Four steps to keep calm when navigating back to work

Four steps to keep calm when navigating back to work

ABC co-host of weekend GMA, author, co-founder and host of 10 percent happier Dan Harris discusses ways to handle concerns about going back to work.

#Pandemic #KeepingCalm #DanHarris


15 thoughts on “Four steps to keep calm when navigating back to work

  1. Amazonas em chamas. Só o presidente the USA pode salvar. Estão aproveitando a Pandemia para destruir a floresta Amazônica e a Mata Atlântica. Um louco na presidência. Os norte-americanos pecam a Trump interfirir. Amazônia é o pulmão da América.

  2. For the future of the Americans, please ask the Americans to give up Trump, otherwise, he will truly lead the United States to the abyss and hell! Trump's character is not suitable for the president, yes. Ask the Senate and those who support Trump to see this clearly. Your support will only make the United States replaced by China, because in the four years Trump has been in power, the United States has gradually fallen behind China. In four years, China will Will get rid of the United States and become the big brother of the world! I believe that the American people do not want to see this situation.

  3. Still no story on the couple racially murdered praying at a cemetery in Delaware.
    Doesn't fit MSM race baiting narrative.

    Only FOOLS believe MSM


  4. I Think I’ll stay home,drink, watch Hulu and fight with the girlfriend…😁

  5. I never stopped working and was never a panicked sheeple being afraid of my own shadow because the news says to, so it’s not that hard.

  6. Don’t go’

  7. 🌲

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