Former member of Biden’s security team reacts to latest Jan. 6 revelations | ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

John Cohen, a former member of President Joe Biden’s transition team and an ABC News contributor, reacts to the latest news from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capital.

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By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Former member of Biden’s security team reacts to latest Jan. 6 revelations | ABCNL”
  1. Joe Biden is already shifting into campaign mode, recently releasing a video on Twitter detailing the threat to Social Security represented by Republicans Rick Scott and Lindsey Graham. Except, what about the threat to Social Security represented by Joe Biden, who on multiple occasions in his Senatorial career sought to cut Social Security and who just recently appointed Andrew Biggs, a longtime advocate of privatizing Social Security, to the nation's Social Security Advisory Board?

  2. Capture trump lure all his supporters to a cliff toss trump over cliff watch all his supporters follow him over the cliff problem solved! We’ve rid ourselves of americas rejects! Celebrate 🎉 🥂

  3. Dear President Biden: This would be a great time to make 'Hillary Clinton' the 'Head of DOJ'. She is more qualified than any lawyer or Congressmen currently in office! She would be totally un-biased and not scared to hang Ol-Tub-Of-Guts-Trump for Treason huh! Trump used everything he had in the 'Dirty Tricks Done Dirt Cheap' so he should know better than anyone else, "What comes around, goes around"! Cat got your tongue still 'Trumpy Doodle Puss Sore'?

  4. This hearing has been the best thing for the Republican Party since Jimmy Carter….Please keep airing these lies and BS! 🤣😂🤣😂

  5. Bannon knew. Stone knew. Several Repub politicians knew. The Pride Boys and Crypt Keepers knew. Trump didn't know? Bullshit!

  6. They regret cause they got caught. If they didn’t get caught. They would still be celebrating. When trump and admin, family, senator and congressmen and attorneys are found guilty and sentences are life no parole or death for treason. Then true Americans and constitution will celebrate for days!🥳🥳👏🏼👏🏼

  7. I've never cared much for Trump, but I must admit, the guy has a tremendous talent for attracting and using idiots. Most of them believe he's the Risen Christ.

  8. Pathetic ! If Old, Senile, Joe Biden Is Moving His Lips ,….. He's……. LYING ! Let's Go Brandon ! Just Pathetic ! Biden Is A Lying , Corrupt, SENILE , Liberal Controlled Puppet ! A Complete EMBARRASSMENT For Americans , And Is Joke Of A Leader Of The Free World ! No One , No One Respects Biden And The Liberal Controlled Media Desperately Covering For Biden's Mistakes And His Liberal Agenda Hurting And Destroying Our America ! Biden And His Liberal Controllers Have NO CLUE Of The Damage They Have Done ! Out Of Control Border Illegal Immigration, Gender, Racial Divide , Identity Policies , Staggering Inflation/Gas Prices Are All BIDEN'S FAILURES ! Biden's So-Called 80+ Mil. Votes ? Who Really Believes That ? …… Come On Man ! lol

  9. Taco Tuesday – Jill and Joe are racist of all People – remember good old Joe “Come On Man – you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” and now Jill saying Hispanics are like Tacos ….
    Now we are in the worst economic crash / retirement savings Trillions wiped out, Inflation / Interest rates, Fuel cost everything cost double or more thanks to Joe’s failed leadership………..

  10. Remember the Russia hoax people, when Democrats lied, and lied AND lied for years even to their own constituents. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Same routine as the Kavanaugh, Gorsuch & Russia smears, they bring in another version of Christine Blasey Ford for sworn 'here say' testimony LOL. These "hearings" are literally ran by some the same liars who perpetrated the Russia hoax hearings which proved to be completely BS created by the Democrats themselves and cost taxpayers millions & millions all to GET TRUMP. Its not just Biden who is corrupt, the Democrats hid Biden in his bunker from the American people, the press, because they knew he had at the least cognitive issues and early stages of dementia. Today's Democrat party is corrupt to the core. This committee is a collection of anti Trumpers Thompson, Raskin, Shiff, Aguilar. Just another attempt to smear Trump at taxpayers expense. Pelosi handpicking two Republicans RINOS, Liz Cheney & Adam Kezinger to make it appear fair and non partisan is not only slimy but an insult to your intelligence. Zero credibility for this firing squad. Democrats aren't even good at corruption.

  11. 👆👆👆You’re the best sir I’m really so happy with your mining software it really work has you told me😇🤲🙏

  12. Whomever is the real person in charge of the country is scared to death of white supremacists. There answer is to literally flood the country from all over the world. Next on the list is to give them the right to voter or citizenship. Mayorkas is a pawn for Biden. Joe Biden is a pawn for ? Have you seen all the pregnant woman crossing the border? $15K a child birth with no complications. Schools, from K-12 it costs taxpayers on average of $122,000 for EACH illegal alien student. This does not include the millions spent on bilingual ED, instructors, daycare. School class size's are negatively impacted and our students suffer as a result. $3Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate, process Illegal aliens in the Criminal justice system. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance program. Emergency services, every police, fire,paramedic for city & states increase dramatically. Taxpayers pay for all hospital, emergency room treatments, ambulances. Our children and grand children will be pay for this in the future as we will now.

    …………………..It's a great plan! Allow an invasion and the American taxpayers pay for the invaders themselves.

  13. 👆👆👆You’re the best sir I’m really so happy with your mining software it really work has you told me😇🤲🙏

  14. Is your socialist State Representative listed?
    Congressional Progressive Socialists who recently voted “NO” on the bill to protect USSC Justices and their families. To this date the federal government has not supplied protection for the justices at their homes. Demonstrators at the Justices homes are in violation of two federal laws. Merrick Garland does nothing. This is the same group that voted for de-funding the police, voting rights for illegal aliens, 'Gun control', and support open borders.

    Maxine Waters (Calif.), Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (MN), Cori Bush (Mo.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), Joyce Beatty (Ohio), Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.), , , Adriano Espaillat (N.Y.), Jesús García (Ill.), Sylvia Garcia (Texas), Veronica Escobar, (Texas), Josh Gottheimer, (N.J.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Steven Horsford (Nevada), , Brenda Lawrence (Mich.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Norma Torres (Calif.) Tom Malinowski (N.J.), Marie Newman (Ill.), ,Bill Pascrell (N.J.), Donald Payne (N.J.), Ed Perlmutter (Colo.), Mikie Sherrill (N.J.), Albio Sires (N.J.), Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), and Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.)

    *10 of the 28 listed are from NY & NJ.

  15. Something I've asked some of these nutballs is 'What exactly do you think will happen if you're successful in overthrowing the government?' They give the most insane answers, if they answer at all, as it usually just pivots to name calling and hair pulling. They're like, "We won't have these high gas prices, or inflation or tyranny! Boo wah!'
    To which I reply, 'Seriously????'
    They're right. We'll have astronomical gas prices, if gas is even able to be delivered at all, for starters. The US economy will collapse, INSTANTLY. Inflation? How about STARVATION? Tyranny? Nope! Anarchy!' Things would get beyond bad. They'd get dystopian. These nutballs have zero clue of all of the things that government does for us, that so very, very many people take for granted. From managing the country itself to getting our groceries into stores, making sure our electric grid functions to keeping water running through our pipes, to maintaining roads and bridges to law enforcement. They just have no clue, except to know they're pissed off, usually because of poor decisions THEY have made in their lives and their own misplaced sense of entitlement!
    I can't help but wonder how it would be if they spent even a fraction of the energy they use fighting the government to support it instead!

  16. You imbeciles! The government is the evil corrupt enemy, not the people who "stormed their house" or Trump. You got it backwards! Of course they don't want an insurrection, what fascist regime does?

  17. 🇮🇩🇮🇩✋✋💖💖

  18. But Im a gentleman when I should be. Im ruthless when I need to be. And Im everything you need. When you want me to be. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. And I am unmovable . Adamant , and withstanding. I believe in moral foundations. And old school manners. I have great reading and comprehention skills. I am not a great speller. Nor do I cringe at it. Because I believe the importance is in what we say not in perfection. Because that is an illusion. Man is not perfect. Ego is the enemy of the world. Greed , lust for power ,lust for flesh. Manipulators who tell you what you are and what you can be. That is what I intend to change.

  19. KEYWORDS – Former China Joe's Transition Team, ABC NEWS Contributor, REACTS
    This shows how BIAS and Desperate ABC so-called NEWS, AND who they will get to talk to anyone so they can say anything as long as it's against President Trump
    NOV22 Red Wave and a decade before the Democratic Socialist get a seat back at the Big Boys table
    TRUMP2024 to clean up this mess

  20. Do you believe in coincidence? Just like the coincidence that Trump just so happens to fully support Russian interests over American interests given that the Russians helped Trump get elected in 2016 (leaving NATO, sowing division in the US, baselessly undermining US elections, pulling US troops out of Europe)…. What a coincidence

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