Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Says He Never Received Warning Of Riots | NBC Nightly News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The FBI said it sent a raw intelligence report the night before the Capitol insurrection that warned of an attack, but former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund maintains that the report never reached him.
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#FBI #CapitolInsurrection #NBCNews

Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Says He Never Received Warning Of Riots | NBC Nightly News


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Says He Never Received Warning Of Riots | NBC Nightly News”
  1. ASK PELOSI. law: "Speaker has general control of the Chamber of the House and of the corridors, passages and rooms in the Capitol and State Office Building under the jurisdiction of the House" if she outright neglected her security staff then any breach would happen. that is why she was able to order the wall around the capitol right off the bat. riot might have looked good politically tho. you are asking the WRONG PEOPLE. YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME.

  2. Good grief! Everyone in the comments section knew what was going to happen, but they didn't? What kind of clowns are running that show?

  3. WTF! Trump was telling his MAGA followers to march at the capital for weeks! Look at his previous protest rallies, his followers wear body armor, carry personal protection weapons, military gear and have metal flagpoles. Look at the BLM protest; they are young and old hippies carrying homemade cardboard signs on small wooden sticks, granola bars, and water bottles. It’s obvious that if the MAGA followers went wild, with all the hardware and body protection weapons they were carrying they could inflect a lot of damage. The BLM hippie protesters could hit you with thrown granola bars and water bottles? At the BLM protest, it looked like they called out as much military units and federal armed units that they could.

  4. There was very open chatter about civil war and threats to people about being ready for a violent revolution throughout social media's, but nobody was informed or expected an uprising……

  5. So let's keep on investigating please as unbiased as possible investigate. Find the Answer.
    Let's get to the heart. We know someone had the last say and dropped the ball. It wasn't Trump. so forget about him and investigate. Who was filming, why is everyone playing pass the buck? I can not imangine that every call isn't noted down and a condensed version of narrative.
    It is unbelievable. All this is about pass the buck. Also this is not on the level of 911, the riots this last year were far worse.
    So please investigate and ignore
    Trump if possible. This really is not about Trump. It is abut out riot mentality. Bu the easy way is always the honest way.Wouldn't you think something was wrong if you were running against someone who had cognitive ou k loopproblems?
    Anyway, you may hate Trump but at least try.

  6. Pinky power and colonial cronyism are the world's biggest threat both domestically and internationally.

    140 Capitol police suffered brain injuries, smashed spinal cords, cracked ribs, eye injuries, stabbings and 5 related deaths.

    Criminal Lawsuits can now proceed for the 140 Capitol cops, 550 congressional staffers and 514,996 dominated Covid families.

    35 Officers have been investigated and found to have helped the rioters. How do you open a locked door? Ask a cop to open the door with the key.

  7. Be cause of poor leadership, and self indulgence this country is lamo on one protection from ourselves has been for decades…. As far as the topic at hand Trump is the one that blocked all support to stop this madness. I know chain of command. USMC respected

  8. One would expect that Sund would have requested the aid of the Guard day before as he knew the hoops he'd have to jump through. That he would have set his alarm at least an hour ahead on the 6th. That he would have been the first at headquarters to insure everything was in place, and that appropriate equipment and enforcement was in place. I mean really dispite the many warnings from the FBI surely he has at least one TV in his home that he's been watching for the past 3 years where the news has been broadcasting Trump's rallies for that period of time. And surely he was aware of the planned attempt on the Michigan Govenor. Narcissist always point the blame on others. I watch the whole thing, and throughout it was always the fault of someone else or something. Sund should have been fired, not allowed to resign.

  9. Zechariah 11:5
    "Whose POSSESSORS SLAY THEM, and hold themselves NOT GUILTY 👈🏿and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.

  10. These are all Americans and in this large group of Americans are police, firefighters, military etc. Why keep pretending like this is affecting a small part of America when it's really half of America that thinks like this.

  11. A 9/11 style commission for this? Lol. What a waste of time and money. Dems have tried to turn this into Pearl harbor. The most overblown story in history.

  12. I still hate how the people in the Capitol are called the insurrectionist, while BLM and Antifa were literally burning cities and the Capitol for months but they get called "Peaceful protesters"

  13. Somebody is lying and no one wants to admit it..cmon..if I see 2000 ppl..coming..its 2000 ppl..someone must be blind or was blinded by Mr.T.

  14. Lets see you pigs call for calm when a few of your fellow pigs get offed in the street. You clowns cant even be calm when the public records you in public but you want to call for calm when you murder somebody.

  15. "military style assault on our capitol" Lmfao, if that is how our military assaults anything, I'm worried for our country.

  16. Did he watch the news? Did he hear Trump say the election was rigged? Did he hear Trump say they were all going to march down to the Capitol Building. Gee. The Capitol police need to watch the news and stay more current. Those things would have given them a clue … meanwhile the dog next door told me he felt something might go down.

  17. I can’t believe they let those people storm the capital , and y’all where worried about blacks and Mexicans taking over the country smh …

  18. oh come one, the FBI issues all kinds of warnings all the time. It's impossible to respond to all of them. Let's talk about all the FBI warnings where nothing happened.

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