Federal judge issues a new order against Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy

Federal judge issues a new order against Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy

A California judge orders the Trump administration to track down separated migrant families; Homeland Secretary Kristjen Nielsen denies migrant parents were forced to deport without their children.


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24 thoughts on “Federal judge issues a new order against Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy

  1. If you really love your kids and family, you would not risk it and put them in a compromising position knowing that your kids will be separated from their parents. That is negligence. You don't play with a human life. If the parent wants to risk it, the parent should come by himself only.

  2. Stay out of America if you don't want to lose Your kids stop the undocumented immigrants jumping borderline personality its sad to see And hear this news 🙄

  3. Family separation has been going on since the Clinton administration. Obama’s DHS secretary himself confirmed this. Yes it has increased because of the zero tolerance policy. Ask yourself one question. When has an American citizen broken the law and been allowed to stay with their family instead of incarceration? So we either need a new law that prohibits incarceration of parents. Or we continue to treat these immigrants the same way we treat our own citizens.

  4. Long term what Trumps administration has done concerning these separations is going to cost this country even more and more money. It’s already taken Billions to house these children. Now it’s going to take Billions to track down the parents and house them until they do. They need to also pay for damages such as therapy for these families, especially the children. And let’s consider the probably trillions it’s going to cost in legal fees and lawsuits. Personally, I think all those involved in this evil scheme should have to pay for all of it out of their own pockets, not to mention their big donors that sat back and supported it. Then some lengthy prison time should also be warranted for all the lies and deceit and profit made by these private corporations and scoundrels. This is a HUUUGGE (as Trump likes to say) catastrophe perpetrated by this administration that will not only cost us all but has put a huge blemish on this country that is going to take a very long time to heal. And none of that even begins to talk about the divide it has caused our country amongst it’s own people over this horrendous decision.

  5. I'm tired of yall trying to do this to Trump, This happened when Bush and Obama was president, Cant yall respect him because he is ur president. I will be voting for Trump in 2020 but yall are taking this too far. This is why I don't watch the news anymore bc its mostly fake. I look for the truth and you should too

  6. Watch the YouTube channel True Conservative Minutes.. they'll show you all the immigration problems going on at the border😱😵😨😰😏

  7. Its illegal to cross the boarder with out proper documentation. When people go jail for commenting crimes they generally are separated from their kids. Ask a drug dealer if you dont believe me.

  8. ABC is persisting with calling it the Trump separations but it is common knowledge that separations started in the Bush era, continued through out the Obama presidency.

    Come on let’s keep the propaganda down to a minimal amount 🤷🏾‍♂️

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