The FDA has announced a pause in distribution of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine as six women developed rare blood clots after receiving the shot. In a statement, Johnson & Johnson said “no clear causal relationship has been established” between rare blood clots and the vaccine.
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#JohnsonJohnson#Vaccine #NBCNEWS

FDA Pauses Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Rollout After Cases Of Rare Blood Clots | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “FDA Pauses Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Rollout After Cases Of Rare Blood Clots | NBC News NOW”
  1. I took the vaccine my feet were hot to the touch last night , but felt like there was no blood circulation. My feet felt like they were freezing and hurting real bad 😢 Am I part of the trial. Didn't no 😥

  2. Libs: trust the science. The vaccine is safe. Only a small number died. Also libs: the entire law enforcement system needs to be overturned because less than 20 murders per year out of hundreds of thousands of police encounters.

  3. The chances of throwing a clot with the J&J vaccine is merely 1/1,000,000,000; while women on birth control face a 1/10,000 risk EVERY MONTH that they take it.. All 6 of the people who developed blood clots after taking the J&J vaccine were women, age 18-48 (basically, child bearing years). How much do you want to bet they were on birth control? It seems that the vaccine slightly increases the chance that a woman's birth control will cause clots to form, the next time she takes it, after receiving the vaccine. Maybe, not even that. They might have developed blood clots, whether or not, they had the vaccine. The fact that they developed clots within 3wks of inoculation, COULD BE just a coincident.

    It's long been suspected that Fauci has been enjoying kick backs from HIV treatments. But HIV is no longer a death sentence, so associated benefits are probably running thin. Judging by the fact that he's actively suppressed other less expensive covid treatments, and prophylactics (that would also dilute profits from the vaccine), it is highly likely that he's IN BED with Moderna (and perhaps other big pharma). If so, he can't have another vaccine siphoning off profits, by appealing to people who don't trust MRNA technology; and he had to step in to nullify the competition.

  4. You’re a fool if you’re not concerned about death from an injection from something that has a 99.8 percent recovery rate….just saying

  5. It’s a concern if you’re the unlucky one who winds up dead.

  6. I took the Johnson Johnson vaccine like exactly a month ago and I’m fine. n I’m 19 years old n I’m a female ahhh I’m scared

  7. Good luck to all the people who signed the release to hold anybody or anyone or anything responsible for any side effects of your vaccines. Now because of your blind sheepeopleness do you happen deadly group of chemicals surging through your body not knowing what it’s going to do to you

  8. I don't even know how they were able to do a vaccine considering all the women that they gave ovarian cancer to with the baby powder. That's the reason why I hesitated on the vaccine.

  9. Lord Jesus how many people have to die before the world realizes Johnson & Johnson is not a pharmaceutical company, this is the same company and the same group of wicked corporate CEOs that laughed at somebody dying from their tainted talcum powder, stick to making baby oil and baby lotion you bunch of no-good corporate thugs in suits

  10. In the J&J vaccine, it seems like it is not the carrier adenovirus that causes the severe blood clots in the human body. It is what the adenovirus is carrying, that is the DNA of the covid virus itself, that is causing the human body immune system to go haywire and create blood clots. And it certainly looks like all western covid vaccines that use either the new mRNA technology or the new DNA technology are the ones causing blood clots, hemorrhaging and low blood platelet counts as their side effects.

    In contrast if one considers how traditionally proven and safe vaccines have been produced in the past (for e.g. the rabies vaccine), it has always been to use inactivated virus as the basis of such safe vaccines. And this same safe method is being used by China pharmaceutical companies ( such as Sinopharm and Sinovac) to produce their covid vaccines which is the reason why no such severe reactions such as blood clots , hemorrhaging and low platelets are seen in China covid vaccines.

    In their haste to approve the new mRNA and DNA tech of western vaccines, the medical community of many countries have refused to see the big difference in how covid vaccines are made by western pharmaceutical companies and China companies. These medical doctors have repeatedly brushed aside severe side effects of western covid vaccines as unrelated to the vaccines and instead attributed the severe effects and even deaths as due to something else. But now, as evidence starts to mount and the severe side effects seemed to be identical for these western vaccines using the new unproven mRNA and DNA technology, they are now forced to admit the truth that these new tech vaccines are the causes of the severe side effects. That is only after a few hundred people have already died as a result of taking these new tech unproven vaccines.

    The thing about truth is that you can only suppress it up to a certain point before it springs back up and bites you with a vengeance.

  11. Science is whacked! When Fauchi says trust the science, I do the opposite. #scienceisthenewquackery 🤣😂🤣😂

  12. A lab rat says to the other lab rat "have you gotten the covid shot yet?" The other lab rat says "I am waiting 5 years for the human trial to be completed".

  13. Symatics….it’s only “rare” because it’s a new vaccine with new findings. Now we are seeing more people claiming the same symptoms related to clotting and more will be reported over the next month because clotting is accumulative

  14. 🎉🎉CON-JOB-19 is over🎉🎉

  15. I don't have to worry about adverse effects because I won't let them put it in my body. Donated blood recently and their test read I have no Covid19 antibodies so never had it. I'll just keep wearing a mask and practice social distancing with hand hygiene.

  16. So they also "temporarily" suspended the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. I recall that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a “viral vector” vaccine, the same active ingredient as AstraZeneca, and therefore it is not surprising that it gave rise to the same thrombotic risk through the formation of clots.

    However, the "mRna" vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, certainly do not enjoy a better reputation, since some leading virologists, following serious adverse reactions occurring after their administration, have begun to suspect their safety, not collected by the press. Following these warnings, I decided to do a personal research and I found two interesting studies on the subject, which I published a few days ago, hoping that some independent virologist would analyze them to understand if the thesis contained in them had any foundation. It is true that the two studies predate the creation of anticovid vaccines, but it is also true that this is more in their favor than against, as they cannot be suspected of malicious bias towards these vaccines. In them is expressed the thesis according to which the substances introduced into the body in order to neutralize the spike protein, can cause an abnormal and disproportionate reaction of the antibodies, such as to create serious damage to the lungs, as their experiments on animals have shown . It is known that current mRna vaccines are based precisely on the principle of neutralization of the spike protein.

    I always hope that more serious checks will be carried out and without conflict of interest, but at the same time I fear that the vaccine machine will instead be pushed to an ever greater speed, without any regard for any risks that its run entails. On the other hand, in the last press conference, our Prime Minister Draghi told us in no uncertain terms that if we want to return to enjoy some minimum freedom, we will have to undergo perpetual vaccinations several times a year, against all viruses and possible variants, up to the complete implementation of the vaccination plan. In the same conference he added, with a strange expression on his face, that future contracts with pharmaceutical companies will be done a little better than those of the previous government. So I asked myself: better in what sense?

    I think this may also be of interest to American friends.

  17. Bam exactly y other health care workers just like myself are not taking the vaccine there isn't enough time pass to see what the side effects are ,,trial and error is how they find side effects I will not be one to help them find there flaws I will continue to wear my ppe and stay distanced n masked at all times continuing to wash hands n take proper airborne precautions

  18. birth control has higher % of blood clots.. so what is really going on here. seems like they are not spilling the beans

  19. What do you do when your some what healthy mom takes the Johnson and Johnson vaccine then a week later she is in the hospital with her heart stopped for a moment and thank God for the doctors and nurses on duty but now she has a pace maker and a stint in her

  20. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on March 12.Have had no side effects.Note,I took 2 aspirin before shot,and take one aspirin daily to keep blood thin and for heart.a 64 Year old man.Prayers,for those having complications.

  21. Do people have any idea how serious this is? Like how do you pause a vaccine that millions of people have already gotten and can't take back? and people wonder why so many are hesitant of a vaccine that is only under "Emergency Use Authorization" GTFO here that's a fancy term for no long term trials done yet. Glad I haven't done it.

  22. Does anyone know how many worldwide cases of bloodcloths due to vaccines? I got the J and J and have just been feeling weird. Im a 25 year old female 😢

  23. Pause the panic when people are getting rare blood 🩸 clots??? Why would people be concerned when blood clots keep blood from getting to your heart, your blood stream and the rest of your body. I think Millions of people might pause for this reason. Just sayin!!!😱😱

  24. Its more of thing of the other vaccine makers setting the magnifying glass on these cases while keeping hush on the far more cases of Pfizer Moderna vaccines that lead to deaths the numbers for the MRNA vaccines who's behind the all the attention?
    Let the light shine on MRNA vaccines let the lid be blown off the cover, let massive massive tribulation judgements justice be rendered on the wickedness surrounding this covid thing

  25. Astonishing that the news media touts the rare cases?

    Understanding that these vaccinations are experimental, and new. How then can it be rare?

    Simply amazing the spin used by the news media on such an important subject.

    No clear cause.. imagine that!

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