More than six months worth of rain fell in a matter of hours in the area.
#worldnewstonight #abcnews #floods #flooding #deathvalley
And God opened up the Heavens and flooded the earth.
Only its not climate change, its weather. Many years ago when they called it man made global warming they were also ranting that there would be less and less rain everywhere……Oooops…….
(Paiute chief) – "Little Hawk, you bonehead! I WARNED you about those Rain Dance raves!"
(Little Hawk) – "Ooops . . . my bad . . . "
"It's all because of man-made climate change!"
There is NOTHING new about extreme weather. The Earth has been experiencing extreme weather events ever since the EARth HAD a climate – and it always will, REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE DO OR DON'T DO.
Europe faces heat wave, wildfires and extreme drought 2022. 8. 12 news
Dozens of homes destroyed, thousands evacuated as wildfires rage in southwestern France 2022. 8. 10. news
[Real Footages] The heaviest rainfall in 80 years pounds Seoul 2022. 8. 9.
Again, Burn It and Flooding and Wildfire ! And storms, floods, tornadoes after the Heatwave, heavy snow, and hail and flood and Another plague mutation and Burn It and "Coronavirus 19" another one ….. Tornado and "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM…New mutations appear consecutively. After the earthquake and after Burn It !
more than their ('Mang Won', South korean and American, females and males and their families ) crimes. Continue
(Antichrist, murderers from all stations, including Christian TV radio, and murder robbers from the Blue House and the White House, the National Intelligence Service and the CIA, as well as pastors and preachers and priests and nuns.)
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches!
There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Heatwave: Southwest Europe swelters as wildfires burn 2022. 7. 15. news
The reason why France does not respond to the message of Prophet Yi David of JESUS, the servant of GOD, is that it is profiting from murder crimes along with murderers and robbers in South korea and the United States?! Or is it because they are criminals and murder robbers who have no manners below common sense?!
Let's see what you criminals can do.
There is nothing you can do!
Also, the president of France and all members of the ruling and opposition parties will have to take responsibility for it with your family. right now.
A plague of cruel punishment continues to fall upon you and your families.
I will continue to deal with cunning and arrogant criminals.
Si vous souhaitez recevoir une politique pour le peuple, veuillez m'envoyer une adresse e-mail àlaquelle vous, le candidat àla présidence, pouvez recevoir/
만ì¼ 당신ì´ 사람들ì„ 위Õœ ì •ì±…ì„ 받고싶다면 대Ƶ령 Û„ë³´ì¸ 당신ì´ ì§ÂÂì ‘ ë°›ì„ 수가 있늆ì´ë©â€Âì¼ 주소를 나ìâ€â€Ã‚Â게 ë³´ë‚´ 주시기 ë°â€ÂëžÂÂ니다/
Palais de l'Élysée
55 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris, France
Si vous souhaitez recevoir mon aide sur les questions environnementales et énergétiques, et COVID-19 ainsi que sur les politiques éducatives et sociales, veuillez me fournir votre adresse e-mail officielle. Mes politiques ne font aucune distinction entre les partis au pouvoir et les partis d'opposition. Ce sont des politiques uniquement pour le peuple, elles seront donc envoyées aux partis au pouvoir et àl'opposition en même temps. Si l'adresse e-mail ne me parvient pas, je ne recevrai pas ma police.
٘경 ë° ìâ€â€Ã‚Â너지 문제, COVID-19, êµÂÂ육 밠사ÃÂÅ¡Å’ ì •ì±…ìâ€â€Ã‚ Ã«Å’€Ã•œ 지ì›ÂÂì„ 받으려면 공신ì´ë©â€Âì¼ 주소를 알려주ì‹ÂÂ시오. 나ìÂÂËœ ì •ì±…ì€ ìâ€â€Ã‚¬Ã«â€¹Â¹ÃªÂ³Â¼ 야당ì„ 구분՘지 않습니다. êµÂÂ민만ì„ 위Õœ ì •ì±…ì´ë¼ ìâ€â€Ã‚¬Ã«â€¹Â¹ÃªÂ³Â¼ 야당ìâ€â€Ã‚ Ã«Â™시ìâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¬Â â€žÃ«â€¹Â¬Ã«Â 예정ì´다. ì´ë©â€Âì¼ 주소가 나ìâ€â€Ã‚Â게 ë„달՘지 않으면 나ìÂÂËœ ì •ì±…ì„ 받지 못ՠ것입니다.
Je félicite le peuple français pour sa sagesse.
Mon Facebook accueille toujours les Français.
ÃÂâ€Â„랑스 êµÂÂ민ìÂÂËœ Ø„명Õœ ÃÂÅ’ÂÂ단ìâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¬Â°Â¬Ã¬â€šÂ¬Ã«Â¥Â¼ 보낸다.
나ìÂÂËœ ÃÂŽ˜ì´스ë¶ÂÂì€ 언제나 ÃÂâ€Â„랑스ì¸들ì„ Ù˜ì˜ÂÂì„ Õœë‹¤.
C'était une bonne situation pour le président français Macron dans une situation et une situation difficiles. Les responsabilités ne seront pas assumées seules, mais seront partagées avec les partis d'opposition et le peuple. Vous devez suivre les paroles et les ordres du Prophète Lee, serviteur de Dieu, dans l'action. C'est le seul moyen et la seule façon de vivre. Vous devez suivre les paroles justes de la loi de Dieu.
어려운 ìƒÂÂÙ©ê³¼ ì‹œêµÂÂìâ€â€Ã‚ ÃÂâ€Â„랑스 대Ƶ령 마ì롱ìâ€â€Ã‚Â게늆좋ì€ ìƒÂÂÙ©ì´ ëÂÂÅ“ 것ì´다. ì±…ìž„ì„ Ø¼ìž ê°€ì§€ëŠ†ê²ƒì´ 아니ë¼ 야당들과 êµÂÂ민들 ê°™ì´ 나누어 가지늆것ì´ ë 것ì´다, ì‹ ìÂÂËœ 종ì´신“ÃÂâ€Â„ë¡œÃÂŽ« ì´†님ìÂÂËœ ë§ÂÂìâ€Â€ê³¼ 명령들ì„ Ö‰ë™으로 ëâ€Â°ë¼야만 ՜다. 오로지 그것ì´ 유ì¼Õœ 방법ì´며 ì‚´ 수가 있늆단 ՘나ìÂÂËœ 방법ì´다. ì‹ ìÂÂËœ 율법ìÂÂËœ ì˜로운 ë§ÂÂìâ€Â€ëŒ€ë¡œ ëâ€Â°ë¼야만 ՜다.
Les élections législatives en France doivent aider l'opposition àéquilibrer le pouvoir. France's general election must help the opposition to balance power.
ÃÂâ€Â„랑스ìÂÂËœ ì´ÂÂì„ ì€ Þ˜ìÂÂËœ 균Ø•ì„ 위Õ´ì„œ 야당 쪽으로 ë„움ì„ 주어야만 ՜다.
Votre élection àla présidence s'est faite naturellement avec mon aide.
Bien sûr, vous, vos employés et votre famille avez travaillé dur, mais vous savez àquel point cette élection a été difficile.
Et vous savez que c'est dur d'être élu président deux fois en France. Il aurait également été difficile d'interférer et d'attaquer par les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne.
Vous devriez savoir àquel point mon aide a été précieuse. C'est ce qui vous rend éligible pour continuer àrecevoir la grâce. Mon adresse e-mail et mes informations vous ont déjàété transmises.
Veuillez confirmer et nous contacter.
당신ìÂÂËœ 대Ƶ령 당선ì€ 나ìÂÂËœ ë„움으로 당ìâ€â€Ã‚°Ã•œ 것ì´ ë˜ìâ€â€Ã‹â€ 다.
물론당신과 당신ìÂÂËœ ì§ÂÂì›ÂÂ들 그리고가족들ì´ 노력ì„ Õœ 것ë„ 있겠지만ì€ ì´번선거가 얼마나 어려웠ëŠâ€Â지ë„ ì•Œ 것ì´다. 그리고ÃÂâ€Â„랑스ìâ€â€Ã‚Â서늆ë‘ÂÂ번대Ƶ령으로 당선ì´ ë˜늆것ì´ 어렵다늆것ë„ 잘 ì•Œ 것ì´다. ë˜ÂÂÕœ 미êµÂÂê³¼ ì˜ÂÂêµÂÂìÂÂËœ 방մ와 공격ìâ€â€Ã‚Âë„ 어려움ì´ 있ìâ€â€Ã‹â€ ì„ 것ì´다. 나ìÂÂËœ ë„움ì´ 얼마나 컸ëŠâ€Â지 알아야만 ՠ것ì´다. 그것ì´ 당신ì´ ìۯœë¥¼ 계ì†ÂÂÕ´ì„œ ë°›ì„ 수가 있늆ìžÂÂ격ì´ ë˜늆것ì´니ë§ÂÂì´다. 나ìÂÂËœ ì´ë©â€Âì¼ 주소와 정보늆ì´미 당신ìâ€â€Ã‚Â게 전달ì´ ë˜ìâ€â€Ã‹â€ 다. Ù•ì¸ì„ ՘고ìâ€â€Ã‚°Ã«Â½ì„ ՘기 ë°â€Â란다.
Comment allons-nous résoudre les problèmes qui se posent actuellement?
Vous devez travailler pour résoudre le problème. Il ne faut pas oublier la situation actuelle.
How are we going to solve the current problems?
You have to work to fix the problem. We must not forget the current situation.
지금진Ö‰ì´ ë˜어지고있늆문제들ì„ 어떻게 ÃÂ’€ì–´ 나갈것ì¸가?
문제 Õ´ê²°ì„ 위Õ´ì„œ ì¼ì„ մ야만 ՜다. 지금ìÂÂËœ ìƒÂÂÙ©ì„ 잊어서늆안ëÂœ다.
L'élection présidentielle n'est pas votre objectif.
Le président ne devrait pas non plus être votre objectif.
Alors vous êtes vraiment une personne précieuse qui a une vie qui existe pour le bien du pays et de ses habitants.
Il y aura beaucoup de travail àfaire.
Si vous avez besoin d'une politique pour les personnes, veuillez nous contacter àtout moment.
Je vous ai déjàenvoyé mon adresse e-mail.
De plus, il nous sera utile de travailler si vous nous fournissez les coordonnées et l'adresse nécessaires.
Beginning with the administrations of Bill Clinton and Hillary in United States in 1993 and the administrations of Kim Young-sam and Kim Hyun-cheol in South korea, he became president through crimes and used his power to evil. For their power, money, and hiding their crimes.
They have been committing crimes beyond imagination by using the National Security Law viciously.
They despise JESUS, deliberately commit murder, massacre, and torture of abuse 24 hours a day, boasting and enjoying not only the destruction of families but also the crimes of extortion and destruction.
I will and I am doing brutally kill them and their families, and I will retaliate against them.
Also, as they commit crimes beyond imagination, saying that they hide the crimes of Christian pastors, evangelists, priests and nuns, as well as criminals from TV and radio stations and grant criminal wishes one by one. They will all be brutally killed in pain. on and on.
In addition, I will punish not only the criminals of murder, robbery and destruction in South korea and United States, but also the criminals of Japan, United Kingdom, European countries, Jews, and all countries with punitive disasters and retaliation, and extortion and destruction. will do, continue
Criminals have been committing atrocious crimes for over 29 years, repaying evil for grace to JESUS and the servants of GOD "Prophet Yi" and the family of "Prophet Yi".
So, continue to kill them and their families more brutally than all their crimes.
Making them and their families want 'beg to die' in the pain of abuse. Of course.
They also abused their power to hide the crimes of Christian pastors and evangelists, priests and nuns, and criminals from TV and radio stations to commit crimes. Also, as they say that they will grant the wishes of criminals one by one, and commit crimes beyond imagination, all murderers in South korea and United States will be brutally killed in pain. on and on.
Just Democrat propaganda.
So when it floods they blame climate change.
And when there's a drought they blame climate change.
When it's hot they blame climate change.
And when it's cold they blame climate change.
Sounds legit.
"cLiMaItE cHaNgE"🙄😒
Of course it is due to cLiMAtE cHAngE.
Trump reaction!" All lies,fake news! Climate change doesn't exist! "Carry on golfing!"
Should have checked the weather report.
It looks like it hasn’t seen this much water since the last Ice Age! Of course back in those days the death Valley region was definitely wetter and cooler.
No time,In a few months you people will definitely be kicking yourselves regret for missing the opportunity to invest in forex/XRP cryptocurrency and Bitcoin trade, now the flood will soon destroy.
1988 death valley had 1.47 of rain. Thats the record per day total. So we have had two thousand year events in the last 35 years? Events like this have happened before and will again. Climates are constantly changing. We just focus on the present and dont look at the past. The polar ice caps weren't always there and have been melting for a very long time. The sahara wasnt always a desert. The largest salt deposit in the mid west wasn't just put there. Its Food for though and im just seeing a bigger picture
Extreme weather events are not more common. Everyone has a camera and an agenda, that is why it seems more common
Thank God, the desert land is no longer there, and it becomes the land of green land. Amen!
climate change BS
Climate change is a lie we are all slaves
My appreciation goes to Dr OSABA on YouTube for taking his time to cure me of my Alopecia after 3years, Dr osaba always have cure for other chronic diseases
Start building the Ark 😂 climate change
Of course the obligatory… due to "climate change". Or, occasionally it rains really hard even in the desert.
I lived in Trona, Ca about 50 miles from Death Valley back in the 80s and we had a big flood around that time they mentioned in 88 or so. People were rafting down Downs Blvd in Ridgecrest. Climate change smimate change.
Where’s my bucket 🪣
I wonder where they came up with the name 'BADWATER" for that area….hahahaha. Guess you were warned.
Ayat Ayat Satria Piningit
AlKitab Matius
Nasihat supaya berjaga-jaga
24:37 Yesus: "Sebab sebagaimana halnya pada zaman Nuh, demikian pula halnya kelak pada kedatangan Satria Piningit menjadi Presiden Indonesia
24:38 Sebab sebagaimana mereka pada zaman sebelum air banjir itu makan dan minum, kawin dan mengawinkan, sampai kepada hari Nuh masuk ke dalam bahtera,
24:39 dan mereka tidak tahu akan sesuatu, sebelum air banjir itu datang dan melenyapkan mereka semua, demikian pula halnya kelak pada kedatangan Satria Piningit menjadi Presiden Indonesia
24:33 Demikian juga, jika kamu melihat semua banjir ini, ketahuilah, bahwa waktu kemunculan Satria Piningit sudah dekat, sudah di ambang pintu.
24:22 Dan sekira waktu kemunculan Satria Piningit menjadi Presiden Indonesia tidak dipersingkat, maka dari segala yang hidup tidak akan ada yang selamat; akan tetapi oleh karena Satria Piningit orang pilihan, waktu kemunculan itu akan dipersingkat.
24:42 Karena itu berjaga-jagalah. sebab kamu tidak tahu pada hari Satria Piningit datang.
24:44 Sebab itu, hendaklah kamu juga siap sedia, karena Satria Piningit menjadi Presiden Indonesia datang pada saat yang tidak kamu duga."
I’m a republican and I don’t believe in climate change so it doesn’t exist
Wow!so sad
We have this event Shifted Pole Theorie Hapgood 2022
Smh wow this is really cause for concern GLOBAL Warming cause and dangerous effects
I'm sad to see this all desaster 😼☹ï¸ÂÂthis is all over the whole 🌠I hope all are ready is not 1234 more come all aver ðŸŒÂÂthe mother nature mad 💢 the god anger is come 💢ðŸ™ÂÂâ˜ÂÂï¸ÂÂbut gave the warning ⚠︠to all people,this to believe him to his power the all desaster tradegy climate change global warming climate change,8s come this reamind to many people,to all unviliver to my father' god 🙠Jesus Christ, to gave time the time to him , 🙠but many people cannot believe in many people are busy many no time to him , ðŸ™ÂÂ🤲 until all cannot vow to god all of this happen can't stop no body can stop to desaster,only in hands of god control all , ðŸ™ÂÂ✋🌀🌬ï¸ÂÂ🌊🌪ï¸ÂÂ🌫ï¸ÂÂðŸâ€Â¥ðŸŒ‹ðŸŒ©ï¸ÂÂâ˜ÂÂï¸ÂÂ☄ï¸ÂÂ💧🌧ï¸ÂÂ🌦ï¸ÂÂðŸÂÂâ€Âï¸ÂÂâ›°ï¸ÂÂðŸÂžï¸ÂÂâš¡âš¡âš¡
Is it me, or does the outdoors reporter (Marciano), look eerily similar to a younger Arnold Schwarzenegger???! ðŸ¤â€Â
If only it would move to Lake Mead!
It was far worse in the year 1462, July.
They should build bunds to capture those rains and sip into ground like they did in Africa. Death Valley may reforested in greens. 6 months worth of rain will be good for the trees to grow.
is California going to fall in the ocean one day
Please quit sensationalizing the news. Fact is only 1 1/2"" of rain fell, but in the entire story they never mentioned that fact. But stating that fact wouldn't sound as catastrophic as calling it "over half a years rain". This only shows that they were trying to promote their agenda, which is climate change causes these weather tragedies. Omitting the fact that ONLY 1.5" of rain fell was not an accident.
Remember the "great flood". These events have happened before!
more BS climate change! It has been doing this forever dummies!
Don’t go to a national park on a rainy day, very simple cause parks like this are prone to flooding even with the smallest amount of rain. If people would just listen to warnings, they’d be fine. Thankfully everyone got out cause this could’ve been much worse
A thunderstorm passed by yesterday. Of course climate change caused it. 🙄
wow beautifully floody on the desert…
big thank to the cloudy pour heavy thick rainy rainy on the dry desert sand / great floody…
keep continue more rainy rainy again and flood soon allday – allnight – everyday – everynight…
many animals / plants needs that water