Former Vice President Joe Biden lays out plan to combat coronavirus | ABC News

Former Vice President Joe Biden lays out plan to combat coronavirus | ABC News

“We will lead with science.”

Former Vice Pres. Joe Biden lays out strategy for combatting the novel coronavirus, while taking aim as the Trump administration’s “severe shortcomings” in face of the outbreak.

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32 thoughts on “Former Vice President Joe Biden lays out plan to combat coronavirus | ABC News

  1. Science requires disparagement. It requires questioning in it's basic function joe 🙄

  2. Biden is asking for coronavirus inf and saying to plan the distribution by Jan is way too late.
    Do not worry Pres. Trump already did the planning of distribution was done 6 months ago.

  3. It was never about policies, it's always been about Trump and the people that don't agree with the radical left & media. If you don't agree with them, you're the problem. This radical left is solely because of Obama.

  4. His plan is basically the same as Trump's. Task force and vaccine creation. He just emphasizes the use of masks. Wish he was right about masks but they then why is Europe in resurgence of covid cases?

  5. Lol China owned USA ouch I’ll be better study Chinese language. Because he has no plan people will panic buying because he will shutdown the state no jobs and become Great Depression. No more American first, china first and now China clapping now good job ouch we’re all sold to China.

  6. i would def go check out this dudes website its flippin wild lmao… the delusions. also it seems you will be arrested for not wearing a mask if you live in a blue state.

  7. So Biden doesn't have a plan to end the Corona virus all he's saying is the same thing as the Trump part has already said if he had a really good plan and would go through his plan step by step and break it down I might Vote for him but at this point in time I'm really looking forward to Trump for four more years

  8. Woah what an impeccable plan! ‘USE SCIENCE’

  9. He has no plan other than what Trump has already done, and nothing any different on his website either. Such BS that he acts like there was anything better he could have done. NOTHING!!

  10. Joe Biden is the only person in the Country that has no idea what an idiot joe Biden is…He's totally incompetent but full of self confidence. Its an amazing combination for a Fool. Its the same for his supporters.

  11. I love the background music like something actually good is happening 😂

  12. If Biden actually had a plan, why didnt he plan on doing this before, instead if saying he will do it "IF" he wins. Only an idiot.would believe Biden on anything.

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