FEMA administrator pressed on N95 mask distribution l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Martha Raddatz interviews FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #FEMA #PeteGaynor #N95Masks #ThisWeek


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “FEMA administrator pressed on N95 mask distribution l ABC News”
  1. Reading the comments made me realize how intelligent people are. Most everyone can see that this man is not answering the questions. So, he is either hiding something, ignorant, or he is very incompetent.

  2. Why Doesn’t President Trump open up his Hotel’s to help the Corona virus homeless victims also all those Empty golf courses he owns How un American, and selfish our own President ,

    leadership is for war victims.!!!!!!!

  3. Gosh! Just tell us the true! You don't have enough Masks because you have not prepared until this point. Why so many incompetent liars working in the Trump Administration? Birds of a feather flock together!!

  4. An easy way for making N 95 equivalent mask

    PLAN B- N95i

    To overcome the shortage of N95 respirators several alternatives have been proposed but the solutions have a drawback of air leak. In this approach, the problem of airflow leak was resolved by reverse-engineering the original N95 mask. Institutions where N95 numbers are very low the available N 95 can be harvested in the manner to make 2-3 masks as explained below. N95i (N95 imitation) if correctly made will work as good as commercial N95 respirators since this utilizes viral filter/N95 and does not have an air leak.


    Buckram cloth(used by a tailor to make shirt collar/firm plastic sheet like one used in spiral binding
    2-inch Cello tape
    Scissor and blade
    N 95 /viral filter(used in ventilator)
    Elastic band
    Aluminum plate/soft metal plate/GI wire. (for nasal bridge clamp)

    Wash and dry your hand and prepare the mask in a clean and dry place
    take a preexisting n 95 masks and draw an outline on an A4 sheet of paper and cut it out (this works as a templet (shown in image)
    Take a buckram cloth/firm plastic sheet both sides with cellophane tape as shown in the image this is to provide extra durability.
    Place the templet over a firm plastic sheet/buckram cloth and cut it out
    Cut out a hole about 5 mm less then the N 95/viral filter that you have on any one of the sides of the mask
    Overlap and Bend the extra portion of the templet on the top part of the mask and connect the two as shown in the image with cellophane tape
    For the bottom portion of the mask place it over your face to adjust the fitting and overlap the two leaves of the templet for adequate fitting and stick it with cellophane tape (IMPORTANT STEP TO STOP AIR LEAK)
    Make 3 separate sheets of cellophane tape which is cut into 3 strips of 7-8 cm and place it over any table in such a way that it overlies one another( see image)
    Draw and cut a hole about 5 mm less than the N 95/viral filter that you have over the two sheets of cello0phane
    Place the N95/viral filter carefully over one of the cellophane sheet to completely cover the hole.
    Sandwich the filter between two sheets of cellophane by aligning hole
    Place the sandwiched filter over the defect on the plastic sheet and put another layer of cellophane sheet with a hole over the filter and stick it to the plastic sheet surface
    Measure(not to loose or too tight) and cut 2 elastic bands
    Place it over the two leaves of the plastic sheet approximately the same distance and location as of the original ties in N95 mask. then staple and stick using fevikwick approximately 45* angle to mask
    Attach the nasal bridge clip about 3-5 mm gap from the tip of the mask and use cellophane tape to fix.
    Inner surface if the mask can be covered with a cloth which can prevent excessive sweating


    1. Blow test to check for air leak.

  5. Give us MASKS! give the Citizens MASKS! Stop the Spread! Giving it only to Nurses and Doctors will not stop the SPREAD! #FEMA Lock down NYC, LOCK DOWN The hard hit areas! Nobody in nobody out accept for trucks. 600M Masks, would take 5 years to make!. Don't kid yourself!

  6. This guy is a robot, that keeps saying the same thing over and over and never answers the question..
    He also forgets he is a NATIONAL worker, NOT International. USA first, not other countries.
    Charity begins at home, sir. If you can't take care of yourself, how the h are you going to take care of someone else.
    I am sure Trump is not pleased.

  7. It suddenly occurred to me after watching the dismal performance of FEMA director. He could not give give any idea of time, quantity or delivery of the desperately masks got to health care workers or plans for jury-rig manufacture,, The reason,…They are all made in China and we no longer can figure out how to make them..We couldn't even figure out how to make a 1000. Is China going to put the US on top of the list? I doubt it.


  9. Dude cannot answer a fucking simple God damn question. QUIT FUCKING LYING. Either they are disbursed or are shipping enroute, cannot be both. And if demand hasn't be met, why hasn't he depleted the stockpile yet. Healthcare workers need fucking protection.

    1. Ship it all.
    2. Make more – no matter the cost and make it fast and sent that out too.
    3. Ask private sector and charities to contact his office – give an email or phone line and state we will ordinate your efforts so we don't compete against each other and neglect parts of the country.

    That is all he has to do and say. Instead of lying and deflecting and bsing his way through this horrible interview.

  10. 🦠🦠🦠 If you people don’t scream and shout kick doors down then you deserve everything you get 🦠🦠🦠

  11. Where is the entire Cold war supply of masks? Certainly the United States was preparing for any potential Soviet biological attack for 50 years so why aren't masks distributed to the citizens? Why is it that private companies are the ones who are supplying the entire US population? Ramping up production to 100 million a year doesn't cut it if we ran out already and there are 330 million people in US alone.

  12. This was BS. Defense Logistics Agency is conducting research on 3/23-3/24 for sourcing COVID-19 protective gear incl’g gowns, gloves & masks. Where have they been?

  13. The my Mother-in-law is a quilter. Following CDC guidelines, she is using fabric & sewing machines to create masks for local hospitals, nursing homes, & health care centers

  14. If it wasn't certain before, NOW IT IS. America is F*$#&%D!!! This guy cannot be the figurehead of PPE distribution. And he's a trump appointee, so NO SURPRISE. Y'all voted for Trump. These are the results. Enjoy

  15. Want to know what is sad? I have 5000 N95 masks coming in from the factory (2 days). FEMA has no "Contact us" on their website. Called governors and only received "leave message we'll call you back". Whole government system is broken. Called friend who is a nurse at a local hospital, she managed to get the hospital to pick them up. So TIRED of the drama and no action from government.

  16. Do yourself a favor and watch this video allow. The regular News are a bunch of wolves and LIARS.
    I knew it, thank you for this video. This is why they debunk YouTube videos and say it's all fake News when what we watch on TV is Fake News and a total waste of time:


    I've had chemical engineers tell me that it bio-warfare and they have been doing this to us in AMERICA for YEARS!!! Giving us cancer via geoengineered clouds and they give us all the flu via the clouds for eon's. Look at all the still pics on YouTube. They ALL have heavy clouds over head. HE SAID THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOREVER. THEYVE BEEN MAKING MONEY ON US FOREVER AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE TRYING TO TAKE ALL OUR GUNS AWAY. THE SHOOTING ARE ALSO ALL perpetuated by all these opiates they give to children and of course they make these children psych out and they do these crazy things. Why a parent would allow a child to be on meds I will never understand. They wanted to do that to my child when she was 11 she is 43 now and I told the school psychologist absolutely not!!! Yes my daughter liked to talk a lot and visit her friends while in class but I controlled that by encouraging her by giving her movie night or buying her a movie she liked so she could watch it with me or in her room. She graduated on time and now she is a successful business woman and makes $160 or more per year. It's not about what she makes but she is a well adjusted adult and I would have probably been visiting my daughter in the streets of Chicago or if I let the school have their way with my daughter. They fought me and were trying to take my daughter from me because I would not cave in to their stupidity of getting my daughter on Ritalin.
    I went to the library and found out that children that are on Ritalin later on are not well adjusted and they are dependent on other drugs. Stop allowing kids get on these drugs. These are the same Children who shoot up our schools.
    On another note; Let make America great again.
    They need to stop all this nonsense. People need to work. PEOPLE can't afford to be on Unemployment, that's not enough.
    People are losing their business. All they need to do is make owner take their employees temperature before they let them in the company. This is an atrocities. It's costing lots of people their businesses. That's not right.
    All these companies NEED to open up again PEOPLE NEED TO WORK, give them the vaccine and let us go back to work. The only people who need to stay home are the people who have a fever or a coughs. This is ridiculous.
    Make America great again and let us work.They Will keep creating all these different viruses as Influenza, SARS, Mersa, Etc wake up. They are taking our Freedom of speech and the FREEDOM of information act. We are getting fake News. This is against the law or at least it use to be.

  17. This guy is clearly incompetent. He keeps fumbling, has no clear answers and keeps saying um. We need qualified people heading up this critical effort now. Lives are at stake.

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