Former Florida governor addresses Miami Beach closings, federal response – Car Mod Pros Portal

Rick Scott, who is under quarantine after being exposed to Brazilian delegation that tested positive for the novel coronavirus, shares his thoughts on Florida’s preparedness to combat COVID-19.

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By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “Former Florida governor addresses Miami Beach closings, federal response”
  1. Hello, I'm
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  3. Rick Scott, the guy that used our 77 Millions to pay his friend to build a Rigged employment website! He should be in Jail for that. Millions of Floridians did suffer from it this last past months under quarantine /Covid-19! Don't forget this guy at the next election to be send back home!!!!

  4. De Santis is such lier don’t want to tell the number of dead’s in Florida 👺💀💀💀💀💀💀😷😷😷🦠🦠

  5. this deep state seems to go deep, since media still pushes propaganda about the Corona virus which is a hoax. What a joke, factually beaches with clean breeze is the last place anyone would get covid, therefore beaches should open asap. Ask Dr. Shiva or Kaufmann, covid is a harmless virus created by special interest. If the masses(idiots) want to dig a hole in their backyard and hide there for 10 years because the believe the devils, do it, but rest of the world should have their civil rights to go to the beach and nature when they want. It's paid by our tax money !

  6. Let me see if I have this right. So when the citizens don't behave as instructed, they get their toys taken away?…In this instance the beach. This is utterly ridiculous and the police should be ashamed of themselves for enforcing it but then that's what people ( police ) do when they place a job over what is morally right. Life is full of inherent risks and when people choose to take certain risks then it's on them. Are police handing out sunscreen so that the beach goers don't get skin cancer? The answer is a resounding NO. By the way it's estimated that approximately 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. If our country really had our health and well being in their best interest then they would outlaw cigarettes. According to the CDC cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year and is estimated to cause more than 480,000 deaths annually. That's 1500 deaths per day with no end in sight, not to mention the strain on our medical system. This seems more about controlling behavior so that it's more aligned with a narrative that, in my opinion, simply not there and the social engineers behind this charade are worried that the grand illusion will be revealed for what it truly is- A Grand Illusion. When intelligent people look at death due to other causes than a nasty virus then it is seen for what it actually is….a NASTY VIRUS. But there is more to this than meets the eye. Only time will tell..

  7. And here’s a Great vacation spot for Florida residents: Avery County, North Carolina. Specifically, the town of Banner Elk. It’s in the Blue Ridge Mountains where it’s cool in the summer. Very safe. Too safe even. And what’s more, zero cases of Covid.

  8. No vaccine sorry this was all plan damic people need to look deeper into what's going on he's knows it's about using power to control the people lier why don't they never open up again 🔥🔥🔥😤😤😤😤

  9. Florida… just moved here, the beaches, the weather, nature, and ….WTF??? So many stupid people, starting with the governor, so irresponsible.

  10. These a-holes are responsible for all those cases and deaths in Florida.
    Governor should have called in the national guard, gassed these idiots and then thrown them into a gulag

  11. This is a form of Martial Law. Stores will empty, people will ask for help then the government steps in and act like Nazi's.

  12. Gee maybe if we had our companies not oversees we would have had plenty of medical supplies and people would’ve been way more financially better off….

  13. Can YOU afford 30 days without a job income??? We the People can't! My family is going to lose their home just because they have to stay home and can't work from home.

  14. You knew it was coming,you knew how many other countries have suffer….but still most of them has not taking seriously enough…but before the worse is coming please repent and surrender yourself to the Lord…only Almighty God our saviour Jesus Christ can make miracle happen and protect you….love frm india(mizoram)🙏🙏🙏🙏

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