Over 500 former federal prosecutors argued in an online statement that President Donald Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice if he weren’t president.
#ABCNews #Trump #Democrats #Obstruction #MuellerReport
Over 500 former federal prosecutors argued in an online statement that President Donald Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice if he weren’t president.
#ABCNews #Trump #Democrats #Obstruction #MuellerReport
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trump is a monster he shouldnt be president he is doing what ever he wants
The most dangerous Republican Party in history supporting Russia through Trump and Barr. There is no shame for Trump and the Republican Party.
How many "Get Out of Jail Free" cards does trump have? Holy FUCK!! When is Enough gonna be Enough???
The democrats are abusing their committees for things that have NOTHING TO DO WITH LEGISLATURE or MAKING LAWS, including the redacted parts of the Muellar report, trying to force testimony of people who were investigated under oath with Muellar's 18 attorneys and 2,800 subpoenas etc & Trump tax returns (how does 6 yrs of his taxes help the congress? Nothing ! …and McGhan is/was the the President's person whitehouse attorney who was already questioned for 30 hrs) !!! A President has a right to protect those confidential docs & discussions through Exec Privelege JUST LIKE OBAMA DID MANY TIMES !!! All of this is being done TO SMEAR & DRAG the President thru the mud in the public & democrat party news channels…RIGHT? So, of course President should invoke privilege and fight all of it, BECAUSE ITS ALL BOGUS AND WE ALL KNOW IT !!! And ALL the verbal & character attacks upon Atty Gen Barr (when he has followed or operated fully within the WRITTEN SPECIAL COUNSEL ;AWS, which the dems & these dem party news channels NEVER show or discuss the written laws or state that Barr didn't follow the law) is ADVANCE CHARACTER SMEARING TO PROTECT THE CROOKED OBAMA ADMINISTRATION & FBI & CIA heads ahead of the spying investigations Barr stated he has started, THAT WILL LEAD TO CRIMINAL CHARGES BEING FILED AND MANY ON THE DEMOCRAT SIDE BEING EXPOSED FOR VIOLATIONS !!! I'm sure all you can see their "over the top" attacks AND the democrat media channels are all in full gear throwing out advance cover by saying some of the most harsh things against an Attorney General that we have ever heard or seen in this country, things NO NEWS ANCHOR OR REPORTER SHOULD EVER BE SO BLANTANTLY BIASED TO SAY & ACCUSE as if what they are saying is proven, yet even those of you who hate 1president Trump, we can all see with our own eyes, that all these so-called "News Anchors & Show Hosts" are literally acting as like political party team members of the democrats, and the NEVER hold the democrats accountable for any legal positions they take, wrong or misleading statements, their abuse of House committees, AND GETTING NOTHING DONE OR FIXED IN THIS COUNTRY…..RIGHT?
Where in the world is a person's tax is now the issue in the obstruction of justice?
If the obstruction of justice is on the Russian collusion, where is the underlying crime in the obstruction of justice?
The Democrats are totally making themself look like idiots. The democrat house has passed nothing for the American people.
Shame on you democrats
So we have a lot of activists prosecutors who don't follow the law. Got it.
The percentage of Americans wanting impeachment proceeding to take place is now in the majority going from 38% for and 52% against to 49% for and 48% against. As more truth comes forward it will only spell the end to this horrible presidency. Now is the time to impeach before Trump poisons every institution and it becomes to late!!
New game to be released called "Game of Dethroned." The 500 former prosecutors " card" allows the player to move 10 spaces forward. We're getting closer to the finish line folks. It will soon be "game over" for the wanna-be dictator King Donald J. Trump!!!
Talk is cheap; wonder when Congress will actually do something
Shields and Brooks on the Mueller report PBS NewsHour Published on Apr 19, 2019
Their diatribe with Trump is a tedious bore, admit it they're nothing but globalist whores!
What's the big dead Jerry Nadler? Do it already and when the Courts call you a hack, I bet Fake News won't cover that
AMERICANS are so weak
They can't remove their ORANGE DICKkkkkkKKKtator
Or corrupted
Or powerless
Or too busy enjoying the show
The media needs to report on the dossier report on the people who started the Genesis of all this and whether or not if it was predicated To spy on the president they need to talk about the fisa report and who brought it to the courts
If the evidence was fake , which is fact now , how can he be charged for obstruction a investigation about fake evidence LOL shit storm
The Democrats want the grand jury people on mass so that they can go after them and torture them and try to ruin their lives that's why grand juries are protected so that they can do their job without fear of any repercussions
"No Tax Returns, No Twenty Twenty"! Then it's time for the R.I.C.O. Act.
After this presidency america really needs to overhaul its political system. The president has far too much power.
Trump obstuscted justice and must pay for it.
The country can not sustain this madness. 45 has to go. He is a criminal squatting in the White House.
No collusion no obstruction
Fake news
We need to go back and read history books if we're in disbelief that dictator ship is real…..
Guilty. Impeach.
I remember hearing 10 years ago people like Rush Limbaugh and Glen beck say President Obama was going to ruin the way Congress works look like President Trump is doing it.
Demo-crack NAZIs are JEALOUS of Mr TRUMP. Unbelievable. NAZIs don't know to let go.
Trump tiene caca en el cráneo (dentro y fuera)
9 out of 10 Prosecutors agree , Trump is Guilty !
Lame, meanwhile we have people who are not eating tonight and millions of illegals who are sucking our system dry but hey let’s make up false news and make a mountain out of a ant hill 🙄
Impeach that Orange guy
Obstruction of justice with no crime is #FAKENEWS
Fuck you for the 'house Democrats against Trump' narrative. The HOUSE is making the requests. It companies like ABC that are tearing this country apart.
Here comes the swamp
Lies lies lies lies
#democRats are Nazi’s
#democRats are #Fascists
I wonder how Barr feels about this now. Loser.
It seems like to me that people don’t have anything better to do with their lives than hate on trump