Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially enters 2020 presidential race | ABC News

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially enters 2020 presidential race | ABC News

The announcement comes shortly after the billionaire dropped more than $37 million on campaign ads.

#ABCNews #FormerNYCMayor #MichaelBloomberg #2020Election #PresidentialCandidate


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47 thoughts on “Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg officially enters 2020 presidential race | ABC News

  1. "F" that guy. Mike Bloomberg is so shady acting. Let us not forget about how little he cares about the constitution and our civil rights and liberties. If it was up to him, the constitution would go bye bye.

  2. More green scene garbage…
    Michael Bloomberg is paying the salaries of lawyers who are farmed out to liberal state attorney general offices to pursue climate-based litigation — amounts to Bloomberg buying state law enforcement employees to advance his preferred political agenda.

  3. LOL finally a video that doesn't have the comments turned off you know this guy's in trouble when he has to disable the comments section to all of his videos LOL little man little brain little chance!!!

  4. Warren is worth 12 million plus but talks like a bag lady. Bernie a millionaire and thinks a grassroots campaign is going to get it done.
    Bloomburg has spent millions to keep us in the Paris Climate Accord. Millions on gun control programs. He has 20,000 people in his employee, provides top notch healthcare and 6 months maternity leave. He's committed to providing support to the Democratic nominee until the election whether he's the nominee or not. He's running to rebuild the damage that's been done, address gun control, (not taking your gun), healthcare, not kicking you off your plan, climate control, because it's real. Bloomberg's been a leader without being a president. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. I encourage you to look at the crime and murder demographics for NYC for the last 20 years as well as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's record on crime.

  5. Bloomberg cheated the political system! Why did he get to bypass the initial standards for poll percentage, donors amounts for each state. Why have a process then bypass the process. I'm voting for Trump 100 percent but I would rather have Bernie Sanders in office based of legitamacy over Bloomberg.

  6. Bloomberg gets 3 Terms as Mayor, will he also decide he wants 3 Terms as President ““Should the City Council vote to amend term limits, I plan to ask New Yorkers to look at my record of independent leadership and then decide if I’ve earned another term,” he said. “As always, it will be up to the people to decide, not me.”The mayor maintained he was still a supporter of term limits. “You’re not taking away term limits,” he said. “You’re simply going from two terms to three terms.”” 2008 NYTimes article

  7. Bloomberg is the Democrats only hope. That fact that he's not an extreme leftist is GOOD for the party. I am a 28 year union member. Union members don't like extreme leftist politics! Most of my coworkers voted for trump. I'm more left then most of my coworkers and I can't stand extreme leftist anymore then the racist right wing lunatics. Got back to what all working class Americans want, stop focusing on fringe agendas, and the candidate will crush trump!

  8. One thing about Bloomberg, he has plenty of money to spread he’s lies and propaganda by the media company’s he owns. Just what America needs. Ugh, can you say “out of touch”?

  9. Now let's talk about the ads. Can we talk about the ads, please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about the ads with you all day, OK? "Mike Bloomberg," this name keeps coming up over and over again. Everyday, Bloomberg's ads are getting sent to me. Michael Bloomberg! Michael Bloomberg! I watch videos on YouTube, and this whole site is Michael Bloomberg! So I say to myself, "I gotta find out about this guy! I gotta go online and look at the polls and tell google to get me off this ad list! Otherwise, they're never going to get it and Bloomberg's going to keep showing up on my videos." So I go up to the polling sites and what do I find out, Mac? What do I find out?! There'll be no Bloomberg victory. This presidency will not exist, okay? So I decide, "Oh shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper." There's no hope for the Bloomberg campaign? You gotta be kidding me! I got folders full of Bloomberg!

  10. VOTE MIKE BLOOMBERG😍😍😍😍😍🤝💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  11. He's smarter than all of the other candidates. There is no question. He's not a fake billionaire like Trump. He's an actual billionaire who has created one of the most influential companies in the world.

  12. VOTE FOR Bloomberg I will 👍 yes for Michael no for this dictator TRUMP🔺🔺🔺

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