Footage released of fatal Chicago police shooting of teen | WNT

Footage released of fatal Chicago police shooting of teen | WNT

Body camera footage was released Thursday that showed the fatal shooting of 13-year-old Adam Toledo in Chicago on March 29. Police claim Toledo had a gun when confronted by officers.




#WorldNewsTonight #AdamToledo #ChicagoPD


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35 thoughts on “Footage released of fatal Chicago police shooting of teen | WNT

  1. City didn't fail a 13 year old with a gun?? The parents did end of story and this is what happens when media tells you what happened 😕

  2. Smh…these scary ass police man! Don’t take the fucking job if you aren’t cut out for it!
    It doesn’t pay that much anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. That gun was planted he clearly had no gun in his hand. there is no way after he got shot he took the gun out of his pocket, impossible. there was no gun the cop planted that gun. he should go to jail for planting evidence and murder.

  4. A cop had a split second to decide if a 13 year old Latino Kings gang member had thrown his gun behind a wall while quickly turning towards the cop and raising his innocent child arm (that previously had the gun in it)! —- If it were you, would you… the commentors of this video have done the following???? ——- 1. Not had your gun pointing at the perpetrator 2. IF you had your gun pointing at the perpetrator, then withheld your self preservation instinct desires and given the poor Latin Kings child gang member a chance to shoot at you hoping your body armor would protect you enough and that you would get shot in your precious face??????? or 3. NOT chase the perpetrator in the first place because you are by default a violent and racist WHITE police officer who cant in a split second know if this precious child with his whole gang life ahead of him had thrown the gun away in the last split second???

  5. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  6. Police needs to be away from black people and outside of black neighborhoods!!!!! Police needs to go to white neighborhoods and protect white people!!!, and end all this nonsense “bad interpretation..?”

  7. everyone of these are horrible, ultimately its doing the wrong things in life that puts you in bad places, why don't they start charging the parents for not teaching responsibility and not caring properly for their own childeren?

  8. Single parent at home, no father? Chicago's failure -crime prevention, curfews needed, more police patrol. Stricter laws in place.
    We can go on and on but at the end it starts at home with a foundation of love, and God. We must guide and teach our children between right and wrong. Teach them that it's wrong to run away from the police. To obey the law. Use common sense. Parents….start taking Responsibility!

  9. Doesn't matter what all you haters say ,RIP ADAM, he had that choice to raise that gun and try to shoot it out but knew better ,13 years old for God sakes.He gave up , surrendered,hand in the cookie jar moment,but unfortunately we have people who have no problem shooting unarmed children. May he find peace at last from the hells he has been through in such so little time.

  10. Brown 13 year old: let's place adult standards on him, he should have known better;

    Black 15 years old: let's place adult standards on her, she should have known to control her emotions. Meanwhile,

    White 16 year old, didn't know anybetter, it's a child, mental health, a bad upbringing, he did it to defend himself

  11. "He was a good boy" There are cultural differences in what is the standard of being a good boy is…having a gun and running around at three am and shooting at cars is apparently acceptable behaviour for some people. The young girl who was just shot in Ohio after stabbing to other girls was described as having "Motherly instincts"…really. There is another universe in the US of A that is f,n crazy.

  12. soo…maybe get some gunlaws?
    nonononooo it is the parents fault that the kid died….nononoo it was the cops fault that the kid died…nono it was the kids own fault…
    GET SOME FUCKING GUNLAWS YOU MORONS! sry but i´m just so sick of it…

  13. Love how this whole comment section is okay with police killing street children, because you know, it's the bad parenting that's really to blame. The child-killing is defensible. He had no time to decide whether or not to shoot the child so, of course, he had to shoot the child. When in doubt, shoot to kill. 🤣

  14. yeah baby keep killin em waste of humanity thugs 👍🏼

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