Prosecutors want her to serve one month behind bars, but her attorneys are requesting that she be punished with one year of probation, community service and a fine.
#ABCNews #VarsityBlues #College #Admissions #Scandal #FelicityHuffman
Just 15 days..shameful judiciary system for the rich
Way the black girl did have the same triment she get 5 years. Way ivan laglori don't help tha black girl to if she is so good in helping people her husband has money. And last she don't lake black people like want people.
Oh it's not prison time!! It's county jail! If You can't do the time, don't do the crime!! I never knew Parents cared this much! Ah Ha Ha Ha! My Parent…cared enough to MAKE ME LEARN IT AND EARN IT ON MY OWN!
As soon as our employee(judge) signs your "work order" taking your time/money.
You will be in line for a inheritance blessing. You are blessed!
David James West, a Christian man
Omg anyone else would get years! So sick of this.
All our kids working their asses off while Democrats cheat the systems.
All about money who the fuck cares. Give it to everyone you DONT CARE ABOUT THE HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COUNTRY BUT THIS IS A BIG DEAL.
I’ve done time in a woman’s min security facility it’s nothing especially a month. It’s not like it’s County.
Stupid bitch should absolutely have to go to jail and not celebrity jail real hardocre scary dirty jail…I also think she should be fined twice the amount that she paid for her daughters tuition and that money should go directly to less fortunate college students that have good grades some people are working two jobs just to afford their college fees then we have this stupid twat buying her way through life lying cheating basically stealing smh
One month? She should go to prison for however long her child was able to attend college in a spot deserving of someone else’s hard work. Maybe that will make her empathize on what she did wrong.
She's a standup person. Admitted doing wrong. They're after her while Hillary and Bill can get away with nearly 100 murders.
They definitely need to start charging all these people, when did losing your job or getting demoted count as punishment? I find it curious that they haven’t mentioned anything about who accepted (accepting) these bribes, aren’t they as culpable as the one offering???
We looking at what it’s like to be rich. You can do whatever you want. Break the law at Will and get away with it….. And the bazaar thing about it all is that the whole world 🌎 can watch it play out.. Crazy one month in jail…. 🤦â€ÂÂÂÂ♂︠🤦â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Where is the Problem? It is OK to BUY a POLITICIAN and PROSECUTORS… it should be OK to buy my child’s way into College!
Put the Criminals in Congress/Government in Prison FIRST! Just-Us Not THEM!
Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale? –
Are those same people pushing for Elizabeth Warren to pay back her student loan and do jail time for claiming to be native American ???
All overblown BS by the Boston Feds
Jail, jail, jail.!!
Big deal 🤦â€ÂÂÂÂ♂︠people worried about this why?
Famous or not if you break the law and you do the crime then you should have to do the time. If it was any one of us we'd already be in prison.
just a month is it are u serious lock her up!!!!!! god im sick of these rich ass Hollywooders getting away with everything they do
Why does her lawyer speak for her? If she is remorseful, let it be known, speak for herself. This just boils down to she cannot fathom spending one month in jail which is nothing. Others like Martha Stewart did it for a longer sentence. These rich folks think that money and status will get them out of trouble.
She got away with it but now she's got to pay the consequences like I said Nobody's Perfect if you don't make mistakes we'll never learn remember we're not born perfect
This is a joke! It should be 6 months at a minimum and longer if you play stupid like Lori is. Also 5 years probation and can’t leave the state they live in. No going out to clubs, restaurants. Ankle bracelet after jail time. Also a curfew of 5 pm!
No one is perfect everybody makes mistakes
I hope she rots for a full month. She thinks she can buy her kids way through life too?!
Send them all to jail Hollywood idiots are not above the law they should pay the price just like me and you would. just because they have million-dollar homes and million-dollar jets does not give them the right to be excused from going to jail send them to jail without passing go
I was grounded for a month for not telling my dad the WHOLE truth once. WTF… I should have got a lawyer
This video was a waste of my time. One (1) month is a cake walk for anyone. SMH…
“Remorseful†my ass. Put her in general population for three months. She’ll learn remorse. Bitch. Because your kid is too fucking stupid to get into anything other than a community college isn’t a reason to think you’re special.
LoooL 1 month, this is same as Jeffrey Epstein punishment which led him to do more and bigger crimes. Unfortunately, this is how the system is and we cannot change it. She needs 10 years at least for her frauds
Been going on a long time by loads of the rich. Looks like she's the one they go after.
Requests probation? Wth?! Who are these people??!!
Good! I hope she gets more
Lori Laughlin and her husband need to go to prison. Huffman should go to prison also
A month is not bad. I could do a month. And it’s probably minimum security. Plus she was facing like 20 years. A month is not bad at all.
what bullshit another Hollywood star that wants to treated special , like they re above the Law , and she has to go to Jail
That’s BS. Men have been buying seats for their boys in college for generations.
Pathetic, lock her up like you would any of us peasants
I say, no fine, just 6 months prison time.
Never going to learn, if they have millions to burn.
She did confess, so not 5 years, not 2, just point 5 for her, so she and other elitist will learn.