Former Boy Scouts Speak Out On Sexual Abuse Claims, Bankruptcy Case – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Boy Scouts share their story as the hearing on the thousands of sexual abuse claims against the Boy Scouts of America begins.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Former Boy Scouts Speak Out On Sexual Abuse Claims, Bankruptcy Case”
  1. $500,000 each minimum per abuse we don't make deals. We will expose each and every perpetrator! Pay the bill for a lifetime of betrayal

  2. It happened to me too. Im only thirty and actually finding out about this case was too revealing for when i signed up. I got allot of issues and plan on trying therapy but with covid and my local area i got to wait almost a full year. I kind of left my body during the abuse. Im hoping the rest of my life gets better and i can heal from the past. I guess its a good thing to have others that experienced it because some people who get abused dont have the validation this case has brought me.

  3. been there. Hardest thing is being expected to have a "normal life" after that, & nobody wanting to look under the rug they swept it all beneath.

  4. Yes they could have stopped it….they chose NOT to!! The sports therapist Nassar went to jail and his victums are recieving settlements near a million?! Nassar only touched, penetrated with a finger! He didnt have intercourse! The BSA must make restitution to survivors of this preditory behavior in amounts similar to the abuse by the doctor! Even the young man who was libeled by news organizations is recieving more money than scouts are being offered and he only had his reputation smudged! Let the BSA take out a loan…..make arrangements to repay thru future scouts and feel the pain of what they allowed to transpire for decades!!!

  5. Too the eighty-five thousand survivors I believe you and empathize with you. However instead of blaming the BSA Scouting blame the the people who actually sexually abused you. I spent seven good years with the BSA and have loved every minute of it, my scoutmasters and other adults who were part of the organization were instrumental in who I am now. I am Eagle Scout and have lived by the scout law and oath my entire life. there are millions of boys and now girls who have benefited from the guidance of BSA. so many good people were part of this organization. I love BSA and will not stand to hear it be slandered.

  6. I find is shameful how the BSA has been allowed to swindle their way out of this and make us victims feel even worse now. There will be NO justice for our abuse. This has been the hardest time of my life.

  7. I commend these men for having the strength and courage to come forward, that is not an easy thing to do. It is heartbreaking what they went through and it is good to see that those involved are being held accountable for their part in the devestation caused to these men.

  8. This info is very good! Im wondering how do you get to relate a story like this…..who asks you…….? $15, 000 is an insult! Lets see, 1960 is 60 some years of PAIN! The BSA better get serious about the amount or individuals will sue for much more!!

  9. I am one of the 85k, and everyday, I check my email for updates to the end. I relive what the scout leader did to me in the summer camp chapel in Osceola, MO. The more this stays open, the more we relive our abuse. Daily. The moments of our lives are being stolen everyday we think of this. I would run away if I could. Gotta be the example dad and husband and live like it never happened. I sent a 3 page letter to the judge and pictures of me in uniform, post abuse (8th grade) as encouraged by AVA. The BSA has exceeded $100 million in negotiations. Could have been ours but no. Talk about denial of the BSA. People are sad, depressed and dying. We just want it over!!

  10. This organization does not have a care about the lives they have destroyed under their watch.I was sexually abused in the Boyscout when I was 9 years old.I don't understand why Congress has not gotten involved since they did endorsed this organization.

  11. There's a public defender works the criminal courts represented a buddy of mine who got a 10 year sentence recently..he sold to an undercover..his public defender saw him wearing a crucifix and told him if he were to accuse a priest he could have $50000 on his books by the end of the year.
    Additionally the lawyer told him he could accuse William Leininger who recently died in MSP who was convicted of molesting BSA'ers.
    I haven't seen Lance since his legal troubles but lance does not turn down money..these attorneys work on a contingency..on a settlement fund there is no adversarial system..they settle in a pastoral fashion where the accuser is not cross examined by the BSA or church

  12. The woman that took my deposition, ask me how I remember so many details, because the truth don't lie. I remember my situation like it was yesterday. I've been through alot in my life and a lot of therapy, but I think this bothered me so much I put it way back in the archives. When she started asking me questions it came out like it was yesterday it's one of those things I didn't want to remember and I've been paying for it my whole life. It definitely has altered my life.

  13. I feel for these men and I know victims. But Scouts BSA now has about every policy in place that you can possibly put in an organization like this. The rules and policies are strict. There's not much else that can be done beyond dissolving the organization. But if that were to happen, you'd just have smaller organizations take its place that would be far less safe for not having the policies the BSA have spent the last 20+ years implementing.

  14. The first sad fact is that pedophiles actively seek out groups where their prey is plentiful. Church youth groups, Scouts, school, sports… The second is that years ago when many of these cases occurred, there was a serious social stigma placed upon the victims. Today that sounds crazy but there was. If the parents of an abused scout refused to press criminal charges the pedo generally walked. There were no sexual offender registration lists yet. All BSA could do was kick him out of Scouting and try to make sure that he couldn't ever join another troop anywhere.

  15. How 'bout interviews recounting all the great times that we enjoyed in the Boy Scouts? I spent 5 terrific, fun-filled yrs with my buddies & used many skills I learned there to help me later in life. Try not to slant yr tales that unfairly portray an entire group of dedicated adults as pedophiles. Millions of boys enjoyed the BSA w/out any molestation issues.

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  17. The boy scouts were run by the Roman Catholic Church which is a satanic cult it is not a christian outfit and never was so quit calling them christians .

  18. When I learned that the boy scouts was a religious institution, my first question was "how many children have been sexually assaulted in this organization?" Funny how so many people protect religious institutions and claim they are the most moral, when they do things like this.

  19. I was in the Scouts, but only in a kind of school/neighborhood fashion. We had meetings/activities at my local elementary school and at various homes of "Den Mothers".

    I only went on one camping trip, but there was a huge tent everyone shared and fathers were invited.

    I suppose I was lucky.

    I never liked the Scouts and dropped out after 6th grade as soon as my parents let me (my mom only put my sister and I in the Scouts to appease her fundamentalist christian mother). I've always been nonreligious, so the overt christianity was offensive to me even as a small child (I refused to parrot back the Scout oath after a certain age: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey…" yea. stop right there. no. obey? duty to "god"? I knew that was unAmerican and morally/politically dangerous even when I was 7, which was also the at the time I repeatedly got into trouble for refusing to parrot back the unAmerican Pledge of Allegiance that had similar nationalistic/theocratic language).

    Also, the overt nationalism was offensive as well: the Scouts now consistently remind me of almost like a Hitler Youth movement, only with a kind of America First White Christian Ethno-Nationalism. This was in the 80's and in the affluent suburbs of a large midwest US city, not some backwater. I can't imagine the brainwashing and sexual abuse that went on in more rural and smaller Scout organizations with less intelligent/educated parents who would be less suspicious and more aligned with the Scouts extremist White Supremacist Christian Nationalism.

    In sum: the Scouts, like any other cult-like far-right group (such as christianity) is unAmerican, immoral and dangerous. Keep your kids far away from it if you want them to mentally healthy and physically unabused.

  20. Cub scouts and boy scouts were a god send to our inner city communities where single moms predominated. This is pitiful. It will hurt thousands. When did people become so indecent?

  21. Girl Scout kicked me out because they said I was abusing others when the opposite was true! I refuse to buy from Girl Scouts because of it! I was the victim and they made me a villian!

  22. I knew it when the mormon men took over the Boy Scout's of America. I kept my boys out of that because I was warned. Thank you Lord. Amen.

  23. 85,000 victims and HOW MANY criminal convictions? Why were the police not involved. If I had been unwillingly molested I would have told my parents and they would have called the cops.

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