Flooding emergency in Venice l ABC News

Flooding emergency in Venice l ABC News

The centuries-old city is experiencing flooding from the highest tides in more than 50 years.

taly’s government declared a state of emergency on Thursday after floodwaters ravaged Venice, causing inestimable damage to the centuries-old city. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2Qi3Bva

20 million euros (approximately $22 million, U.S.) is being set aside in response, reported Italian press agency ANSA.

Venice saw its worst flood in 50 years on Tuesday, close to midnight, after floodwaters reached over 73 inches.

#ABCNews #Venice #Flooding #Italy


36 thoughts on “Flooding emergency in Venice l ABC News

  1. London has a ‘similar type of situation’ … not quite. The Thames is a river and it is much easier to manage than a city literally ON the ocean.

  2. Harry Decker3 days ago
    Just saw on the news that Venice has flooded, and it was blamed on "climate change." No other reason was suggested. So I looked up info on Venice (Italy) to discover that it consists of 118 small islands separated by canals and linked by over 400 bridges. The whole area is located in a shallow lagoon and is slowly sinking by 1-2 mm annually. Six centuries ago all major rivers were diverted to keep them from flowing into the lagoon. A great deal of engineering took place to build Venice and to keep it from flooding, and engineering continues to this day. Venice is located next to the Adriatic Sea, and tides and sea levels naturally change over the centuries and millennia. Natural storms and floods will continue to occur and vary in intensity. Erosion and silt deposition is constant. The Eurasian plate is drifting eastward at a rate of 2.5 cm annually. We know that there are ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian seaports that are now underwater. Oh my gosh, it had to have been due to climate change! (It took me 15 minutes to look up this information. Why aren’t journalists doing this and giving the public the big picture? Could it be that agenda-driven politics is involved and therefore those who control the news attempt to brainwash the public?)

  3. Woa 😀😀😀😀😀😀
    Haaaaaaaaa AAA amazing flood

  4. Two ✌ words to solve the problem. Giant sponge.


  6. Sounds like a lot of corruption for the funds that should have been used in the City which is prone to flooding.
    Same with other cities built on watery sites, but the political corruption has not been as flagrant as has been the case in Venice.

  7. Did this happen 50 years ago as stated in this video? 
    What is the History of this sort of flooding over the Centuries in Venice as the City has always been subject to flooding because of its' location.

  8. The FLOATING city of Venice, one of the most extraordinary cities in the world.

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