Former Pentagon Leaders Issue Stark Election Warning | NBC Nightly News

Former Pentagon Leaders Issue Stark Election Warning | NBC Nightly News

The former defense secretaries from both parties are calling on the military to stay out of election disputes, arguing it would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory.
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#Pentagon #ElectionWarning #NBCNews

Former Pentagon Leaders Issue Stark Election Warning | NBC Nightly News


30 thoughts on “Former Pentagon Leaders Issue Stark Election Warning | NBC Nightly News

  1. .— . / — '.- .. .-. . … … . .-. / à/ – — ..- … / .-.. . … / … — .-.. -.. .- – … / –.- ..- .. / …- — -. – / .-. . -.-. . …- — .. .-. / -.-. . / — . … … .- –. . / ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. …. . — . -. – / …- — ..- … / … — ..- …. .- .. – . .-. / … . ..- .-.. . — . -. – / -.. .. … .–. .- .-. .- î- .-. . / -.. . / .-.. .- / … ..- .-. ..-. .- -.-. . / – . .-. .-. . … – .-. . / . – / -. . / .–. .-.. ..- … / .— .- — .- .. … / . -..- .. … – . .-. ,/ …- — ..- … / .–. . -. … . –.. / ..-. .- .. .-. . / .-.. .- / –. ..- . .-. .-. . / .- …- . -.-. / .-.. '.- .-. — é. / .-. é.-.. . … – . ,/ … — ..- … / .–. . -. … . –.. / –. .- –. -. . .-. ./ …- — ..- … / é–. .- .-.. . — . -. – / .-.. . … / .- . –. . … / -.. é-.-. …. .. … ./ …- — ..- … / .–. . -. … . –.. / –. .- –. -. . .-. / !/ .- …- .- -. – / -.. . / -.-. — — — . -. -.-. . .-. ,/ …- — ..- … / .- .-.. .-.. . –.. / -.. .. … .–. .- .-. .- î- .-. . / .- …- .- -. – / — ê– . / -.. . / …- — ..- .-.. — .. .-. / -.-. — — — . -. -.-. . .-. ./ .-. é..-. .-.. é-.-. …. .. … … . –.. / -… .. . -. .

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  2. broadcaster's homicide criminals,

    Do not use coronavirus 19 for your crime of evil and cover the your crime. 미국 선거에서 뉴스의 기본적인 책임을 망각을 하고 자신들이 원하는 방식으로 뉴스 방송을 조작 짜집기 하여서 내 보내고 있음. 법적으로 자신들의 범죄은닉과 범행의 이득을 위한 방송 내용들이 계속해서 나오고 있음. 방송국에 지원이 되는 모든 지원금 그리고 광고료 등 모든 돈들에 대해서도 검찰과 경찰의 조사가 필요합니다. 국민의 목숨이 속해져 있는 재앙의 홍수와 코로나 바이러스 그리고 태풍과 허리케인과 지진 등을 자신들의 악한 범죄에 맞추어서 사용을 하고 있으며 악하게 이용을 하고 있습니다. 또한 자신들의 마음에 들지 않거나 자신들의 범죄에 대한 증거의 글들이 댓글에 남기는 것을 원하지 않으며 삭제를 하고 있습니다. 그것은 공용 방송국에서 있을 수가 없는 일이며 있어서도 안되는 범죄에 해당됩니다. 언론의 자유는 국민을 위한 것이지 범죄를 저지르고 있는 방송인을 위해서 있는 것이 아님을 분명히 해야만 할 것입니다. 2020. 11. 09 이 정 연 ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS )


    Coronavirus worldwide death toll tops 13 million with 210 countries infected…/status/1282982671585443844/photo/1 Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.

    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.

    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    From Continue

    So Are you still committing a crime?

    With the National Intelligence Service and CIA of South korea and United States, as well as broadcasters and anti-Christian criminals.

    With your greed like a leech, money and power have always created problems and killed people. /

    Another worrying twist in the #CovidVic crisis with case numbers jumping by 270 — and two more deaths. The majority are still in Melbourne's north and west, but of concern now is the growing number of aged care staff and residents who are affected.

    Another worrying twist in the #CovidVic crisis with case numbers jumping by 270 — and two more deaths. The majority are still in Melbourne's north and west, but of concern now is the growing number of aged care staff and residents who are affected.

    Confirmed cases worldwide top 13 million

    The Seoul city mayor’s former secretary alleged that he asked for hugs and once sent a late-night photo of himself in his underwear, challenging the feminist credentials enjoyed by a politician who was found dead last week

    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.

    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.

    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    From Continue

    مع تزايد عدد الوفيات بكورونا.. منظمة تتبرع بنعوش منخفضة التكلفة في نيودلهي بالهند In the den of criminals South korea, Damage from heavy rains in Yeong-nam, Ho-nam and Chungcheong-do continues 2020.07.13. news / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer. The punishment of truth from GOD by Prophet Yi David 13 wildfires in Neimen, China 2020.07.13 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won" Two people died by heavy rain in Ham-yang, South korea (In the den of criminals, South korea) … Possible flooding 2020.07.13 news / Punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime Severe floods and earthquakes in China 2020.07.12. news / Punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.A, 'Mang Won")

    From 4.0 earthquake in Sichuan, China … Three time a day 2020.07.12. news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans

    From Continue/

    5.1 earthquake in Tangshan, China 2020.07.12 news/ Dogs and pigs also express gratitude to their owners.

    In the BIBLE said that those who receive grace and do not appreciate are wicked. They are only Satan and Devil

    From Continue/ 5.0 earthquake in Xinjiang, China 2020.07.13 news/ Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish ……

    #Covid19 « Nous sommes préoccupés, le risque est que cette hausse se poursuive » : les signaux d’une légère reprise de l’épidémie en France se multiplient

    Coronavirus en Guyane: "Aujourd'hui, nous devons nous battre pour ne pas mourir"

    Flórida registra 15 mil casos de Covid-19 e supera rec

  3. Just to be clear. The U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government, which includes the POTUS and U.S. military, from INTERFERING in the sovereign States' elections. Therefore, Article 25 will be implemented if the POTUS commits 'said' criminal Offense against the United States.

  4. The Deplatform of Network news here Dont worry of Antifa think about 80 Millions Voters who will never Buy Anything Media News is Selling here They come to a Broke Hollywood Cartoon Bagdad Bob Media News Network who gave them 4rs straight of the Biggest voter Hoax in History.

  5. Why now?

    How about the before the presidential election ?!

    The criminals on your station are murderers.

    America cannot be the world leader.

    This news is proof of it.

    Without European approval (and also approval of China, Russia, and even developing countries, such as South Korea and Asia) unable to become presidents of the United States

    The coronavirus has found fresh legs around the world with 259,848 new infections reported yesterday, its highest one-day tally yet. Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi / From Continue

    Whether it is a vaccine or not is still unknown.

    It would be nice to experience what your criminal broadcasters and their families call vaccines first. Of course, paying money.

    If a criminal named Biden makes a presentation about the American economy, it is a lie. And the US economy is already ruined. In particular, it was thoroughly destroyed by Coronavirus 19. If it is to deceive ignorant Americans who don't even know the global economy, they will have to suffer more terrible and cruel evils of extortion and destruction. ……………


    Wow, where does this drama come from?

    It is also a CNN broadcasting station for criminals.

    Obama, what crime have you committed against John McCain?

    John McCain's wife killed her husband twice.

    Criminal Biden The Rat is hiding behind the scenes, and Obama, the criminal, and criminals from TV and radio stations are broadcasting the crime. Antichrists are the same.

    범죄자 바이든 쥐새끼는 뒤에서 숨어 있고 범죄자 오바마와 TV와 라디오 방송국의 범죄자들이 범행에 방송들을 내 보내고 있다. 적그리스도들도 마찮가지이다.

    범죄자 바이든은 당장 정확하게 너의 정책이 어떠한 것들인지 구제척으로 사람들에게 말을 하거라. 너는 지금도 신의 종인 프로펫 이 에게 살인학살의 범행을 저지르며 그것을 강탈을 하여서 너의 것처럼 꾸미고 범죄의 방송에 발표를 하며 그때 그때 고비를 넘기고 오로지 직권남용의 권력으로 범행의 돈을 원하고 있다. 민주당의 모든 것들은 거머리이다.

    끝도 한도 없이 악한 범행을 저지르며 오로지 달라고만 하는 악한 기생충들이다.


    From the beginning, Obama couldn't be president.

    It is a 'dirty existence' from Africa that made America ruin.

    Trump falls and Biden dies brutally. He dies cruelly like the criminals of the broadcasting station, murderers in South korea and the United States. immediately


    You're stupid that don't even make a good vaccine against the cold. How can you make a 'Corona virus 19' vaccine?

    Broadcasters of the station are not telling people about the crimes of criminals. Because they are criminals like them. This newscast is made up of abominable criminals for evil purposes.

    What are famous pastors and churches in your area eating? What are they doing? Do they still get the good dress and good food and live in good house by use the love of JESUS evilly? They are evil murderers who make money by using "punishment of JESUS" as well. 'Can you have some money and food from them and they family?' Ask to them.


    What does it have to do with the women's rights movement, where the criminal Biden speaks, and hiring women in the positions of the White House and Secretary? Do they know about 'corona virus 19' and the economy? Do you have the ability? The women probably don't even know the money and wealth in their home. Start with a tax audit of their families. Forgot Hillary Clinton's'White Water'?

    범죄자 바이든이 말을 하는 여성의 인권운동과 백악관과 장관의 자리에 여성들을 고용을 하는 것이 무슨 상관이 있는가? 그들이 '코로나 바이러스 19'과 경제에 대해서 알고 있는가? 능력은 가지고 있는가? 그 여성들은 자신의 집에 돈과 재산에 대해서도 제대로 알지 못하고 있을 것이다. 그들의 가족에 대한 세무조사부터 시작을 하여라. 힐러리 클린턴의 '화이트 워터'를 잊었는가?

  6. Continue

    In conclusion, Biden, a Democrat of the United States, cannot become president with evidence on the crime of corruption in the presidential election.

    TV, radio, Hollywood, and all those involved in crime

    Groups and criminals are open, thorough and frightening punishments

    You must receive.

    In addition, by applying the Patriotic Law, the Broadcasting Law, the Religious Law and all the laws, criminals must be thoroughly punished, and they must be made so that they can no longer engage in activities in society.

    American criminals have sufficiently confusing and destroying nations and societies, and killing people in the pains of life. In addition, criminals in the United States are committing crimes along with murderers in Korean broadcasting stations, influencing crimes of evil power in the United States and Korean society. (The criminals'Mang Won')

    The United States can no longer be the world's leader unless the punishments for criminals are immediately implemented, and it is not entitled to speak not only of democracy, but also of basic moral and ethical lives.

    Naturally, common sense is that all Democrats and Democrats, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, must be subject to ethical and legal investigation and punishment. All criminals who are connected to criminals must also be punished.

    Unconditionally, the Democratic Party's Biden was defeated by a criminal presidential election, and naturally Republican Trump must become president again. There is no need to run the presidential election again. That is common sense and law. There is no need to speak any more.

    결론적으로 부정부패의 대통령 선거에 대한 범죄에 증거들이 나오고 있는 상황에서 미국의 민주당원인 바이든은 대통령이 될 수가 없다.

    TV와 라디오 그리고 할리우드는 물론이고 범죄에 가담한 모든

    단체와 범죄자들은 공개적이고 철저한 그리고 무서운 처벌들을

    받아야만 한다.

    또한 애국법과 방송법 그리고 종교법과 모든 법들을 적용을 하여서 철저하게 범죄자들을 처벌을 해야만 할 것이며 그들이 더 이상 사회에서 활동을 할 수가 없도록 만들어야만 한다.

    미국의 범죄자들은 충분히 나라와 사회를 혼란스럽게 만들고 파괴를 시켰으며 사람들을 생활의 고통들 속에서 죽게 만들고 있다. 또한 미국의 범죄자들은 한국의 방송국들에 있는 살인자들과 함께 범행들을 저지르며 미국과 한국의 사회에 악한 권력의 범죄에 영향을 행사를 하고 있다. (범죄자들인 'Mang Won')

    범죄자들에 대한 처벌들이 바로 실행이 되지를 않으면 미국은 더 이상 세계의 리더가 될 수가 없으며 민주주의는 물론이고 기본적인 도덕성과 윤리성의 생활들에 대해서도 말을 할 자격이 없다.

    당연히 상식적으로 하원에 있는 하원의장을 비롯을 í•´ì„œ 모든 민주당의 의원들 그리고 민주당원들은 윤리적이고 법적ìÂÂÂÂ


    Kayleigh McEnany

    CNN broadcaster's homicide criminals,

    Do not use coronavirus 19 for your crime of evil and cover the your crime. 미국 선거에서 뉴스의 기본적인 책임을 망각을 하고 자신들이 원하는 방식으로 뉴스 방송을 조작 짜집기 하여서 내 보내고 있음. 법적으로 자신들의 범죄은닉과 범행의 이득을 위한 방송 내용들이 계속해서 나오고 있음. 방송국에 지원이 되는 모든 지원금 그리고 광고료 등 모든 돈들에 대해서도 검찰과 경찰의 조사가 필요합니다. 국민의 목숨이 속해져 있는 재앙의 홍수와 코로나 바이러스 그리고 태풍과 허리케인과 지진 등을 자신들의 악한 범죄에 맞추어서 사용을 하고 있으며 악하게 이용을 하고 있습니다. 또한 자신들의 마음에 들지 않거나 자신들의 범죄에 대한 증거의 글들이 댓글에 남기는 것을 원하지 않으며 삭제를 하고 있습니다. 그것은 공용 방송국에서 있을 수가 없는 일이며 있어서도 안되는 범죄에 해당됩니다. 언론의 자유는 국민을 위한 것이지 범죄를 저지르고 있는 방송인을 위해서 있는 것이 아님을 분명히 해야만 할 것입니다. 2020. 11. 09 이 정 연 ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS )

    #CNNTapes: Jeff Zucker Labels Donald Trump A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud (2020. 12. 2)

    미국과 한국의 TV와 라디오 방송국을 비롯을 í•œ 모든 언론들은 이미 ê·¸ 본질과 책임감을 파괴를 시키고 오로지 자신의 출세와 돈을 위해서 경쟁을 하는 범죄자들의 소굴이 되어 있습니다. 1993ë…„ê³¼ 1994년부터 즉 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 김영삼과 ê¹€íÃ

  8. Votes more than the number of citizens. Record voting. Presidential elections and voting for criminals' crimes

    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.

    ^ Check the these links for truth ;

    Why do you close your eyes?

    You have to talk about criminals South koreans and Americans and murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary. You know that those who know the truth and close their eyes will face more cruel punishment. You know that it is a divine law and a divine order.


    You will see what GOD's punishment is !

    Criminal Biden speaks, 'Nothing wrong'.

    This is what Bill Clinton and Hillary used often. Whenever people learn about their crimes. But this time it will be different. Criminals are punished. The crime then will be punished as well.

    They will all face cruel retaliation and punishment. Immediately

    There are people who speak without evidence or evidence. It also listens to other people talking and pretends to be their own. They are at the very bottom of the evil scammers, robbers, and offspring of the devil.


    It's time to do everything you need. You must do everything you can, let alone martial law.

    필요한 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 하는 시간이다. 계엄령은 물론이고 할 수가 있는 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 한다.


    You (Twitter) already know where the problem comes from. Also, you are using your rules for the offender. This is the crime of an accomplice who is concealing and concealing criminals and helping them to commit falsely. It's also the same crime against defamation and the criminal in all things. The choice is not with me, but with you (Twitter). Penalties for crimes come true.

    당신은 (트위터) 이미 문제가 어디에서 온 것인지에 대해서 알고 있습니다. 또한 당신은 범행자를 위해서 당신의 규칙을 이용을 하고 있습니다. 이것은 곧 범죄자를 은닉을 시키고 숨기며 거짓으로 범행을 돕고 있는 공범자의 범죄에 해당이 됩니다. 또한 이러한 일은 명예훼손과 범죄자의 모든 일에 같은 범행이기도 합니다. 선택은 나에게 있는 것이 아니라 당신에게 (트위터) 있습니다. 범죄에 대한 처벌은 꼭 이루어집니다.


  9. NBC nothing but crap. You’re days are numbered. We see you for the fake news you spout. The Biden laptop is real. The election was fake. Get over it we are not fools. We are not going away. We will not stop until truth is fully exposed.

  10. ^ Check the these links for truth ;


    Why do you close your eyes?

    You have to talk about criminals South koreans and Americans and murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary. You know that those who know the truth and close their eyes will face more cruel punishment. You know that it is a divine law and a divine order.

    당신은 왜? 진실에 대해서 눈을 감고 있습니까?

    당신은 범죄자들인 한국인들과 미국인들 그리고 살인자인 빌 클린턴과 힐러리에 대해서 말을 해야만 합니다. 진실을 알고도 눈을 감는 자들은 더 잔인한 형벌을 받게 되는 것을 당신은 알고 있습니다. 그것이 신의 율법이며 신의 명령인 것도 당신은 알고 있습니다.

    Criminal Biden speaks, 'Nothing wrong'.

    This is what Bill Clinton and Hillary used often. Whenever people learn about their crimes. But this time it will be different. Criminals are punished. The crime then will be punished as well.

    They will all face cruel retaliation and punishment. Immediately

    There are people who speak without evidence or evidence. It also listens to other people talking and pretends to be their own. They are at the very bottom of the evil scammers, robbers, and offspring of the devil.


    It's time to do everything you need. You must do everything you can, let alone martial law.

    필요한 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 하는 시간이다. 계엄령은 물론이고 할 수가 있는 모든 것을 진행을 해야만 한다.


    You (Twitter) already know where the problem comes from. Also, you are using your rules for the offender. This is the crime of an accomplice who is concealing and concealing criminals and helping them to commit falsely. It's also the same crime against defamation and the criminal in all things. The choice is not with me, but with you (Twitter). Penalties for crimes come true.

    당신은 (트위터) 이미 문제가 어디에서 온 것인지에 대해서 알고 있습니다. 또한 당신은 범행자를 위해서 당신의 규칙을 이용을 하고 있습니다. 이것은 곧 범죄자를 은닉을 시키고 숨기며 거짓으로 범행을 돕고 있는 공범자의 범죄에 해당이 됩니다. 또한 이러한 일은 명예훼손과 범죄자의 모든 일에 같은 범행이기도 합니다. 선택은 나에게 있는 것이 아니라 당신에게 (트위터) 있습니다. 범죄에 대한 처벌은 꼭 이루어집니다.

    Votes more than the number of citizens. Record voting. Presidential elections and voting for criminals' crimes

    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.

  11. Please waxaa miyaad taqaaneen wLigay xaajada aduunka step step bit by bit baan ula socday. Miyaad yaabteen. Marseelaa taab leh chenlge ku haysa liontii beeraha looga yaacay waxa loo arki waayey caydiid baa dhawaaq dheeraaa isku gudbay.

  12. Do what u do mr .president bye any means necessary they didnt want to investigate the evidence .its a global cover with foreign actors .the Russian collusion was a coverup and diversion to throw the public off to what had orchestrated against the president .its a shame and coup.their is no way joe biden won .the trilateral commission years ago warn us .now their is tape in circulation giving full detail of the federal reserve actors in play and the global reset plan to take over control people land and distribution of wealth ..foreign elites calling the shots .america yes dark days for yall.joe biden is a fraud a player actor no more bought and paid for .war of civil unrest is on the horizon .mr.trump love this country the rest has sold out and all their millions want protect them they will be sorry. For selling this country out

  13. Call in THE NANNIE (UK) the parents in the GOP family are totally dysfunctional and the infant 👶 totally out of control! Naughty chair needed for BIGGEST EVER TIMEOUT….

  14. Not the military, but an Active Militia can do it! When a state of tyranny is reached…we are to rise up and take down anyone and anything that opposes the Constitution!,+active+militia
    United States Militia – Wikipedia The U.S. Supreme Court adopted the following definition for "active militia" from an Illinois Supreme Court case of 1879: " 'a body of citizens trained to military duty, who may be called out in certain cases, but may not be kept on service like standing armies, in times of peace'. . .
    THE MILITIA CLAUSES | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US Law …
    Why We Can't Ignore the "Militia" Clause of the Second …

  15. ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️TRUMP2020⭐️🇺🇸⭐️

  16. Trump doesn't believe a word he says. He does it for the sole reason of putting doubts in weak people's mind. Trump is not stupid when it comes to manipulating people. English is Trump's second language, lying is his first.

  17. All of the republic party must united together because union will live , division will die. The truth must repay the truth . The Covid deaths who knew it , are following the trickers to claim life . Too many tricked evidences why are there many people ignore it ? Where are their conscience. moral , righteousness.., . Remember ! The ghost money will return to the evil .

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