Florida pastor arrested for defying ‘safer at home’ order l ABC News

Florida pastor arrested for defying ‘safer at home’ order l ABC News

A pastor in Florida is under arrest after a livestream showed his church packed with people. ABC News Andrea Fujii reports.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATES: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Coronavirus

#ABCNews #Quarantine #Florida #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Church #SocialDistancing


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47 thoughts on “Florida pastor arrested for defying ‘safer at home’ order l ABC News

  1. Before COVID, did Christian Pastors ensure their churches met local Building Codes, charity tax receipt laws, etc.? Why?

    Does the Bible allow us to ignore or reinterpret laws we don't like?

    Bible says:

    Honour, pay taxes, and do not resist your righteous Kings and other higher powers; for God raised up and gave authority to them as the ordained ministers of God. If man’s law is unavoidably contrary to God’s Law, openly and publicly obey God’s Laws; and rejoice in any unjust persecution or martyrdom that you suffer for the greater glory of God.

    Instead of defiance, Pastor & congregation need to innovate how to ensure compliance, yet find loop holes or alternatives so that great exploints for God can still be accomplished, the Gospel preached, and the flock tended.

    See: Gen 9:5-6, Dan 2:21, Dan 2:37-38, Dan 4:17, Isaiah 45:1, Mat 17:24-27, Mat 22:20-21, Mar 12:13-17, Luk 16:13, Luk 20:25, John 19:11, Act 5:27-29, 40-42; Rom 2:13, Rom 13:1-14, Eph 5:21, Eph 6:1, Tit 3:1, Heb 13:17 Jas 1:25, 1Pe 1:14, 1Pe 2:13-18, 1Jo 3:4, 1 Tim 2:2.

  2. the simple solution here……FINES…..fine them 5,000 each for a person there..and 10,000 for each person who works for the church …(you will see how fast their views would change)!!!!!

  3. All these measures for a lie. This week, the CDC provided the numbers for those Americans that died of Covid, and only 6% of the published deaths were caused directly by the Covid-19 infection. 94% died because of comorbidities, i.e. 94% died of other causes, but were still put into the stats for Covid. What a lie! See for yourself under the heading COMORBIDITIES: @t

  4. The problem is that mariguana shops are open, liquor stores are open,abortion clinics are open, strip clubs, walmarts,etc,etc.
    You get upset when people preach and sing for JESUS(The GOD of The Bible),but if people were getting together to kill, rob & destroy then you would applaude them and even join them.

  5. He was afraid everybody was going to spend their stimulus checks before they could give it to him. That’s what religion is all about nowadays.

  6. Churches, mosques, and synagogues except offerings. An offering is something that is freely given. No one is forced to. You can give $1, $5, or nothing at all. Governments on the other hand FORCE you to pay taxes. They even tell you how much you WILL pay!

    Per the Constitution of the United States, Amendment 1

    Congress shall make NO LAW respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise exercise thereof, or abridge the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, or the right of people to peacefully assemble to protest.

    Religion is considered so important that it is the very first thing mentioned in the very first amendment of the Constitution, while protesting is mentioned LAST!

    So what did the police do. They arrested people for breaking a law that not only doesn't exist, but is forbidden to exist. The totally fake news media supported the police's actions and the local governments did nothing to stop it. But as the Democrats say, nobody is above the law. Not even the laws that don't exist or can't exist.

  7. The way I see it, I would rather die praising God than following government control. As Americans we are being told what to do and how to do it. I say God is with me and his people will pray together.

  8. Well u know what me and 6 other friends met at the park the other day does that mean I’m a criminal. Cause if that’s the case I have no idea what hole America is digging down into.

  9. This is stupid now they are stepping on our first amendment right. Going to worship god doesn’t put anyone at risk. God looks after his people. This news r fake.

  10. This means the State is the creator of your religious organization, the author of your being and the true owner of your organizations buildings: And, when you incorporated you told your State god, “I WILL OBEY YOU NO MATTER WHAT.”, and to do otherwise is rebellious! Therefore, it’s not so much an issue of these congregations having feigned faith, not believing Christ can and will protect you from the virus; but rather, not understanding that Sovereignty is exclusive!

  11. ABC news is nothing but propaganda. I wish more pastors had the balls to stand up against this fake plandemic and speak out against the coming mandatory vaccines and chips, but most are content to hide in their homes and pander to married couples with kids as the pinnacle of what it means to be a complete person.

  12. Why their shaming the pastor, you can go to a super market but not to church? Is not faith that makes people sick, is the virus, and faith is the cure and that is my believe, and if this is not faith, then what is?

  13. He has a 1st amendment right. He has a right to assemble. People are totally ignorant when it comes to the bible. More than half of these people posting comments are completely and utterly ignorant of the word of God. None of you can rightly divide the word of truth. How do I know you don't. You must first have the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus (Yeshua) took 39, stripes on His back for my healing.
    God did not give me the spirit of fear, but of Love, Power and of a Sound Mind.
    Isaiah 53:5 
    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
    The devil is a liar. Our services have not been affected at all.
    All Glory Be To God. The True and Living God.
    The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    I know a lot of you don't really believe.
    I'm Thankful, I look forward to an Everlasting Life and Peace.
    I have an expected end.
    Let all you complainers, get off your dumb ass (its in bible, for you all who don't know) and show us how it should be down. I dare you!

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  15. Pastor Rodney was simply obeying god he did nothing wrong and He followed the social distancing rule plus since These people have faith god was protecting them from any sickness God said That he will protect his people from any plague if You don’t believe that then God can’t help you but this is the end time as god says in the Bible so you better get ready and start Accepting the lord or else it will be to late!

  16. One should simply do statistics after all of this is over and it will show that there simply is no holy armor of faith. That said such statistics would simply be spun to be some sort of test from god and it would be business as usual, and what a lucrative business it is. It's time to grow up and stop being so damn gullible people.

  17. South Korean church choir practice launched that country's corona virus outbreak. They've done a great job getting the virus under control since then. But this shows how dangerous and disrespectful these people are acting.

  18. This is nothing more than a money issue not a civil rights issue and the people who are going to the church are no better. I have an idea you all want gather together then ok but you sign a contract saying that if you get the corona virus the you won’t go to any hospital or doctors office to seek medical care so that we don’t overload the medical system ( haven’t they got enough to deal with without other selfish peppers getting sick because they want to gather in big groups) you want to go to church then go at your own risk and at the risk of your family. I bet none of them would sign that. Because then they would be screaming about that. But if you want to gather in an enclosed space with 50 or more people then fine do it. But you don’t go to the doctor or the hospital. Let’s see how important your rights are with those odd

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