Former member of ‘Incel’ community speaks out about dangerous misogyny I Nightline

Former member of ‘Incel’ community speaks out about dangerous misogyny I Nightline

A new BBC documentary highlights the subculture consisting mostly of men that began as a community for providing comfort and evolved into one that led some individuals to real-life violence.



#Nightline #Incel #Misogyny #ElliotRodger #Prejudice #IslaVista


33 thoughts on “Former member of ‘Incel’ community speaks out about dangerous misogyny I Nightline

  1. Maybe if some ugly girls who are 3’s didn’t think think they deserve a Brad Pitt looking guy, those young guys would’ve gotten laid and not done what they did.

  2. Apart from incels‘ retarded behaviors and philosophy,women should also stop being shallow and good looking men should stop making fun of non good looking men

  3. The term incel is just the stupidass sjws way of labeling guys who don't agree with feminism and that crappy metoo movement(was there a pun there lol), just because we hate feminism, doesn't mean we hate women ya bigoted tiny minded idiots

  4. My unsolicited advice( truly feel for everybody hurting, but these often help me):

    " go to the library" Professor
    Michio Kaku. Brilliant physicist.( If he weren't already taken, I could have easily fallen in love with that man🙏)

    " get mind off self" seek out someone worse off ( to encourage, help, listen to, cultivate gratitude for what you DO have etc.)

    "pray/ meditate/ be still/ quiet your mind"

    "go for a walk"( even if inside. The chemicals produced during exercise will help you feel better).

    *not meant to cure or heal,& not meant to be insensitive. Also not always helpful. Sometimes loss and grieving simply is too great and we just need to grieve or endure that pain for a time. Growth is painful, but also leads to more wisdom from experience 🙏

  5. I'm an incel but I don't go around shooting people, instead I go practice Jiu-Jitsu, hit the mits to pent out my anger against women, work out a lot, still no women wants me or even look my way, guess what I hate but that's my reality I got to face, it's just an outlet I put out instead of being Eliot Roger, I just put out all my anger on stranioues activities.

  6. It is a growing group. Men on dating apps are being split into two groups 20% who get all the girls and 80% get none. This is feeding this group and will lead to more issues. We have a choice of blaming them and watch it grow or try to solve the problem.

  7. As a truck driver i don't fit anywhere in society, i get no respect, and no one values my contribution to society. That don't mean i'm going to follow a herd of morons like incel, or proud boys, or ne-nazis, or kkk, or white supremacists to overturn our Sacred Democracy. People don't owe me anything, so i don't demand anything i haven't eared. The only thing i demand is my paycheck because i earned it.

  8. Equal rights either give equally or get equalized justice, everybody "needs" IT. And should get "it." Or nobody should. Don't start sh** they won't be sh*.

  9. How mad do you have to be to think that you are entitled to a relationship just by existing? To what extent do you have to see women as objects for that to be possible?

  10. The reason women don’t go for these guys is either because they give off a really creepy vibe (Elliot Rodger) or sad pathetic desperation, neither are attractive.

  11. I’m not sure why these guys think they are so special. You have to be able to get along with people if you want to have a relationship. Instead they cheer for all women to fail ( even calling them fefails) and condone rape, assault and cheating good women. 33 Secrets, Donovan Sharpe get these losers to pay them for advice on how to score. They never get meaningful relationships though that way. It’s a vicious cycle. The older the incel, the more crusty and bitter too.

  12. 744 dudes pupils are huge must’ve just done a line of coke

  13. Name calling is not the game here. People should realise that these people are lonely. If we dont comeup with a solution fast these incidents will increase or prosititution will be rampant.

  14. The incels are recognizing a problem in society. All these women in the comments saying that this threat must be stopped should look in the mirror for the answer. Newsflash!! Sex placates men. Also attractive women placate men more than unattractive women. Men also want to raise sons. So Be attractive + Placate men + make babies = No more threat. Simple. Any arguments otherwise is unfettered selfishness from the female.

  15. You don't see women forming these groups and mass murdering. And women are more judged on their appearance. But these insecure whiney babies have the audacity to think they inherently deserve relationships. Take responsibility for your life, learn a skill, go better yourself.

  16. I feel kinda like this that’s why I had to take a break from social media all the women that have wasted my time flaked on me and led me on and friend zoned me is horrible even thinking about it now winds me up to no end! Personality and attitude means nothing! You become negative after women not wanting you/your bad experiences in the first place and rightly fully so! Women have a vendetta against me I personally believe

  17. There's someone out there for everyone. So please don't do what Elliot Rodger did 👍✌️🥃

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