Frantic negotiations continue over bill to rescue American economy | WNT

Frantic negotiations continue over bill to rescue American economy | WNT

The $2 trillion plan would give most Americans a $1,200 check and $500 per child, but the biggest sticking point is a proposed $500 billion relief fund for corporations.




#WorldNewsTonight #Coronavirus #AmericanEconomy


40 thoughts on “Frantic negotiations continue over bill to rescue American economy | WNT

  1. HOLD UP CDC says we don’t need masks huh. Bad advice. Look at South Korea & China. EVERYONE in many countries wear a mask, and the government makes them. This is how you fight it along with quarantine for awhile. Think if we all wore a $1 mask , how much money and lives that would save? Then the medical system wouldn’t be at risk cuz it would help stop the spread from getting bad. Unfortunately we will probably be one of the worst hit in the world, due just to this advice we are being given. Afraid to say it but it’s going to be worse than Italy.
    I say one of the BIGGEST Solutions to stop spread is to WEAR A MASK!! It’s no ones fault that there aren’t enough masks. The demand across the world and country shot up with this virus, which ruined the supply. A typical hospital on a busy day in New York goes threw 40,000 masks in one day?! Think of how many masks will be needed through the entire country. It’s not maintainable.
    I mean the proof is right in front of us is it not? Look at China as LOTS of countries who MADE people wear masks and how bad it was there still.. Think of the money and lives it would save if the CDC got with reality and told people this !!!!!! Please heed my advice people, I have 2 masks that I had sitting in my shed from previous projects. When your done wearing your mask ( if you do go out ) Put it in a zip lock bag and seal it for as long as you can before reusing it.

  2. There will be no saving America’s economy ( lies ).🙂

  3. We had negotiations already. It was a bipartisan deal Pelosi and Schumer torpedoed to add a bunch of irrelevant crap. Probably thinking it won't go through and they can claim "Republicans opposed a relief plan" before November. Which their media cronies will dutifully parrot.

  4. I know what the President meant by that statement: that "we cannot let the cure be worse than the disease." What he meant by that comment is that there is no need for so many businesses and stores to be closed, especially in less populated areas, and for us to stop going to those stores and more importantly for us to stop spending our money — so long as we just keep our distance from each other and take common sense precautions. He wants to be seen as the great Business man president who came in and showed the world how to lead, but he was in fact a poor businessman, and he is showing terrible leadership as President. Trump's biggest concern is the economy and the stock market even though they marketed him as the President for the working man. Good marketing because it worked, but not a good President. The problem with his flawed thinking, and it is indeed flawed, is that you can't expect people, especially younger people, to behave like robots. Words are not going to get through to some people. It is also hard to change people's behavior especially if they see their President giving signals that he wants things to return to some sort of normal as quick as he can. And this signal that I believe the President is giving out to his loyal followers across the country and to his Wall Street friends is a sign of recklessness and also sheer madness. This President is so focused on businesses reopening and the economy making its comeback that he is willing to put people's health at unnecessary risk. He is doing this by possibly exposing them to the virus and more importantly by having the rapidly-spreading disease wreak its havoc which could very well spread to the less densely populated ares of our country. The President's main focus right now should be the implementing of a nation-wide shut down with only the most essential businesses remaining open — similar to what seventeen states are now already doing. The President needs to go on television and ask everyone in the country who does not need to go out to to keep their children and the elderly in doors at home as much as possible to prevent the spreading of the very fast moving corona virus, and to do for at least the next three weeks as a way to significantly minimize the spreading of the Covid19 disease. And has to do so emphatically as a life and death matter to the public at large. And he also really needs to stop congratulating himself, stop defending the administration's response to the crisis and simply focus on protecting lives without trying to think up some scheme to get businesses to reopen. Donald, if you want more people to respect you, focus on the crisis as a health crisis even though it is obviously much more than that. We need to know that your main concern without any doubt whatsoever is to prevent the spreading of the disease. You must inform the public, all citizens of our country wherever they are, in a very strong and serious way, they must try to stay in doors as much as possible for at least the next three weeks until further notice, and if you have to leave your home for any reason that you wear gloves and a mask if you have them and that you keep your distance from people and especially avoid any physical contact with anyone. If you are a decent human being Mr. President, this is what you will do.

  5. They are attempting to add some of the political agenda for the 'New Green Deal' (or new world order) into the relief bill.  They will hold the assistance for the American people until you agree to the far Left agenda.  This is political bullying as far as I see it.  Those business relief taxes will become 'raised taxes' on the American people as soon as they return to work.  We need to protest against or remove politicians who hold American citizens hostage at their most vulnerable time.





  7. Democrats did kill the bill. Their amendment has nothing to do with the relief. What does same day voter registration, zero ID requirements for mail-in-ballots, emission standards for airlines and Money for Planned Parenthood have to do with fighting COVID-19?

  8. 2018/ 35.5 million people just in the usa had influenza. 35,000 people died just in america. Those numbers are higher than all the numbers of corona virus right now around the entire world. And nothing was shut down. Now, china and the democrats want trump gone at any cost because the dems have noone that can beat him at the polls and china is being choked by all the tarrifs. Let that sink in..

  9. 500 billion for corporations—–oh—we are helping ourselves aren't we——all of the USA government wholly owned by Amer. inc. incp. 1/4 put aside AGAIN to assist TO BIGS TO FAIL—–but you and I—–no consequence—right!!!!!

  10. "This government was founded by geniuses and is run by idiots" I don't think a truer statement has ever been said 🤣 All the smart people are working for corporations, that's where all the money is. Not in government, federal or otherwise.

  11. Cash your check you get taxed gas station tax hand sanitizer text toilet paper taxed take a s*** in your toilet and you get taxed but we can't get no money for the social security and disability people

  12. like there is any tremendous help of any kind for the American people……..oh please keep your shitty little couple of bucks and feed some homeless people——really DO something for someone besides YOURSELVES!!!!!!

  13. The government doesn’t know how to create another imaginary number to help out people. This is just sad. These people are watching their citizen go through a rough time and what they are asking themselves is “ how can we help them?”? If I see an old woman who needs a hand to stand up I offer that hand. If I see a kid crying I offer a shoulder to cry on. If I see a homeless person in need of food or water I offer them some of mine. Do they no know what caring means? What being selfless means? These are the simple things we can do, and they’re are telling us they can’t do it with the power that they have? Where is the humanity in this? I’m deep in this problem have been pretty tight on money but by damn when I see that some is in need of any help with food I don’t think about it twice and just offer what little I can give. Things will get better but not with the set of minds we have right now.

  14. "What’s the fucking point of allowing billionaires to accrue all this money if we have to pay them every time their companies lose value?"

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