Former VP Joe Biden delivers remarks on foreign policy | ABC News

Former VP Joe Biden delivers remarks on foreign policy | ABC News

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20 thoughts on “Former VP Joe Biden delivers remarks on foreign policy | ABC News

  1. He mentioned autocracy as bad.. Autocracy means to use one's country resources instead of importing or buying them. It is the sustainable way to do it.. But it allows less population and most importantly no exploitation by trading partners.. It would destroy the american empire's utility to those who are part of it.
    Sure, they still have the largest army on the earth, but we other nations are going to see clearly their cultural and political impositions on us.

  2. Excellent foreign policy speech by Joe Biden, who has commissioned a Biden Institute at the University of Delaware, his alma mater. The campaign is embroiled in the current federal administration abrogating legal international agreements (e.g., Iran nuclear deal) post the Obama-Biden administration (year 2 1/2).
    Our understanding is that Joe Biden, in this speech, does not hold the signature of President Obama on the Paris Climate Accords to "be valid across federal administrations" probably as the "perogative of the new federal administration". Thus, Kirsten Gillibrand would sign too!
    Regretfully, I am opposed to the "hate rhetoric" of the current Democratic Party (New Democrats), and am deeply concerned about America's standing to "bring Nations of the world together".
    We appreciate Biden's commitment to democracy, free elections, "trust in institutions" ("the Presidency"/jar), the intertwined fates of Nations, nuclear non-profiferation (treaties), families "at the borders", uplifting rights of girls and women, vulnerable populations and safe harbors, science and facts over fiction, freedom of religion, university research institutions in US, and commitment to our oldest allies and to all continents in the world.
    Julie Ann Racino, ASPA, International Chapter, 2019

  3. Vice President Joe Biden served under President Barack Obama in the "Obama White House" and is now running for President of the US, "hoping to achieve his Democratic Party's nomination in 2019". Julie Ann Racino, National Democratic Party, 2019 "VPs do either replace their boss or often have a path to obscurity (at fame)."

  4. Joe Biden is lying about Charlottesville, he is another crazy old Democrats who should do a service for our country by retiring, we don't deserve to be ruled by this old dude, Biden! Your time is up as you yourself said it at the last debate

  5. Black Americans no voting this ain't for us 👌👌👌

  6. Joe Biden is very ill, all joking aside he needs to retire and rest. 1 year of tough campaigning and 4 years of presidency would be too much for him. Hillary is lucky she didnt win, the 4 years might have killed her. It's a Democrat curse.

  7. This guy has strung together lines used from the last 50 years of candidates. He stammers and slurs his way through a volume of words that 1) are not true, and 2) mean absolutely nothing!!! No Joke…WTF??? Try assembling any thoughts off what Biden said. Even the audience is wondering WTF!!!

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