Trump loyalists are set to replace top officials in the Defense Department after the president fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.
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Trump loyalists are set to replace top officials in the Defense Department after the president fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.
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@Zachary Fluke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
IN the 80s we had Mr.T and the A-Team.. Now we have another Mr.T, but its called the F-Team. For F****D UP!!!
And Trump WILL surprise us with an even CRAZIER last minute flame-out and total F-Y to the country that voted him OUT!!!
And IRAN, just allied with a China that forked over 400BILLION$ to make it official la month or two back.. Attacking IRAN now is OUT of the question. Its a Chinese protectorate and they will say.. Attack Iran and we take Taiwan! Which NO US Gvmt. CAN allow… China really isn't scared of the US anymore, now that Trump crippled it..
ALL of that BECAUSE Trump left Syria to Russia, is pulling out of the middle-east and disengaged from the Nuclear treaty with Iran… THAT signaled an I DON'T CARE attitude from the US about the rest of the world.. AND it made China feel good enough about its chances to finally go at it with the US… The Israelis are the obvious first ones to lose out.. If the USA can't scare Iran into being moderate on its deathwish for Israel.. Good luck Zion.. Next will be the other isolated western allies.. Like Australia (ALONE, surrounded by Asia and FAR from its allies) and TAIWAN.. Which NOBODY can seriously think is NOT a primary goal of the Chinese expansion move we are seeing..
The USA has enough INTERNAL problems to deal with that a far away nation will NOT register that high in American priorities.
And since they SO EASILY boycotted and stole PPEs and emergency supplies from their oldest and most stable trading and defense partner.. Canada.. NOBODY trusts the USA anymore.. Its VERY clear to us all. Its not just America First. Its America ONLY!!!
NOBODY wants a neighbour that stabs you in the back as soon as things get tough. NOBODY!!!
To the WHOLE world, the USA is DEAD! Or on its last breath! Its the idea that Trump implanted ion our collective thoughts.. Because ONE man so easily destroyed EVERYTHING it stood for and had built in FOUR years and 1/2 of Americans had the GALL to vote for him again..
When you get a mass of people THAT crazy.. You ISOLATE them from the rest and treat them like they have leprosy.. Just so you DON'T catch it…
Georgia is going to decide if the USA can get back up.. Because a Republican Senate with constant VETOs stopping any work from being done. Would signal the END and we'd all just switch off and tune in periodically to check how far the damage gets..
One thing is for sure.. NATO or not.. The USA will NEVER be anyone's LEADER again.. An equal PARTNER maybe. But NEVER in any position of authority again.. NOT after the abuse of the last 4 years.. It NEEDS the west to survive. But the west doesn't need the kind of Politics and bigotry the US brings to the table with Trumpists in power. You CHANGE, get back into a SANE reality and you might just survive. You keep the line you are presently holding and its going to end with LOTS of deaths and chaos.. There is NO other way out of that mess..
And if you will. STOP WW3 before it REALLY picks momentum, PLEASE! FIX your country then HELP us fix the rest of the planet..
I mean it. Your country looks and sounds like its on the verge of imploding! Its ALWAYS been weird and extreme. But NOW, its just a friggin JOKE!
TRUMP??? WTH kind of brain fart was THAT???
Sorry, the United States military has been compromised. Trump has filled it with Russian operatives, bugged the whole place with a direct line to the Kremlin, all your communications and launch codes have been given to Putin. Every new staff, at any level, that came on board during the Trump era will, unfortunately, be under suspicion.
Well if you wanted to make a coup to stay in power you would want Micheal Flynn on your side which he just pardoned. Think about it. He's desperate because of his legal battles and possibly jail time. It makes you wonder if he's he going to call Marahell Law to try to take over. Trump is dangerous and he should be removed right now!!
"Former deputy assistant secretary of state"
Pentagon Purge? probably a very good thing.
That fuckin' sociopath is going to start WWIII.
There'll be More than a Purge in the Pentagon, Real Americans, Patriot Nationalist's Will be stacking Communist bodies like cord wood in City Streets and Country fields while Trump Serves his Second Term!!
The currant occupant of The White House is NUTS ….not The Comander In Chief
The Military Commanders swore an oath to The Constitution not the nuthead
in case you missed it
fake news abc do it best you need award for fake!!
Trump is getting peace in the Middle East! More scare tactics from a traitor…
Obama + Trump + Biden = Greatest Country My @$$
And the @$$car goes to ????????
ABC you and your questions. Not a reliable source anymore. I don't trust the establishment. Clean the house to much corruption and Corporate Media bought.
Their only qualifications areloyaltyxtotrump
She should have followed up on that vital statement.
A lot of what if’s. What if the Queen had balls? She’d be the King. Stop pandering.
Nobody is listening to you ABC Give It Up and this guy is just crying because he couldn't do the job right
When I thumbs down videos why doesn't the hand turn blue
The Pentagon diverted your Covid mask money to manufacture more weapons.
Russia and ISIS can't believe their luck. Trump kills more Americans than them ! ! !
Why do American's believe Trump's term Fake news and don't believe 252,441+ US Covid deaths?
If Trump said he had an itchy ass, would itchy ass be the new US term?
I live in New Zealand where we had 25 Covid deaths and are Covid free.
We call fake news lies, road rage bad manners and dumb asses, dumb asses!
Why do American's believe Trump's term Fake news and don't believe 252,441+ US Covid deaths?
If Trump said he had an itchy ass, would itchy ass be the new US term?
I live in New Zealand where we had 25 Covid deaths and are Covid free.
We call fake news lies, road rage bad manners and dumb asses, dumb asses!