Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 36 months in federal prison | ABC News

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 36 months in federal prison   | ABC News

Prosecutors in the Justice Departments Southern District of New York charged Cohen with eight felony counts in August, including tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, and campaign finance violations. Special counsel Robert Mueller, tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, tacked on an additional count of lying to Congress last month.

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47 thoughts on “Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 36 months in federal prison | ABC News

  1. This pales in comparison to what’s going on with Covid-19 in 2020.

  2. The scrotum was a good one for your mom to get ahold of you when I saw this matter to me know when you're ready to go over it with water in the basement of the month so I will send you the link for the same thing as last time we will be able to come over and play with your mom to see if she can get a room for your time as well as last week but I don't know if you need anything else please let me know if you have any questions or concerns

  3. When is trump going to jail for the income tax fraud? When it's poor people it's a big deal, when is reach people it's nothing. God doesn't like ugly. White people keep doing injustice God is watching all of u. U will pay for it soon or later

  4. What a joke this guy gets three years for committing crimes against the entire United States nation and government any gets three years, it just goes to show you that crime does pay to get out of jail in three years and be a millionaire again in one year

  5. I am amazed at that some people here beating on Cohen while at the same time ignoring some important information that was said. Cohen was following Trump's instructions as he stated in court. Which means Trump himself is just as guilty as Cohen and this is the reason why he is distancing himself and why he is saying what he is saying.

  6. Only three years. What a crooked ass country. He deserves ten times what he got. He’s just gonna do it again

  7. what a bunch of crooked judges. When bankers sold risky mortgage loans as AAA safe, which created an entire recession in 2008, and everyone lost all their investments and saving not a single person was arrested or went to jail. Hillary Clinton got the debate questions way prior to the debate so that she can prepare for the answers, why were the people responsible not sentenced to prison for trying to manipulate the outcome of an election?

  8. Cohen is supposed be a good guy…,, he just happen to hang out with the wrong guy —Frump!! I feel so sorry for him.

  9. Trump is an asshole. I mean we all know that but he just completely ditches this guy after he broke the law for him. Can't wait for the same thing to happen to Trump.

  10. Good thing he isnt a brother because if he was,his ass would had gotten 50 years.He only got 3 therefore he must be a rat to get off with a tap on the hand.I am sure he will have a job when he get out.Sound like bullshit to me.

  11. 3 years is a joke, what bullshit. So many things would still going on if not being caught
    that's what he's crying about. they were so dumb and arrogant. That whole cabal of thieves is a house of cards Donni's family is next again arrogance. Can't wait till it's jr against father looking forward to that one.

  12. He’ll probably get a suspended sentence and won’t even see a day in prison.

  13. If you're rich or well do, you get a break!
    If you're poor or an average working man, you go to jail, and for a lot longer than 3 years if you committed the same crimes!
    Justice in America is for those who can afford to pay for it!
    The poor and working man is screwed!

  14. Cohen's face looks like a sad hound dog. "He should have known better." Still possibly lying and/or holding back more information. Not to be felt sorry for in anyway. He's just one of many involved in these crimes. They will fall one after the other, and then even more will fall like dominos. Cohen can now tell more since this sentencing. Trump, "run rabbit run!" Trumpsters stop your "blind loyalty." Trump is disgusting acting like he'll never be caught, and is above the law. They are coming for you, individual-1.


    1. Michael Cohen is guilty. He will do his time.
    2. This DOES not connect to Russia.

    Let’s bring this in context because your 1k salary friends over here can’t tell you this.

    1. Michael tried to arrange a meeting with Putin and Trump. It FAILED. He end up talking to Putin’s spokesperson’s assistant instead. If you don’t believe me, it’s in the document that the Special Council have.

    Did Trump try to have talks with Russian government on having trump tower? Yes. That was before campaign and guess what? THE MEETING NEVER HAPPENED.

    So what really you guys are doing is wasting your time with Russia because they are laughing at your favourite media outlets thinking you got Trump colluding with Russia’s government. But you’re dead wrong and he fact is there is no evidence that proves Putin and his government hacked the election.

    You just don’t want to admit you lost because you thought people around the country thought like you. But not everyone thinks the way as the media pundits who make 1k a day speaking Russia instead of healthcare and foreign policy.

    Btw Mueller is a war monger who wants war with Russia just like he did with Iraq. Y’all are so pathetic.

  16. How would he know about the affairs if Trump didn't tell him?
    Why would he pay hush money without Trump knowing about it?
    It seems obvious that it took the two of them to create this problem.
    We also have the audio tape of them discussing the payment.
    Am I missing something?

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