Former CDC director reacts to coronavirus response – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Richard Besser was the director of the CDC during the swine flu pandemic.


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “Former CDC director reacts to coronavirus response”
  1. The first "expert" is a liar or an idiot. The Communist Chinese sent people from Wuhan all over the world to spread the infection as rapidly as possible. No natural infection would hit the whole world at the same time the way Covid-19 did. ABC is garbage.

  2. I can't believe what Richard Besser, MD just said in an interview with Martha MacCallum. Discussing the Covid-19 pandemic, she asked him about the extent of immunity held by people who have had the infection and are now recovered.
    Besser: "It appears that once you've had this infection, there is some degree of protection"
    This is the most imbecilic statement I've heard on this topic, and this includes every talking head idiot, non-professional, layperson, and town fool who's ever weighed in. Yes, Dr. Besser's statement takes the cake: the stupidest comment ever uttered in regard to Covid-19.

    It appears? some degree of protection?

    Here's what a forthright physician would tell a television audience:
    "Viruses infect. A human's immune system fights infection. When a person is ill from a virus, and then recovers, it is because the person's immune system has successfully beaten back the virus. This is the case for the common cold, the flu, and other viruses we've all experienced. At present, no anti-viral medicines exist that can beat the coronavirus to any reliable degree. As such, every case of a person recovering from coronavirus infection is because the immune system successfully beat back the virus. Every case. So, by definition, any person who has had this infection and is now recovered, has recovered because of immunity: they now have immunity to the virus. Yes, millions and millions of people in the U.S. are now immune: they won't catch or transmit coronavirus. They don't need to wear masks or participate in social distancing.
    As this is a novel virus, there is concern about the risk for re-infection. Could the virus change seasonally to again infect these immune people? The worldwide medical community has not yet seen this happen; we will continue to watch for this possibility. After the millions of documented coronavirus case we've had in the U.S., though, we can say we have thus far seen no such risk on any mathematically-assessed scale. Everything we have seen so far points to the pattern that exists with most viral infections: once you get over it, you are immune indefinitely."

    Besser: "It appears that once you've had this infection, there is some degree of protection."

    It appears? some degree of protection? Let that sink in. He's referring to people whose immune systems have already proven themselves to have successfully overcome coronavirus.

    If the recovered patient has anything short of complete protection, the patient by definition is still fighting the virus or dead. No current medicines beat this virus; either the patient's immune system beats the virus, or the patient dies. Hence, the idiocy of Dr. Besser's statement. The recovered coronavirus patient is now protected from the virus. Risks for re-infection have thus far not been established despite a worldwide test population of tens of millions of coronavirus cases.

  3. I've been doing yoga 6 days a week two different gyms here in Palm Springs California.
    In late January early February I had a dry cough and I seem to be getting better and then it hit me really hard.
    On Monday February 3rd I had to go to my doctor because I was having trouble breathing. In fact I had to sleep in my easy chair for three nights because when I lay flat I was drowning in fluid.
    Doctor said the lungs were clear but I had a sinus infection and gave me a steroid, an antibiotic and a cough suppressant.
    The whole illness took about six to eight weeks to fully pass.
    I've recently learned that other people in the yoga class at one of the gyms also got this kind of illness in late January early February and one was admitted to ICU. This is all before Coronavirus was in the news in the United States.
    I thought it was one of the worst flus I've ever had as far as trouble breathing.
    I almost went to the emergency room but I have a $600 copay so I suffered till Monday February 3rd when I could get in to see my doctor.
    Now if only the United States was big enough tall enough and strong enough to have a reliable antibody test I'd be glad to be donating plasma right now.

  4. he doesnt mention 60 million americans got the swine flu,275,000 hospitalized,12,ooo deaths and obama downplayed virus,HIS CDC WAS CAUGHT misrepresenting howmany deaths,infections claiming thye were 4 times less,when caught they blamed the states reporting to them

  5. Are you in need of face mask or alcohol based hand sanitizers to keep you constantly protected? Are you having troubles with the long queues at the stores in getting your required items? Do you want to get tested at the comfort of your home with a scientifically designed Russia test kit and get result in 18 hours? Do you also need the chloroquine and Zinc Treatment Combo to keep your immune system strong and fight off the virus? If yes, then I suggest you contact this professional hacker to save you from the present world crisis. Prevention is better than cure so please stay home and quarantine yourself. I’m so happy that I got help from hacker Gavin. He is a professional online carting and medical hacker and I’m glad that I contacted him for my desired needs and necessary pandemic essentials to keep myself safe without leaving the comfort of my home. He also shipped a scientifically designed Russia test kit to my home and I got tested myself without having to go to any hospital. It is a big risk going to the hospital to get tested as lots of positive patients are out there making it easier to contact the Covid-19 virus at the hospital. All I did was share my home address with hacker Gavin and I had all my orders and medical resources shipped to my door step conveniently. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later!

  6. Thank the Dr. For thinking of the less fortunate. Just as The President also is thinking of us, who are living from pay check, to pay check.🙌🙏👏

  7. Hmm! As you speak. I don't know why but the more i think of germ warfare and the word practicing.

  8. It’s funny because just this morning ABC had a segment where they said the exact opposite as this man is saying “ younger people are at big risk”

  9. Jesus humans have gotten greedy with age😕💂💀🗽🎲👮😒🐘

  10. This is ridiculous. Two healthy people sitting in an office practicing a pointless activity. Smart people are bowing to pressure and don’t want to be the guy who tells the whole truth. If you’re sick stay home. Get treatment. If you aren’t stay away from vunerable people and wash your hands. Don’t sneeze on each other or cough on each other and use common sense. Please stop shutting everything down. If they really want everyone to stay home then rents and mortgages should be deferred till this is over.

  11. CDc please stop advising people not to wear face mask. Face mask is proven to help slow the spread of the virus to others. Many people have them but not wear one is because it's not recommended and meant for the sick/caregiver by the CDC

  12. 🇺🇸 will hold it DOWN ! 🙏 💯 May God bless this LAND

  13. You people in the media who think your better are the worst actors and liars and are the problem and have no solutions! You don't have a mind of your own and should be called a drone! The only thing your good at is reading off a screen and a yes man! When it is all said and done you will be thrown to the lions! You reports are the disease that sold your sole thinking your going to heaven! Remember everyone wants to go to Heaven but nobody once to die!

  14. -Something fishiee-….
    This virus dont seem to be really big..
    For the government doing a complete shut
    Down in society and Marshal law.. think about it..
    Alot of friends see this…to much for shutting down
    A country for a little virus..if people are getting it and
    Getting better.. I'm alittle confused on the whole
    Military and shutting down everything…
    Makes me kinda wonder if there is a bigger plan..
    Or something bigger coming are way…
    What's your thoughts…is there Asteroid coming..
    YELLOWSTONE about to blow. A mass earthquake coming.
    War …or a invasion ..or is the sun about to fry us..
    Put your head together.. all this for a virous
    Makes no sense.. at all……
    Got money on they will shut down the internet next.
    I would if I was the GOV

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