Former Georgia prosecutor discusses possible hate charges in spa shootings – Car Mod Pros Portal

B.J. Pak, former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, discusses potential hate crime charges in the Georgia spa shootings case and the rise in attacks on Asian Americans nationwide.

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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Former Georgia prosecutor discusses possible hate charges in spa shootings”
  1. Any hate crimes should be sent to Jail. Any killing should be executed with death penalty without sympathy because the ones lost good lives cannot be found forever!!

  2. The worse thing ever to happen to Trump was win the election in 2015. Now he's exposed to all kinds of criminal activities that won't go away. Prison is around the corner for the man who brought hatred and division to America. The hatred continues today because of him. White supremist back him all the way because of that. He's the devil claiming to be a GOD. That's a big laugh!

  3. This never changes unless murder is given death penalty because murder already killed 8 people + I don't know why people are so stupid that they are questioning the murder instead of giving death penalty directly! Awful cruel act ! This kind of incident happened a lot!!!

  4. I noticed that whenever there is physical, verbal, body language attacks, and malicious treatment of Asians, they do all kinds of mental gymnastics and narrative twists to say it wasn't a racist hate crime. Let's face it and be honest here there is hatred towards Asians for a long time even before the pandemic that they couldn't openly say it but they all had hateful racist thoughts about Asians inside their minds. Covid gave them some excuse to carry out these physical attacks.

  5. it was a hate crime…the crime was he wanted a "Happy Ending" and didn't get it. so he became a hater.

  6. This is textbook definition of a hate crime on the basis of gender and race. This 21-year-old white male targeted Asian spas because of his alleged sex addiction toward woman. Also, fuk, captain Jay Baker, I hope you won’t have a ‘bad day’.

  7. He took away eight lives, his life no more valuable. I certainly don’t want to spend a penny feeding him in jail. Death sentence is only justice.

  8. Because if the killer was a different color he would get a different sentence? Luckily everyone knows you brainwash people into thinking white people are after them. Maybe you should focus on catching jessie smolletts attackers… they haven't been caught. Most likely they are close by plotting on you, they always are.

  9. UP Coming Rally. Please help spread the word. 3/20 – Brisbane – 4 PM – Stand with Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity to Denounce Racism Community Park was – 198 San Francisco Ave, Brisbane, CA  94005 * 3/22 – SF – “Stand Up for Asians” AAPI Solidarity #JusticeForVicha Rally – 850 Bryant – 8:30a – Noon

  10. SO STUPID and biased. He has a sex addiction and went to these prostitution places. He did a stay in rehab over this. It tormented him and this is how he saw an out. NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE! Follow the facts for once liberal agenda driven media!

  11. Media is stirring the race war again. The American media are pathetic. This guy is a regular customer to these massage facility. He probably trying to have sex with these Asian women and he got rejected. Probably that motivated to do this heinous crime.Unless, any evidences media should not judge this as a hate crime.

  12. Abc still race baiting😂😂😂😂

  13. Asian Americans, it is really important to recognize that talk is cheap.
    Don't fall for this lip service from politicians and government
    agencies. Judge people (This government) by their ACTIONS and not by
    their empty words. Nothing but empty words from this government! look
    at the various law enforcement agencies trying to minimize the
    attacks!!! Time to fight back, people have a right to defend themselves!
    Organize further, demand to be heard and have equal representation!
    Georgia Officials, the country and the world are WATCHING you!

  14. another group in America that is so badly treated , geesh so tried of it . However hating America and Americans ( with not other name in front of American ) has been a communist tool, The communist said , " we will destroy America from the inside " now in all walks of society in America dog catcher , local gov't, schools, … fed'l gov't . it is imbred , in dna , is taught , handed down … Robert Aaron Long may be a convenient scapegoat ? But if not he probably meant what he said why or what is reported he said . Evidently he did Not give the police a hard time .

  15. Hate may have been happening for decades, but there is zero denying that it has gotten worse… WAY WORSE… and it is due to the rhetoric surrounding the pandemic, which was led by our loser ex-President!!! And all of his Trumpculticans followed along. I saw a thread the other day… it had a product being shown that was Made in China, and the comments there made by Trumpculticans were AWFUL!!! All were directly tied to them ignorantly blaming China for the current virus still being out of control. They are too stupid to see the facts. Facts such as China and the majority of the entire world got over the virus quickly and naturally, all but the US was left to struggle, due to mismanagement of the virus by our failed leadership at that time. Instead of following actual facts and paying attention to reality around them, they chose to follow a buffoon and play off his lead of false words!!! It is sickening really. America had become a disgusting place to be. I never thought I would be ashamed, embarrassed, or scared to be an American… yet here I am!?! Never did I ever think one man could have such a negative influence on so many people!?! People here are beyond help it seems. Scary times for sure… and disgraceful ones too at that!!!

  16. If this was reversed and a person of color shot 6 white women and then tried to say it was because of sex addiction, I feel like white America would be beyond furious. That person would get swift justice right to the electric chair. Wouldn’t be surprised if lynchings would be on the rise too.

  17. Hatrisem against women & race and killed 8 innocent people. We won't stay calm anymore.. we will fight with this now.. This is serious violence. Do not allow him to see out side of jail until he die.

  18. I think everyone hates Asians because their proud country of China bought many anonymous and they seem not understand why many peoples are deadly suffers and annoying by that. Chinese people should against Chinese Government if, they think they are righteous before God. From Orient of 🇯🇵 Japan

  19. Why did the Atlanta Police-Chief and Sherriff sound like the killer's defense-attorneys and psychiatrists?

    They seemed to imply since "two of the victims were white" this rules out "hate-crime".

    Reminded me of the "Twinkie-Defense" used by Dan White in the City-Hall shootings of very gay San Francisco.

    Whether it's "sugar-addiction" or "Sex-addiction"– Man's struggle with "porn" and "temptation" is as old as "Adam & Eve".

    Meaning "menstruation" is the "Devil's-work". Thus the Taliban dads cannot be blamed for "honor-killings"; Or Isis-type shootings at Night-Clubs like 'Pulse'.

    As the Sherriff emphasized: "He was ABSOLUTELY working alone." Society had NOTHING to do with it. Case closed.

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