesters are people with ADHD-attention deficit hyper disorder, thus explains why they can't stay home or any place to extended of time. You are welcome.
OPEN Sesame U.S!!! Haaaaaa see what I did there Lol.
Get back to me in a month. Then we'll see.
I’m not going to no salon 💇 they’re not ready because they are shoulder to shoulder protesting. 😂😂😂😂😂
You People The CNN Media Go To Work Everyday. Going On Television Everyday Since The Chinese Coronavirus Suprise Attack On America. You've Lied To American; Took Sides With Our Enemie The Chinese. Undermine The President On Every Decision He Makes For The American People. It Seems The Bias Reporting You Do Is Unessentia. It Causes Serious Mental And Physical Problems To The Listener. You Set A Presidence Of Reporting False Narratives. And The Media Block And Dodge For Democrats. How Does The FCC Allow You To Lie And Make Up Stuff And Hide What Needs To Be Told.
Who's Paying You To Commit These Injustices. How Much? Its Been Happening So Long; Who Purchased Theses American Media's. Is China A Shareholder Of These Media Outlets.
You Can't Serve Two Countries; You Will Love One And Hate The Other.
The American Democrats CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Media's Are Laissez faire When It Comes To The Democratic Congress, Democrat Party, And China.
CNN Never Tested When Chris Cuomo, Contacted Chinese Coronavirus. How Did You Degerm The The Tv Station. That's A Story; The Public Would Be Interested In. None Of You Tested To know If You Were Infected With The Chinese Coronavirus. And Faucie Gave The Media A Pass. You Can Be Infecting America.
You CNN; Took No Prophylactic Measures To Protect Other Coworkers Are The Public At Large.
You Are A FAKE New And Your News Can't Be Trusted. Dr Faucie Why Wasn't He Concerned. CNN Doesn't Want America Opened. They Have A Contaminated Worker And CNN Never Shut Down For The 14 Days Required Quarantine Periods.
What's Going On Here?
His Name is Jesus. Trust Him.
Read The Book Of Romans.
Open Up America. So People Wont Loose Everything They've Got.
My Grandpa Use To Say; " A Hungry Man Will Steal." America Don't Be The Cause
For Someone Doing That Are Worse.
Faucie Death Chart Numbers Are Disturbing Enough. And An Unending Lockdown On Top Of That Is Inhumane. People Are Going To Die. Every Year Has Its Number Of People.
Now Any Death Is Documented As Chinese Coronavirus. Stop Punishing The Innocent Because They want To Be Free In A Free Country. And Now We Can't Protect In America.
Chuck Schumer Did Threatening Supreme Court Justices To Not Stop The Killing Of Unborn Babies In America. And Now Their States Want To Submit Harsh Punishment Towards These American Because They Want To Work And Provide For Themselves And Their Families.
The People Who Are Pressing Down The Most On These Protesters Are The Ones Who Go To Work Everyday And Haven't Missed A Paycheck; And Are Providing For Themselves And Their Families.
To The Protesters; I Say Stay Calm. Don't Let Your Hurt And Fear Cause You To Do Something Stupid And Walk Into. Your States Trap With Consequences.
Know Jesus Hasn't Forgot You. Read Your Bible While On Lockdown. Pray, Talk To The Lord, Tell Him Where It Hurts. Remember It's Own Our Money. In God We Trust.
Read. The Book Of JOB.
I'll Be Praying For You. With Tears In My Eyes. God's Going To Make Everything Alright.
And I Trust Donald J. Trump.
Faucie Has No Factual Evidence; That Locking A Person Down Causes Another Person To Live. Another Experimental Measure.
Have Faith In God. It Says In
The Bible. With Out Faith; It's Impossible To Please Him.
God Got It.
My Grandmother Use To Say, Take Your Burdens To The. Lord And Leave Them There.
It's Going To Be Alright.
I love how the person misspelled “crazy†in the thumbnail.
American liberals stop being scared little pussies
No Ba Ba Ba Biden video on ABC ?????👀
Wooow that’s a cool N.Y. subway
Man what's the point of a Government if isn't not caring for it's people? Ungrateful protesters..
How do they know people have been getting it or not …..have they been tested…probably not.
Connecticut like the rest of America ready to go back to work 💖🇺🇸
20,289 new cases today….1,552 deaths today…..
90%+ of people wear masks and we get herd immunity. Don't wear masks and millions of people will die. It is simple math.
Isn't it sad the Democrats and media were so obsessed with Russia while China has obviously been and will be the biggest threat to the United States?
Let idiots die stupid I guess
Listening to how abcnews reports this. Arkansas Church 1/3 of the 92 members contracted corona.  instead of just saying 30 members because it’s just sounds too low and sensational. Abcnews want to create maximum hysteria
Wait, didn't dumb ass trump say something about ultraviolet light?
Why are states reopening when there's a second wave of covid19 expected to be coming?
The lockdown protesters are just people who can't stand their kids.
This is not a Conservative or Liberal issue for some people. Like those Salon owners in Connecticut. The state is not exactly known as a Conservative stronghold. Salon owners are not known as Ronald Reagan supporters. This is about liberty and about the threat of the virus. The media is lying about the the threat along with some health officials. The government is over stepping it 's bounds. Time is up we are done with all of that.
Someone owes the Georgia Governor an apology. Just admit that you were wrong and that the Virus is not as dangerous as some people not named me first thought.
Open up the nation now !
OMG SHUT UP ABC. Emotional vampires.
ABC hates Americans, and loves the new world order.
Fucking liberals
Except Pennsylvania
So what would happen if they accidentally flashed the ultraviolet light in a busy subway car