First Female Congressional Chaplain Condemns Capitol Riot In Opening Prayer | NBC News NOW

First Female Congressional Chaplain Condemns Capitol Riot In Opening Prayer | NBC News NOW

Rear Adm. Margaret G. Kibben, the first woman to be appointed as a Congressional chaplain, condemned the riot at the Capitol during her opening prayer in the House of Representatives.
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#MargaretGKibben #CongressionalChaplain #NBCNews

First Female Congressional Chaplain Condemns Capitol Riot In Opening Prayer | NBC News NOW


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42 thoughts on “First Female Congressional Chaplain Condemns Capitol Riot In Opening Prayer | NBC News NOW

  1. I suggest giving security 10 or more loud speakers and get them to chant "Trump is the Loser, MAGATs go home!"

    Permanently suspending Trump's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts will break him.

    Trump's treason and the 5 riot deaths deserve the standard 20 year treason prison sentence.

    All injured security staff should go stay at Mar-a-Largo, sue Trump and send him the bill !

  2. What is with the show of force now at Capitol Hill when no one is there?

    US made to look stupid again. The Earth's village idiots.

    US has 303,000 more Covid deaths than the UK. Trump's Herd immunity is another of his failures.

    The world can't tell an American from a MAGAT so anyone with an American accent is considered stupid !

  3. The riots clearly display that the US must forfeit any international leadership role.

    The US may have a minor collaborative and cooperative role.

    The world associates the US with racism, school shootings, invasions, riots, stupidity and lying.

    The stability of World Peace is safe when the US stays at home killing it's own people !

  4. Pinky power and colonial cronyism is the world's biggest threat. It has been for the past 400 years.

    Pinkies are jealous of China leading the world and Native peoples fighting against colonisation.

    Terrorist monitoring in New Zealand previously looked at Islamic, Communist and Colonial threats.

    That was before an Australian pinky attack on two Christchurch mosques two years ago !

  5. YES, Hi Everybody,
    Faced with the dramatic and shameful events on Capitol , America must immediately end the function of D. Trump, who is entirely responsible for it.
    Please stop this dangerous man ASAP !
    For the history and reputation of the United States, we count on every Senator doing his or her duty.
    In a democracy, you have to accept the results of the elections.
    This is the rule of universal suffrage.
    Another important rule: All the culprits-Trump or whoever- are obliged to answer to the Justice .
    Let's try to " Fight for Better World " by reading our eBook in KDP, Amazon. Noel Tuy.

  6. Religion has no business in the government!!! It is a personal belief not a country wide one!! I, nor anyone else should have to live our lives under policy that promotes a belief of others and not ours!!

    Separate church from state NOW!!!

  7. Keeping in prayer of white house and family and everyone 🙏. And keeping in prayer of capital house 🙏

  8. The USA is under GOD's judgment. Unabashed pride, false gods and idol worship, racism, calling right wrong and wrong right, the shedding of innocent blood, rampant debauchery, hypocritical leaders, violence, and a lack of compassion and or mercy for those who aren't people you know, are related to, friends with, have things in common with, are different from, or someone that has something you want or need. Asking for mercy that only seeks to alleviate personal distress without a heart to turn from evil and to love our neighbor, be merciful toward others, forgive others, care for the sick and poor, judge righteously, speak honestly, and to earnestly endeavor to turn from our wicked ways is futile….Want mercy? Accept, Believe, Confess, and REPENT!

  9. Don't believe Trump. He is planning the next insanity in the bunker. Be careful 😜😜
    Trump never knows how to have Shame
    His niece Mary has already foreseen that..
    Trump will destroy everything around him..

  10. Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
    Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.
    “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted".

    You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything, in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
    If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.

    And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

    This, then, is how you should pray:

    Our Father in heaven,
    hallowed be your name,
    your kingdom come,
    your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us today our daily bread.
    And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one.

    For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

    "Matthew 5-7 NIV Bible Gateway", we can use google search.
    These are the teachings,
    The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God.
    REPENT, and start doing what is right.
    If you abide my teachings, you are really my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

    A time is coming and has now come, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. God is Spirit, so his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and Truth; they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

    In the New Heaven and New Earth,
    only Righteousness dwells.
    May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ our God be with you all.

  11. Beautiful prayer. Congratulations to Rear Admiral Kibben. I don't know why I'm always surprised when I learn that someone is the first at a job. People should stop saying they're all about separation of church and state. Questions…1) Did the other religions get to offer a prayer at the lectern as well to comfort their people? 2) Is the congressional chaplain non-denominational?

  12. I don,t recall her or any pastor in the House condemning the last 8 months of Riots in Liberal cites when police were murdered or beaten by ANTIFA and Black lives Matter..nor did I hear any condemnation by any Democrats or Biden, or Kamal..the only thing I heard from them with a smile on there face, they all were all peaceful demonstrations..while Cities burned and businesses were looted live on TV.

  13. I'm perfectly willing to say anyone with testicles should probably sit out a few plays, let our fragile egos heal and get back to actually caring about the women and children of the world that need men to be inclusive, forgiving and gentle.

  14. Look & learn you offspring of the U.S.A.
    I will be praying to God for the answers to solving yOur troubles.
    I am Jesus Christ in tHis second coming.
    I'm in the process of Overcoming My enemies in North America and establishing the North American UNION.
    Replete with 4 branches of checks and balances and rules!
    Executive (orders), Legislative (powers), Judicial (equalizers), and Public (services).

    We must expose & defeat a plot by U.K. & E.U. double agents to cause Civil War to destroy Us!
    The E.U. is influencing Democrats.
    The U.K. is buying Republicans.

    We must Overcome foreignization threats to We the People of North America while rising to become a truly definitive space faring civilization of We the People with a future & purpose!
    The president of Brazil must be defeated also!

  15. 13:43 I love that. Do you love me? 😍💋 💝💖❤️

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