Former Defense Secretary Mattis slams Trump l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

James Mattis blasted President Donald Trump’s handling of the protests, saying “enough is enough.” ABC News’ Kenneth Moton reports.

#ABCNews #Mattis #MattisSpeaks #Trump #GeorgeFloydProtests


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Former Defense Secretary Mattis slams Trump l ABC News”
  1. Mattis is a war monger.

    We don't need to be in the middle east. Time to leave.

    Mattis left because Trump drained the swamp and that includes war mongers

  2. James Mattis needs to seriously consider running for the presidency. We need a general back in office that understands the delicate nature of the political arena domestically and internationally. Mattis understands the Military questions and can respond accurately given the data and circumstances ahead. Instead we received a carnival barker…having trump in office was like having a bad sexual experience!!! I need a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue after this presidency to get over it!!!!!

  3. They will disobey a conservative but if a liberal president ordered the troops to march in and kills conservatives they would do it

  4. Hey Mattis, did you have a problem with this?
    "I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent…” -Donald J. Trump

    Mattis, you self-serving POS.

  5. You ex-military commenters are absolutely an insult to the uniform of the average soldier.
    Fok Mattis, Fok MSMedia … Mattis is a sellout beeotch getting paid to talk.

  6. Trump broke his inaugural oath…an oath every president takes. Every service member takes the oath to defend our constitution against enemies…foreign or DOMESTIC. Mattis has been doing his best to do that.

  7. Peaceful?😭😂😂. Mattis needs to go there and see what it’s about .

  8. Mattis split with Trump over Nato.
    Basically Mattis wants to sell America's sovereignty to Europe. He wants the US Tax payer to foot the bill for Europe's Defense.

    Mattis is the most overrated General in history.


  9. Americans targeting innocent Americans while also destroying their property labeling it as collateral for demonstration are no longer Americans. I don't have a problem with the deployment of the National Guard to stop civil unrest admits the unjustified destruction of property. Call it unconstitutional, I call it justice for victims of un-American unethical action.

  10. Mattis we didnt vite for you . You are not equal to Trump that had many States put him in office. Its easy to be part of deepstate and criticize. Glad Mattis is gone hopefully mattis can start a useless war and work for Iran. Mattis is not Patton he is an idiot. Martha radatz and mattis can kiss each other

  11. This man was interviewed several times after his resignation and refused to give comments on his former boss thinking it would affect the moral of the current servicemen and women.This guy is old school to the core.He said he would only speak out if the safety of our military was in question.His loyalty is to his country,not a wannabe dictator.

  12. I'm a US Marine Vet and here's my thoughts. Trump loves Military Generals because of the glory & honor that they deservingly receive and Trump thinks that he can obtain that same level of glory and honor whenever he aligns himself with a respected General and he hopes that the same level of glory spills over into his own reputation as well. Deep down inside, he admires Generals because they did something he always avoided doing yet he also envies them for it at the same time because generals are held in such high regard without having to make a lot of money for doing so. Trump thinks earning money should determine high prestige, honor, glory, and celebrity. He has this love/hate relationship about the military because the military is considered by many to be most honorable highest regarded career yet many of them that have served didn't make a whole of money, which is the opposite of what Trump has been taught growing up. Trump was raised to believe that your salary and monetary earnings should be the primary factor to determine a person's honor and recognition. This is why I believe the recent "losers" "suckers" comments that Trump made about our brave troops. It all makes so much sense when you think about it and I can see how deep down inside, he has this envy about those that have served. There are monuments all over America and special cementaries and military bases and military real estate all over the world named for the brave troops and not even Presidents are honored in the same way as many generals in American history. Few strangers walk to a President and say "Thank you for your service". There are two federal holidays used to honor our brave troops. This is why Trump is obsessed with General Patton. Since he faked bone spurs and dodged the draft so that he could spend more of Daddy's mone, aligning himself with war heroes is his only way of getting the same level of honor and glory as a military superstar leader. Being the POTUS isn't the real estate market, casinos, or scam-filled universities, which is Trump's expertise. Trump's biggest problem is that he hire experts for their in-depth knowledge yet punishes or fires them if their advice differs from his. He should trust that there are some areas within government, military, and international affairs in which his experts may know much more than him. That's his biggest problem and that's why he's had a huge employee turnover ratio as POTUS and why so many of his former employees sees him as security risk because of his poor leadership skills and incompetence and divisiveness. Trump thinks he's smarter and has more knowledge than anyone in any area and his own ego and narcissistic personality are his biggest weakness. He is his own worst enemy.

  13. When retired military officials (Generals, Admirals) like Dempsy, Mullen, Thomas, McRaven, Mattis, Kelley, Powell, Allen, Milley and Hayden warn that our Republic is under attack by our president, it may be time to listen.

  14. "I went there because somebody suggested it was a good idea, and I thought it was a great idea, AND IT WAS A GOOD IDEA!" – The entirety of Trump's thought process summed up

  15. Mattis did not bow down to the “DC Elite” or anyone for that matter. What a dumb broad. For Trump to call him an overrated General is fucking childish. I am officially off the Trump train.

  16. When retired military officials (Generals, Admirals) like Dempsy, Mullen, Thomas, McRaven, Mattis, Kelley, Powell, Allen, Milley and Hayden warn that our Republic is under attack by our president, it may be time to listen.

  17. Who would have thought that a Marine Corps General was part of the deep state. The only thing he didn't verbally say was Heil Hydra.
    Semper Fi

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