A state of emergency has been declared for five counties in New Mexico as several large wildfires burn across the state.
#Wildfires #NewMexico #Firefighters #Southwest
A state of emergency has been declared for five counties in New Mexico as several large wildfires burn across the state.
#Wildfires #NewMexico #Firefighters #Southwest
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The wild fires are made much larger and out of controlee because everything is so dry. There isn't enough moisture in the soil, there isn't enough moisture in the vegetation. One thing we need to do is move water from the ocean back inland to places we need it. The natural water cycle can't refill aquifers that were filled thousands of years ago by melting glaciers after the last ice age. Big problems need big solutions.
The biggest idea I am trying to express is tunneling aqueducts from the coast, in this case the west coast of the USA inland to feed combination geothermal power and sea water desalination plants. The idea seems to be so big that no one has considered it possible but I believe it is not only possible but it is necessary. For over a century the fossil water contained in aquifers has been pumped out to feed agriculture, industry and municipal water needs. The natural water cycle cant refill fossil water deposits that were filled 10,000 years ago when the glaciers melted after the last ice age. Without refilling these aquifers there is not much of a future for the region of the United states. As a result ground levels in some areas of the San Joaquin Valley have subsided by more than 30 feet. Similar fossil water depletion is happening in other regions all around the world. TBM and tunneling technology has matured and further developments in the industry are poised to speed up the tunneling process and it's these tunnels that are the only way to move large volumes of water from the ocean inland. The water is moved inland to areas where it can be desalinated in geothermal plants producing clean water and power. In many cases the water will recharge surface reservoirs where it will be used first to make more hydro power before being released into rivers and canal systems. It's very important however to not stop tunneling at these first stops but to continue several legs until the water has traveled from the ocean under mountain ranges to interior states. Along the way water will flow down grade through tunnels and rise in geothermal loops to fill mountain top pumped hydro batteries several times before eventually recharging several major aquifers. What I am proposing is essentially reversing the flow of the Colorado River Compact. Bringing water from the coast of California first to mountaintop reservoirs then to the deserts of Nevada and Arizona and on to Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. This big idea looks past any individual city or states problems and looks at the whole and by using first principles identifies the actual problem and only solution.
Thank you for your time, I would like the opportunity to explain in further detail and answer any questions.
A better future is possible,
Crazy, there were 7 brush fires in Boston metro area this weekend
You haven't seen nothin' yet. It will only get much worse from here, and it is not eschatological.
It looks like God is going to smite thee with Hell Fire and Brimstone
Amen ðŸ™ÂÂ
Democrats have cut down funding for firefighters.
Thank you Biden for the wild fires 😋
Why don't the fire fighters use drone and electricity to created fake rain to fight the fire??? Dubai did it first to created fake rain to help fight the heat why don't we United States gives it a shot??? Idk the whole logic or method behind it but it wouldn't hurt to try it right.?
1 Corinthians 6:19 our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own.
1 Corinthians 6:19 our BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. and woman
Romans 12:1 by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
California NEEDS to burn completely.
Best news source, keep up the good work. iYM3
During the last presidential election I was surprised no political candidate said anything about building more
water-bombers for west coast wildfires, now spreading across the country. You can see I'm being practical.
What surprised me after a few more years of wildfires happened, with all the droughts, floods and tornadoes,
is not seeing any talk at all about insurance, coverage and rates, or if companies are going bankrupt.
Ontario, Canada, has been taken over by Americans as much as any other country. After the New Orleans
flood mayors in cities were told to lose their flood insurance, say $30,000 a year, and pay $300,000,
seen as subsidizing New Orleans insurance costs. Ontario rate-payers do the same for all of our resources.
You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$$$WTF$$$$$?????