Former followers, family members recall Heaven’s Gate tragedy: 20/20 The Cult Next Door Preview

Former followers, family members recall Heaven’s Gate tragedy: 20/20 The Cult Next Door Preview

Former members who shared their experiences for the first time, loved ones of deceased followers and authorities who worked on the case spoke with Diane Sawyer about the Heaven’s Gate tragedy.

Cult members were required to follow an extremely structured schedule while living under Marshall Herff Applewhites direction, like attending hours-long lectures and being told when to shower.

Stream Diane Sawyers full 20/20 special The Cult Next Door: The Mystery and Madness of Heavens Gate – now on Hulu:

Watch The Full Episode Here:

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#2020 #HeavensGate #CultNextDoor


41 thoughts on “Former followers, family members recall Heaven’s Gate tragedy: 20/20 The Cult Next Door Preview

  1. Guess what, ABC? No one who pays for internet wants to sign up for Hulu. Put your crappy teasers there. PS Why is Diane Sawyer still there? Drunk on-air, a vile, vicious woman. We haven't forgotten how you did Britney and Whitney, you old witch.

  2. I miss you PETER JENNINGS! What's the news going up there? ❤❤❤❤❤

    Applegate is boring af. He rambles.

  3. RiP, truely very sad , and shocking , they are academic well versed and affluent people, I saw this news in my childhood, it was shocking , i was came to know that there is something called concept of cult 😳 looks like #CIA funded project 🤯

  4. There's still cults even here in CA. My coworkers daughter joined one. They call the old Asian woman God. She's like 70 or 80yrs old, they pray to her, give her $ praise her. Smh. Crazies. My coworker has tried everything possible to get her daughter out of that and the daughter is like possessed. She leaves home at 3-4am to go "pray" to her, she gives her most her paycheck. I don't get these people. Smh.

  5. Oh, Dear Christ worshipers!

    Oh, Christ worshipers! We want an answer to our question from your wise.

    If the Lord was murdered by some people’s act…what sort of god is this?

    We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If yes,
    blessed be they..they achieved the pleasure of His

    But if He was discontented….this means their power subjugated His!!

    Was the whole entity left without a Sustainer… so who answered the prayers?

    Were the heavens vacated…when He laid under the ground somewheres?

    Were all the worlds left without a God…to manage while His hands were nailed?

    Why did not the angles help Him when they heard him while he wailed?

    How could the rods stand to bear the True Lord when He was fastened

    How could the iron reach Him and His body pinioned?

    How could His enemies’ hands reach Him and slap His rear

    And was Christ revived by himself…or the Reviver was another god?

    What a sight it is!A grave that enclosed a god!
    What’s more weird is the belly that had Him in it!

    He stayed there for nine months in utter darkness…fed by blood!

    Then he got out of the womb as a small baby,
    weak and gaping to be breastfed!

    He ate and drank, and did what that naturally resulted in
    Is this a god??!!

    High Exalted be Allah above the lies of Christians
    All of them will be held accountable for their libels

    Oh cross worshipers…for what reason is it exalted
    and blamed who rejects it?

    Is it not the logic to break and burn it along with the one who innovated it?

    Since the Lord was crucified on it…and his hands were fastened to it?

    That is really a cursed cross to carry…so discard it
    Don’t kiss it!

    The Lord was abused on it…and you adore it?
    So you are one of His enemies!!

    If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the worlds

    why don’t you prostrate yourself and worship graves,

    since the grave contained your god in it?

    So, Christ worshiper, open your eyes,
    this is what the matter is all about.

    -Ibn Qayyim


  6. The house is LONG gone and an empty lot is there now! The poor neighbors that endured this! They also changed the street name! I think the homeowners bought their lot out which if true would to me it would be a wise choice!

  7. What a screwball!!!! Applewhite…. And speaking of "Star Trek" there was an episode where this town had people walking around in a smiling daze saying, "Peace, peace be to all." This cult turned these poor ones into smiling simpletons! Very sad, tragic and pathetic….looking for answers.

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  9. Great work from 👆👆 they added funds to my PayPal making me and independent single mom of three kids

  10. That’s weird. I had trouble with both the church rectory & pyramid schemes, no way I could have stood this. This also shouldn’t detract from the reality of the UFO phenomenon. The traumatic & favorable experience individuals have from all walks of life. Star Trek has done a lot of good helping people to cope & understand the unexplainable outside the social constructs our CULTures norms. The unbelievable futuristic IPADs of DS9 are now almost a thing of the past. Star Trek is good, & nothing about its advanced scientific concepts indicate suicide, but rather the opposite, a preservation of life, existence, & death escaping exploration with triumph & victory. There’s more to our physical bodies & environments then just ghosts & banshees too, Star Trek tries to help define these metaphysical & quantum physical complexities.
    Hope that’s clear I’m eating. The chickens dry & I need water, post workout

  11. The biggest issue with Americans idealized reverence for religious freedom… is that same unfettered desire to protect freedom of religion also protects CULTS… ONE MANS WINE ONE MANS POISON… you can't have religion without it turning into a cult. Sorry fools your going to go down with your fever dreams…. Terrorism… child abuse… human sex trafficking… animal cruelty… environmental destruction… domestic violence… can somehow someway be linked to organized religion… and just in case one of your religion of choice wants to break out with the … no not mine… put a mirror up to it… and you'll find one if not all of the choices in this message.

  12. I don’t feel sorry for any of them. Not one bit. What have we lost as a nation or species now that these weak minded sycophants are gone ?

  13. “Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg.

  14. Absolutely no different than the American people who are caught up in the MSM Cult. They believe it blindly without question or investigation. They would give their lives literally on what the media tells them (the covid poke) and not think twice about it. And they defend what the media tells them as the gospel truth calling all other facts nothing but conspiracy theories even getting angry when confronted with something that counters their media-god gospel. They are extremely uncomfortable with any cognitive dissonance or other ideas than what they have been told. It’s really no different than the Heavens Gate or Jim Jones cults. The American people have been effectively programmed. And they don’t even see it!

  15. My pastor at the time preached about what separates faith with cultish behavior is – you should still have your free will – to stay or leave. And that someone who tells you to dress like, act like, think like and be like each other without your individuality is a cult. And that your life is less important than the “group” is a lie. So very sad. I pray their relatives find peace.

  16. Why would yall emphasize names like "Detective Scully" and "Agent Mulder"? Are you trying to further conspiracy theories? Especially with QAnn constantly stealing motifs, tropes, and characters of Star Trek itself?

  17. Funny how they were the pretext for trumpturd supporters LMAO 😂

  18. Sad stuff for all left behind to learn what happened…sadder still is the last lady "I wish she would have found something worthwhile to live here'…thats the child in her speaking up as a grown woman. Can't even begin to imagine…😞


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