The fight over COVID and mask mandates in schools is shaking up the governor’s race in Oklahoma after schools chief Joy Hofmeister announced she’s leaving the Republican Party to run as a Democrat.
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They say Republicans can be Democrats but Democrats can never be Republican there you go see was a true Democrat all along but the Republican party is strong let me reiterate the Republican party is the strongest party we are for the people by the people
I am new to the Republican Party
Stop this TYRANNY now……leave the children alone
Remember when vaccine mandates were conspiracy theories??? Insubordination now… when will people realize how tyrannical and authoritarian this is.. fascists ironically call themselves anti fascist as a desensitization tactic
Let’s Go Brandon!ðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂ
U need to stop this sex school it's not funny
I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?
America got an answer from God in the form of covid19.
As a whole we want our childrens future to be bright and we are willing to suffer for it. Schools can not go back to in person learning because for every child attending they get 💰 for their budget from the state. If everyschools attendance rises exponentially so does their income and that leave less money for stupid crap like wars and weapons the government sells to our enemy.. I mean come on they sell weapons to the taliban and make more weapons to go fight the taliban but never recover the already produced weapons.
The vaccine mandate encourages parents who oppose it to keep their kids from attending school leaving less money for the school and more money for other crap the elite find more important than educating the poor and unwilling to submit.
another peace of solid advice, is to wear a hazmat suit, because that's the only way you will ever be fully protected, is if you have two glass eyes
why would she think she is going to win by going blue Oklahoma has been one of the most conservative states for years, not even a chance as a democrat
I live in Hawaii. My son sat next to a kid who was coughing all day in class. Masks are mandatory. My son got sick. As a result, he had to either be tested or face a 10 day quarantine. Did the drive thru testing thing at Walgreens. I was driving and not wearing a mask. The person behind the plexiglass window said I needed to wear a mask. I refuse and she conceded. Step up and insist on common sense.
They should segregate schools between democrats and republican children cause I don't want my child going to school where democrats teach .
Thx again fauci and your bitch Biden
Kind of funny how Americans blindly follow the government and the brainwashing media. Look how much money our government is pouring into the pharmaceutical companies no one asked these questions why follow the money
Government should stay out of our business they’ve done enough damage brainwashing media hard at work
It's all about MONEY, it has nothing to do with the safety of the people
Just like AY 4.2 is another variant from the covid-19, not another strain so this is mutating in those that have had covid-19
You are supposed to be educated what's a difference between variant and strain,
Joy Hofmeister is leaving the Republican Party to run for Tyrant in Chief in the State of Oklahoma. She needs to run for Governor in a state in one of the States in Venezuela where she will be more comfortable as an elected public official.
The question is how effective the mask works against COVID on the open air outdoor compared to indoor class rooms where no one is coughing or sneezing or havent come from as carrier of the virus. What is important is the obligation of preventive vaccination
On the road again, have fun maybe we can catch up later on your way home.. north west Florida 😃😘
Seems like a losing proposition for Hofmeister after seeing Biden's heavy handed COVID response is polling in the single digits in OK.
So she did not have a chance in the God so she jumps to dems. Not sure I would trust her. Rhino