Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that bans nearly all abortions after 15 weeks, the same gestational limit currently being reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
#RonDeSantis #Florida #AbortionBan #Abortion #WorldNewsTonight
They're willing to save a baby in the mother's body but will not take care of a unwanted child.
Republicans want to force women to have babies when a woman is raped and victim of incest. Let’s just dictate to all women how they need to take care of their bodies coming from white men.
Not far enough!
Pro Life are Pro Sadists. They only want you born so you can suffer. Women can just cause a miscarriage. No one can stop abortions. People who think you can stop abortions are dumb. Women can just end the pregnancy and make it look like an accident. There was already a Texas lady who had a self induced abortion and the charges were dropped. Its already starting. You can also just fall off your bed on your side if you want. There is no stopping abortions. If a woman is desperate enough she can end the pregnancy herself. If your a woman and your thinking about aborting. PLEASE DO SO! Every abortion saves a child from suffering in this trash world….
People that are upset about this just want an excuse and an option to rip their baby apart in the womb when it’s inconvenient. You lot are sick. R*pe victims are 2% of the abortions. And you have 15 weeks to make a decision which is more than enough time; too long in fact.
Yet, these White men are repeatedly reelected! Get ready to go back to the era of back alley abortions and women dying trying to perform home terminations. These White conservatives are not pro-life, they are pro-birth! These are the same people who regularly cut funding for social programs that help kids, programs like W.I.C. and foodstamps 💯. No man should have any control over any woman's uterus, period.
There are nearly 1,000,000 abortions per year in America. According to ABC all of those involves rape and incest.
I did have a little faith for humanity. But after reading some of these comments. I've realized it's full of disturbing and disgusting people!
What would RD and the guy from Oklahoma say to a Ukrainian rape victim? “Jesus told me to tell you that you must take the pregnancy to full term.â€ÂÂÂÂ
DeSantis 2024!
Soon, women won't have an option if a pregnancy occurs, JUST LIKE MEN. I support EQUALITY!! 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
This is so disturbing and sad. All these states are always like “my body my choice†when it comes to the vaccine.
You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$WTF
Who gets the baby when mom abandons it? The rapist father in prison might want unsupervised time with his kids on the weekends but what about the rest of the week?
DeShit should have been aborted
All lives matter!!!! If you don’t want children wrap it up get fixed ! Easy
What species do you pro aborts think unborn babies are?
Forgive my ignorance about this issue. I'm a gay man, so restricting abortion rights doesn't affect me directly. Why is abortion even needed when contraceptives seem fairly effective and there is a morning after pill? Are there situations when one may not even know they are pregnant, so it may be too late to use these other methods? Can you tell me what I missing in this debate?
Pro life
Abortion should never be legal
Loose women angry 🤣🤣🤣
Amazing that a man can tell a woman wat to do with her body a damn shame
What about protecting them through the other 18 years where they can't protect themselves?
awesome. A positive step.
DeSantis works for the rich not us. DeSantis is bully and a total racist moron
Can we just sell Florida back to Spain?
More mastery of hypocrisy by republicans. Their definition of “pro-life†must come from some top secret Dictionary that democrats don’t know about.
I vote for castration
If you really give a damn why don't you castrate the men that rape
Man cannot play God anymore you're not going with her to meet her maker leave the women alone
More oppression for us women all women know how much men really feel when they find out they're pregnant the first thing man wants is an abortion they even kill a woman this protest is just to control women it's not because they really care they know we hold the power man does not want us to have that power for they fear that they will no longer be here
Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers.
That’s over 3 months, why would someone wait that long?
But yet Florida is killing all its wildlife with pollution and development. Zero compassion for them. Women should drop off their babies they cannot afford to the lawmakers doorsteps and let them raise them for 18 years.
You can say that's the person life and you won't adopt the kids and the system over crowded
last I read up, Florida numbers said that like 96% of all abortions were out of convenience. People go rabid about these exceptions like a medical necessity…that amounts to about 1% of all abortions. People tryin to act like people are dying, while all they want to do is kill their offspring because it's not convenient.
This is absolutely disgusting and he should be ashamed of himself along with anyone else who supports this oppression. THEY WILL SEND WOMEN TO JAIL FOR A MEDICAL PROCEDURE BUT CHILD RAPISTS GET BARELY 2 YEARS IN JAIL.
They should abolish ALL abortions. It’s just child sacrifice to Moloch.
Love Desantis almost 4 months is plenty of time to know if your pregnant, no matter if it's rape or incest!!
Eight states have full term abotion.Cali. is trying to pass a bill that a parent can decide to kill their child over a year after birth
GOP going in Reverse!
Sign the open carry bill next, We Americans support this
Ouch this man is about to receive some serious Bad Karma. Control my body? – that’s just gross ignorance. Travel out of state for procedures? What – hell no – I would suggest all the women march right out of that state permanently and let them deal with the loss and ignorance. It’ll be under water soon anyway.
Hahahaha middle time is back