Federal authorities ramp up deportations in Texas – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Biden administration is struggling to contain the surge of mostly Haitian immigrants at the Texas border. Roughly 8,000 men, women and children are in encampments under a bridge in Del Rio.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Federal authorities ramp up deportations in Texas”
  1. They’re split horse reins you morons… that’s how you steer the horse.

  2. Arizona audit 💥💥💥👁🍿💥🍿

  3. America was far better protected under President Trump. No new wars, Russia & China respected him, & we had securer borders. All to be completely undone in 8 months by the resident in thief & his deep state administration.

  4. Dems Call For Climate Unity and Infrastructure Spending To Build More Bridges For Haitian Migrants To Live Under – With Congress back in session Monday, Nancy Pelosi said, “These poor people, many of them families with young children, are packed under this bridge in sweltering heat and squalid conditions. The solution is obvious: we need to build more bridges for them to live under.”📺🐑

  5. Exactly how do people believe the Border Patrol is supposed to keep people out when they have already asked the people respectfully not to come over and they continue to come over? Just sit back on their horseback and do nothing?

    Border Patrol should have never been put in that position by the president. They are way out numbered by immigrants and they are the only ones working to keep our border closed.

    If Biden said they can come over and does not want to provide help or the National Guard and Americans just want to attack the Border Patrol who are there working to the best of their ability with the limited tools that they have immigrants are not listening.

    Then the Border Patrol should just sit back and watch them pass while asking them to not pass.

    This way the Americans who are attacking the Border Patrol, people working to keep these immigrants out, will have something else they can complain about when the immigrants start camping on their home streets.

    If they tell you not to pass and you continue to pass, what do you expect will happen? The immigrants are not being shot at and are warned prior to forcing the patrols to use physical force.

    Make up your mind people. Do you want the immigrants in or out? If you want them out, physical force will be required because they have been asked and are not listening. If you don't want to see them use force, then just let them in and stop wasting the Border Patrols resources.

    The news and media are not helping the situation, put the situation in the right context. Over 13,000 immigrants there and they are not stopping so the border patrol is now forced to start using physical force as there has been no relief or help sent from the president and with no extra man power to hold back the people they are doing what needs to be done so that people do not pass.

  6. What a disaster. Where’s the diplomacy? Why aren’t we putting resources in those countries to stem the flow? President needs to get behind DHS ASAP and send a strong message that our borders aren’t wide open.

  7. We are at war when are we going to treat it so .this is not a migration its an assault on democracy these are illegal they should be treated as criminal. Activate secons of this military. Finish the fence put the military on the border.we are at war treat it so. If the Mexico and southern American countries wpnt do anything pull all funding.

  8. ☝️🤬Total BS lies and deception🤬☝️ PROPAGANDA

  9. They're deporting like 10% of these people….the rest are being released into the country. It's like Biden wants us to turn into a thirdworld country.

  10. I thought Mexico was on our side, so why are they allowing these people to cross into the US? It’s time to boycott there foods and goods.buy AMERICAN ONLY, California needs our business and support! It looks like the LOCUST invasion on TV! They just eat everything up till there is nothing left!

  11. I don't know how there can be anyone who doesn't think something is fishy about this. So far, Afghans, Mexicans, etc. are allowed to enter the US without restraint as much as they want, but the second Haitians start doing it, this calls for action. Also consider that the Clintons helped ruin Haiti. Haiti has not forgotten what the Clintons did and the Democrats know it. Without a doubt, these people are being deported, not because the Democrats care about Americans and the US, but because Haitians know the Democrats are untrustworthy scumbags that couldn't care less about anybody.

  12. Now can Biden administration tell us how much did the taxpayer to pay for these immigrants to leave our country . What a disgrace.

  13. Everything was fine when brown people were coming in but as soon as Biden saw some black people coming it’s a problem

  14. Shout out to George Floyd on seventeen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕

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