Fears of spring break surge of COVID-19 l GMA

Fears of spring break surge of COVID-19 l GMA

Though nearly 70 million have been vaccinated, more than a million people have been reported flying per day this month, concerning experts that the virus numbers could see a surge.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/30NXe6K

#ABCNews #COVID19 #SpringBreak #SoBe #Travel


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28 thoughts on “Fears of spring break surge of COVID-19 l GMA

  1. As you may be aware the Budesonide protocol was pioneered by a Texas physician and shared to all that would listen for the past year. This information has now been confirmed to be effective by the Oxford University study (randomized control trial). This study showed a 90% reduction in hospitalization for people with COVID. Logically you can conclude that most people who died of covid died in hospitals. If the hospitalization was made unnecessary due to the effectiveness of the treatment it would be reasonable to further draw the conclusion that 90% of the lives lost could have been saved. This also would have made "flattening the curve" to avoid over whelming the healthcare services a non-starter/unnecessary. Further it also showed for the 10% that would still require hospitalization that their stays were reduced in duration by 50%.

    STOIC Trial: Inhaled Budesonide in the Treatment of Early COVID-19:


  2. 3 feet of separation now instead of 6? Where's the science that supports that? What happened, did the droplets suddenly get heavier so they don't travel the same distance? Seriously. you have to have a mid range double digit IQ to believe this BS.

  3. Fears? I don't see too many people look like they are afraid. No fears about the border being open that allow Covid infected people, drug dealers, and criminals in? Where are the cameras showing kids cramped up in "jails" on the border?

  4. Stupid humans. You don't know your body's strengths and weaknesses. This virus could have been eliminated long ago if you simply all at the same time worked together to eradicate it. You filthy humans couldn't wash your hands and stop spreading your disgusting germs on each other and didn't want keep your distance from each other. It appears many have given up on humanity. That's all fine with me. Makes my life easier on completing my mission here on this inferior miserable planet. Now that there is a means to eradicate the virus many humans fear getting the Fauci Ouchie. You humans are the Hillbillies of the Galaxy.

  5. Agenda21 signed into legislation mentioned use of bio weapons for depopulation and control, I blame the government and idiots doing RnD with virulent pathogens to do what exactly what was done. By the way, nobody can trust media as it is now being used as propoganda against the people, also signed into legislation under the patriot act. Another non patriotic move on behalf of the loser government.

  6. "The corona virus emergency" is long over. The left continues to politicize this whole issue because they want to maintain their power. Stand up people, your health is your own responsibility. Government has never fixed anything.

  7. 6 ft to 3 ft…. 2 months later 3 ft to 0 ft. It’s science. Bs.

  8. So who is so scared? No one I know is actually scared. We are done with this stupidity. Now it's college kids!!!!!! Terrifying!!!! Oh no!!! Get over the scare tactics, jesus!

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