Florida prepares for Hurricane Dorian, Hong Kong leader arrested, protest canceled l ABC News

Florida prepares for Hurricane Dorian, Hong Kong leader arrested, protest canceled l ABC News

Watch Its Morning, America weekdays on ABC News Live.

#ABCNews #Dorian #HongKong #Hurricane


49 thoughts on “Florida prepares for Hurricane Dorian, Hong Kong leader arrested, protest canceled l ABC News

  1. Those news casters NEED TO SIT UP STRAIGHT! Jesus chrits🙄 how in the FUCK did the producer or PAs not say something.. they can't even read a fucking teleprompter fire them! It's ridiculous #ABCwtf

  2. Its sad about the school buses. Back in the day the schools taught kids to look both ways when crossing. Now it sad that lazy parents don't teach kids anything. Meanwhile in Tokyo Japan, some kids even take a train on their own, to and from school with no issues.

  3. Jesus, sooo we’re just slouching around, slingin out the news…. smdh 🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. All the news they mentioned and y’all worrying about how they’re seating ?!?!?! F’d up country smh

  5. Your liberal communist a**es I can’t stand to see your propaganda so called news, and your followers are stupid, it’s vomit spewing, a very small following indeed.

  6. The graphics behind should be changed. It is annoying, too big, and not centered with the chairs. Can’t even focus on the stories. Why can’t she move her chair over toward the middle more and sit in line with the chair. Yes, lumbar and hip issues are coming. Why have both of them been told to lean their bodies and heads to the center? So annoying.

  7. I just bought some groceries and water praise god hallelujah!!! Psalms 91 and 51🙏👍📿🌹👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🍤

  8. So other countries like our president but you're sitting here smirking and showing your bias all these clowns r bias what other countries are trying to build monuments…hmmmm can you say traders

  9. Q 🇩🇪

  10. Ужаснах

  11. Still as handsome as ever 👍💕 looking good Alex God is gooooood 🙏❤️🙏

  12. burn Amazon🥺 harricane Dorian😫whole world in trouble and this is not last hurricane.

  13. When will people learn preparedness? I live in Norcross, GA and one of the last major hurricanes resulted in my local Sam's club being completely sold out of water!

  14. Shaq can probably pick up that tiny vehicle with one arm…😁

  15. "Positive Potties"…The latest school trend… Maybe "Wash Your Hands Afterwards"…would be a positive message, too…🐒

  16. It's a Picasso statue of Mrs. Trump…She would probably love it. 🎨🖌️

  17. Is it Donald or Boris ??? 🇺🇸 or 🇬🇧

  18. MESSAGE FOR ALL THOSE ANGRY YOU-TUBE COMMENTS: I think that those chairs are either "very uncomfortable" or "too comfortable"…and the table is "too high"…CUTE COUPLE, though…🎎

  19. I thought it was just me that was irritated by this news anchor all laid back like she is just chillen they need to talk to her about being more professional..Your at work lady not visiting your Mom

  20. what's wrong with these two they're both leaning inwards are both slouching in the chairs this is funny I've never seen this before nothing like relaxing when you're on the air:-)

  21. To my fellow Floridians stay safe as Dorian takes aim at us. Prayers going out for us all. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
    Hurricane party time again 🥳

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