Florida to bar residents from using Medicaid for gender-affirming care – Car Mod Pros Portal

Gender-diverse Florida residents will not be allowed to use Medicaid to pay for puberty blockers and hormone therapy, beginning Aug. 21.

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By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Florida to bar residents from using Medicaid for gender-affirming care”
  1. Affirmative Care…? Poisonous nonsense.

    It’s indefensible and it’s definitely not science. The actual science is being suppressed.

    Parents are being lied to.

    The medical and psychological communities have been ideologically captured. This is a fact.

    What do leftists say about the phenomenon of de-transitioners, people who after having their bodies permanently disfigured and realize it’s been a tragic mistake?

    Oh, they lie and claim that it’s yet another debunked myth. They then militantly suppress individuals attempting to stop this horror.

    There are thousands of detransitioners, living with damaged, disfigured, bodies and lives.

    As to the prevailing ‘myth’ that trans people are so subjectively certain of their ‘lived experience’ that they don’t ever regret transitioning or ever transition back, this ‘myth’, rather like the ‘myth’ about acting White, is itself a myth.

    To prove my case, logically I need only one such case. So, how about Kiera Bell? She’s filed a lawsuit against a clinic in the United Kingdom for having prescribed to her puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones while she was under age. In addition, she underwent a double mastectomy. Now 23, she has transitioned back to female and, needless to say, deeply regrets the disfiguring changes to her body (Soh, 2020, p. 145).

    In her mind, someone responsible should have been looking out for her best interests. I think she’s got a point here. A tattoo? Are you crazy, you’re still a child and those things are permanent! Wait until you’re 18, then decide. A double mastectomy and a soup of disfiguring chemicals? Of course, if you’re sure it’ll make you feel better.

    Well, what about her parents? First, parents are routinely ‘informed’ that puberty blockers are like a temporary chemical “pause button” and the cross-sex hormones can be stopped at any time (Soh, 2020, p. 156). This, is a lie.

    It’s not a pause button. Normal puberty stops.

    Just as troubling, parents are also told that anything other than an affirming response from them will result in a serious risk of suicide. This, deliberately or not, is a distortion of the facts.

    Although gender-dysphoric adolescents are at an increased risk of suicide, their outcomes are the same as those with similar mental health issues that aren’t gender-dysphoric (Shrier, 2020, p. 117).

    The suicide scare is largely based on a 2014 study that found 41 percent of adults identifying as trans had, at some point, attempted suicide. The study didn’t however factor in comorbidity with other mental health conditions nor did it establish whether their attempt was coincidental to their trans identity (Soh, 2020, p. 160).

    Of more concern is study from the British Travisock Centre that found an INCREASE in self-harm and suicidal ideation in trans-gender children who have received puberty blockers for more than a year.

    And what happens if you don’t medically intervene with permanently disfiguring chemicals and surgeries?

    More than 80 percent of these confused children wake up one day and realize it was all a mistake…

    Hope you’ll check out my book “Deconstructing Social Justice”. It’s important, honestly. I’m trying to fight this cancerous social justice ideology and could use your support.

  2. God Bless America 🙏 we tax payers DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR TRANS GENDER SURGERY 🤬🤬🤬🤬!!!!! HALLELUJAH 👏👏👏

  3. You do realize? That Florida IA one of the states with the Biggest LGBTQ communities in the United states?
    The other states are New York And california.
    Yall? Spread the love…move! 🤣🤗

  4. Wait you mean American tax payers don’t have to fork the Bill . What a revolutionary idea . Lol .

  5. FBI works 24/7 to protect all of us.

    Shame on all Republicans threatening FBI without any specific evidence.
    Now Republicans attacking these small group of innocent kids who are already marginalized.

  6. *Mass shooting 246 occurs in the same year*

    Republicans: “gotta do something bout them trans people”

  7. Good 👏👏👏 he'll make a good president. We shouldn't waste tax money on garbage like that

  8. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine verwohn.online Brünette und eine anderea Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  9. ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine empr.ONLINE Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennv ich 4 wählen würde

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