First US report of serious adverse vaccine reaction l WNT

First US report of serious adverse vaccine reaction l WNT

A health worker in Juneau, Alaska, who had no history of allergies, suffered an allergic reaction during the 15-minute observation period following the shot.




#worldnewstonight #covid #vaccine #allergies


40 thoughts on “First US report of serious adverse vaccine reaction l WNT

  1. Allergic reactions huh 🙄🤔… People please understand THIS IS NOT APPROVED THROUGH THE FDA..

  2. It's sad the dead from the vaccine can speak of the bad adverse reactions to the vaccine. Y' all out your minds for taking these experimental vaccine, they CAN'T BE REVERSED!

  3. People are blind as all out door. Why everytime 😕 somebody has a reaction you never see them again. Someone else always speaks for them. If People don't wake the hell up!!!! Now they want to give this jab to children and babies. Meanwhile 100s of deaths have been reported right after the jab but it not the jab that killed them. How dumb do they think we really are.

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  5. If the vaccines so safe
    Why does the needle cap remain on when the people pushing the vaccine like fauci take it in public
    That's the vaccine I want
    Another thing if the vaccine doesn't stop people being infected
    Nor prevent you from becoming infectious
    It's not a vaccine
    The only reason for a vaccine
    Is to prevent infection
    and prevent you from being infectious
    Maybe I'm missing something here
    Maybe they've changed the meaning of vaccine
    Maybe the new meaning is
    Vaccine=to generate massive profits for big pharma
    but will not protect you from the virus

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  7. Yeah, let’s just see how that plays out for poor people visiting cash-strapped clinics or area drug stores where they’ll probably be sent on their way immediately – just like those who had covid and went to the hospitals only to be told to take an aspirin and go home where they later died.

  8. I’ve never had to be watched for adverse effects from any shot????

  9. I don't trust this vaccine it probably has tiny a tracking device inside the same ones they put in my dog in case he gets lost or stolen. We are just test clinical dummies .

  10. This is the first time that a mRNA vaccine is given to the public. It seems everyone in the government is in a rush to approve it.

  11. I'll never be the first to try anything. First year of a new car model, first batch of vaccines, new medications, etc. Not against it by any means, but I'll wait til the kinks are worked out.

  12. There is a virus taking over the world, and I’m not talking about Covid. I’m talking about the virus of sin. But there is a Vaccine for it! His name is Jesus. Not only that, but He took the piercings for you, to release the healing power and life which is in His blood. It’s the cure to depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc. Salvation and healing are available for all who receive Him…

    Repent & turn to Jesus and put your trust in Him. Believe in the Gospel: Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose on the third day so that you would be delivered from the fires of hell and have eternal life in Him. Jesus loves you!!!!

  13. Are you allergic to having an aborted 14 week old baby injected into your body? 🤷‍♀️

  14. “I almost died, but I’m glad for taking this self mutilation drug that have more side effects that are more sever than the ailment it was created to prevent” We live in a world full of brainless zombies.

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