Florida pastor urges vaccinations after losing 7 to COVID – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with Pastor George Davis on the devastating impact delta variant cases have had on his Jacksonville church after losing seven members in two weeks.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Florida pastor urges vaccinations after losing 7 to COVID”
  1. I LOST FAMILY MEMBERS too!! In the days of noah.. genesis 6 is why the FLOOD came! The corrupted DNA! "IT" uses CRISPR TECHNOLOGY that makes GMO's!!! Look up documentary "EXPOSING THE MARK"

  2. Untrust of science & medicine??? This is NOT a race or political situation, rather a medical one, (ex:polio, measles, etc.). Get over it & get a vaccination, please.

  3. How interesting that god didn't warn this pastor of the dangers…. These people are idiots!!! They deserve what they get.

    When people tolerate (sometimes celebrate) irrationality, we can't expect their intellect drive their behavior!!!


  4. Question, what will you do to hold onto your flesh, will you trade your soul for a little longer life( we all are going to die one way or another)
    The book of Daniel shows a good example.
    Do you trust alchemy ( sorcery)? Aka science
    That's why we teach about the soul, because that is the most important part that we need to save.
    The vaccine is against God Almighty by the ingredients alone.
    I will not go against God.
    If you have faith, then trust Jesus.
    This pastor has not read the whole bible.
    The bible talks about these things.
    Don't follow a blind leader.
    I'm not afraid to die, to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord.

  5. I guarentee you haven't read isiaha, i guarantee you haven't read jeremiah or Ezekiel either. Yove obviously never read revelation either. And honestly I wonder if you've read the Book of mormon cover to cover. Becuase if you had then You would not say such apostate or blasphemous things. Let me make it clear, the "jab" is NOT GOOD FOR ANYONE!! GOD DOES NOT CONDONE IT BUT RATHER VEHEMENTLY CONDEMNS IT! IT IS PURE EVIL. GOD would NEVER justify shedding inncocent blood (using aborted babies) to develop a "miracle or a godsend" miracles are not made with bloody baby parts. Miracles from God NEVER come with side effects let alone kill and permanently maim people. And true Godsends are not made with toxic poisons that defile ones holy temple-their body!! You defile your temple, God destroys you (1corinthians 3). Aside from what I mentioned above, how else does this experimental DRUG poison ones body and defile their temple? genetically modifying your DNA (something satan wants to do so you are no longer "created in the image of God") once you get the MRNA poison jabbed into your body, you altered your DNA to be part animal, part robot part human and are are no longer in the image of God. You are no longer of the "blood of abraham" you now have different DNA and therfore you can no longer claim the blessing and covenenats and promises of the fathers. YOU HAVE TO BE OF THEIR LINEAGE/SEED/DNA. And therfore you CANNOT be saved by the blood/DNA of Christ. you get the shot, you change your DNA. You are no longer Christ's and cannot be saved. Thus. The mark of the beast. Thus "the antichrist, who makes himself like god and exalts himself like god and places himself "IN THE TEMPLE(YOUR BODY) OF GOD" is. The. VERY. Abomination. Of. Desolation you were warned of!! You. LITERALLY just put SATAN. IN. YOUR. TEMPLE! And now you know why 90% of the world ends up with the mark of the beast. Because you/they "had not the spirit of God" and were therefore duped by the antichrist's "great deception/delusion" (2 thessolonians 2) and became damned for it. I could go on an on and on. How bout DC89? you hypocrites!?! You wont drink coffee or tea but you'll line right up to get a killshot of genetically modying experimental DRUG that's made up of the blood of the innocent (unpardonable sin) of murdered babies, monkey and pig DNA, graphine oxide (poison) and only satan knows what else, plugged right into your bloodstream!?!?! Had you actually lived DC89, and not poiinsed yojr body andndefiled your temple, God would have "warned you" (like He warned me and my family) and wouldve given you "secret knowlegde" about what exactly the "wicked and conspiring men" (bill gates' fauci, evil population-controll-globalists, evil sorcerer pharmaceutical companies) in the LAST DAYS were going to do to destroy you by destroying your "health" and defiling your BODY and "temple". And yes i could STILL go on and on and on. In the words or jehovah to ezekiel-you've all become blaspmeous whores! Prostituting yourselves (your bodies and minds) out to babylon and satan in the name of progress prosperity and safety. Yet like the destitute whore naked and alone, your "Master" who is satan' leaves you DISEASED and ALONE (80% of hospital admits are "fully vaccinated" people. "socially distanced"-wow the irony🙄). and when you cry for help to the true God whom you cheated on and sold. for naught (free gift card, donuts, lap dance and a beer) He will not hear your cries but will destroy you. you are no longer his. "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity' i NEVER KNEW YOU!"

  6. Another paid stooge pushing the Vaccination on people. Man please by now everyone should know those vaccines are from the devil. And to think otherwise shows lack of research and lack of wisdom.

  7. I'm so glad to hear someone speaking to the common sense of this pandemic and what we as individuals need to do to survive this pandemic.. folks here in Texas dropping like flies.. I was hesitant at first.. I felt it was too new.. but the eldest member of my church– who is 103yrs old got the vaccine.. as well as some of the other senior members in their 90s and 80s .. and they're all alive and well.. I finally got mine a couple months ago–
    But think about this.. doctors and medical staff wear masks every day.. to protect the patients as well as themselves.. not here to try to convince anyone.. just stating the facts..

  8. Ventilation is code word for: kill. African Americans are at risk of vaccine breakthrough infections because of hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. There is no cure for vaccine breakthrough infections. Stop going to the hospital. Never allow Allopathic medicine to use VENTILATION on you.

  9. I am of colour in this country but I am certainly not of the so called part of the black community in this country far from it I am from outside the US where do not fit the demographic of this country and call me a black American is one of the biggest insults can ever call me been called that too many times and do not like it one bit , they are very racist I have suffered more racism in this one country over the many years associated with it from black Americans , caucasians and Hispanics , one idiot replies said it is my fault I told them in no uncertain terms where to go . I had a very good reason personally why I held off for a while in getting the vaccine , that is because I have eczema, I asked the dermatologist assigned to me through Blue Cross and I HATE the health care system in this country a fraud like everything else , charge you forty one thousand dollars do not go to the doctors most times do not feel like going , and asked if I can take it and they said yes I can . Glad to say that I have my two courtesy of Pfizer done in Florida , and if they offer a third will get a third . I still wear my mask . Deepest Condolences to the Impact Church , Jacksonville that is where this pastor is from , and to all the families , friends and rest of the congregation . I hope the pastor can tell his story to the king of genocide Desantis

  10. Hmmmmmm! Wow! No Separate Church and State huh? Can't Politicize new DOPE, but we can Say It must come From GOD now…lol. Wow! Hard to feel as if the Pastor is genuine about loosing 6 members of his Church recently, when he smiles and laughs all the time. Where are we going with this? It's getting way pass the weird side.

  11. In this age of technology there was never a reason to have in person church. If you insist on that why not have your congregation in masks? They’re all mega spreading Covid since the start so no. He doesn’t get praised. He should be ashamed

  12. Rom 13:1  "Let every soul be in subjection to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those who exist are ordained by God. Therefore he who resists the authority withstands the ordinance of God; and those who withstand will receive to themselves judgment."

    We must be obedient and comply unless we are being asked to sin. We are NOT being asked to sin. Our fears, suspicions and lack of faith in the Lord of evil doers over us IS NOT grounds for us to resist. We are not being asked to sin but to help protect our neighbor. What is a vaccine to the believer walking in love for his neighbor? Are we not told we shall tread on vipers and no poisons shall harm us? Where is your faith in God Almighty? Submit and walk in sacrificial love for your neighbor. Our souls rest in the Lords hands, not mans. Btw this is not the mark. The mark is in the right hand or forehead, not the shoulder. I took my vaccination in the left shoulder to protect others. So be it. My faith is in the Lord. We are immortal in God's will!

    We are commanded to take precautions to avoid killing our neighbor. Duet 22:8 "When you build a new house, then you shall make a railing around your roof, so that you don’t bring blood on your house if anyone falls from there." Take the graciously God given vaccines to avoid blood on your hands! Fear not!

    The righteous, like the unrighteousness have never been free to stand under the wrath, plagues or judgments of God presumptuously. For example the flood they had to take action and enter the ark. The Passover they had to enter their homes and apply the blood! Sodom and Gomorrah they had to flee or likewise perish! Christians and pastors are getting infected and dying because of not walking in love towards their neighbor! Do you not see the virus is now impacting the righteous who refuse to heed the warnings and safety guidance to love their neighbor? How many waves will it take? Will it have to hit us close to the heart like Pharaoh? Repent, mask and vaccinate to help protect each other and end this pandemic. God raises up one King and brings another down. Leave that in His hands. Walk in obedience until sin is asked of us. We have a big God. Walk in love for others above yourselves! Amen.

  13. The sad part, a lot of these preachers/pastors preaching anti vaccine and soon as THEY get it, and are in the ICU, it's "Get the vaccine, it's real". You knew it was real before, but you chose to preach ignorance. It's sad so many people had to die from listening to everyone except doctors smh

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