FDA panel votes to approve vaccines for kids

FDA panel votes to approve vaccines for kids

After reviewing Pfizers data, the advisory panel voted to support administering the vaccines in children 5 to 11.




#fda #pfizer #vaccines #children


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49 thoughts on “FDA panel votes to approve vaccines for kids

  1. Covid|9 is growing and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered or fully vaccinated. Currently vaccine is incompetent due to vaccine maker adjust to be safe, so the victims rate is drop after vaccination. Litigation is applicable now after politicians fully approve the vaccine. This is great liberty status evolution. A lot of people having long term serious reaction even death in vaccination before, and the politicians still do not want to tell the truth.

  2. I want to hear what the parent's of unvaccinated children who contracted severe covid have to say. That's who they ought to interview, so I can be more sure they actually exist. You'd think that's who they would interview right? "I am sad that my kid has suffered like this. Why didn't they vaccinate kids sooner?!" That seems like a bigger news story… and yet we just see a bunch of random kids get the vaccine instead.

  3. If you oppose smash the 👍🏽

  4. Lier lier pants on lier lier pants on fire lier lier pants on fire pants on lier lier pants on fire lier lier pants on fire lier lier pants on fire lier lier pants on lier lier

  5. Covid-vaccine is an obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate.
    Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to repLIcate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. Peoples will die in covid one day when the immunity system become weak.

  6. Not my daughter 🙅🏾‍♀️💯
    You guys can let your kids be the testing guinea pigs all you want but not mine🙅🏾‍♀️

  7. To paraphrase John Lennon: I don’t believe in Pfizer… I don’t believe in Moderna… I don’t believe in Johnson & Johnson… I don't believe in FDA… I don’t believe in mainstream media… I don’t believe in politicians… I don’t believe in Biden… I don’t believe in Fauci. I just believe in me. Yoko and me. And that’s reality.

  8. ☝️Shills sponsored by Pfizer…
    Good thing the FDA approved a blood thinner for children three months before it approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine!

    These Big Pharma exec's, errrrrrrr, I mean these FDA Dr.'s are really looking out for the kids!

  9. “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

  10. 2:52 if your mentality is identical to this parent, you better be exercising birth control. 🤦‍♂️

  11. 💉👦🏼👧🏼💉🧒🏻👧🏻💉🧒👧💉🧒🏽👧🏽💉🧒🏿👧🏿💉
    Don't you just love it when kids are part of the plan?

  12. It is my twenty years experience, so take this thing seriously. The doctors will never recommend you this thing because they don't know this thing. It is not the knowledge from books but a knowledge from the long experience of practical.[why mostly rich people have been dying with covid 19 why death ratio is lesser in poor country(and in poor countries, it is mostly the rich people who have been dying not the Poors )and for how long you can inculcate the 7.9 billion people for every six months period ] Make your diet very very strict for some days if you get affected with covid 19 and you needn't to be frightened of any type covid 19 virus or it's variants. Read this phrase throughly it is my twenty years experience of the hell of pneumonia (when the doctors become helpless and the all medicines are worthless. What would someone do then. The medicines are not capable to treat the primordial pneumonia. How they can treat this dreadful covid 19 caused pneumonia , there is only one thing, it is your body who has to fight with covid 19 or it's variants , so be prepared for that. And I make you sure on it that a human body has the capability to kill this virus, no matter how many forms does it change itself but it needs time because a human body takes fifteen days to produce antibodies against any virus so You have to avoid over inflammation because over inflammation damages our lungs and later it becomes a cause for septicemia and till our body becomes capable to kill the virus, our whole system get destroyed by the inflammation so it is a very natural way to avoid the over inflammation. So, Get ready to do so. ) I have lived the hell of pneumonia and inflammation so far. And the doctors prescribed me only things those were, antibiotic. They prescribed me more strong antibiotics when the first one stopped working . When all the antibiotics stopped working I had no way but controlling my eating habits to control the severe inflammation and excessive mucus problems . Because ayurveda described this thing. It is a natural thing to treat pneumonia and inflammation with no side effects.
    All the friuts, dry fruits, most of the grains [except wheat, gram or cheakpea ] , all the lentils (except pigeon food or masoor dal) [ pigeon food means masoor dal not tuwar dal so don't be confused and avoid tuwar dal because it is inflammatory too] and all the vegetables(except green leaves ) and all types of vegetables oil(except mustard oil ) act like poison for a very sensitive pneumonia patient or a covid 19 affected patient(only in some cases because some patients' body act overwhelmingly on covid 19 virus ) because these things are most inflammatory and the main causes to make humans body inflamed . So avoid these things for some days if you get affected with covid 19.
    Covid 19 may affect you and you can face all types of it's symptoms , but it never be fatal for you if you follow these natural tips for some days after being getting affected. If you have a covid 19 positive test, control your eating habits strictly for some days and take only the described foods because it is zero inflammatory. You should eat all types of meaty foods( meat, fish and eggs ) and you can use mustard oil or pure butter clarified to cook them otherwise eat them grilled or boiled. You can also have all types of pure dairy products(which are made from pure animal milk ) , white sugar, sea salt, red chili powder,all types of green leaves like spinach and lettuce,tea, coriander powder or leaves, , turmeric, products that made from pure wheat, masoor dal(pigeon food),Gram(checkpeae ), Mustard oil. Avoid all types of vegetables, Either it is a green vegetable or a root (besides green leaves) and avoid cabbage and cauliflower . It is a very strict diet plan but with this diet you can achieve zero inflammation within 10 to 15 days. To meet your daily needs of vitamin c you can take a half of lemon(lemon acts differently when it is consumed with different foods, with the suggested foods it never be a cause for inflammation ) per day. If you follow this tip for some days, covid 19 or it's variants never never be fatal for you in any case .
    Note – A human body does take 15 days to produce antibodies and it is the natural way to avoid the over inflammation. It is my twenty years experience over pneumonia and inflammation. it's been two years I won't face neither pneumonia nor inflammation. I have been surviving on a very simple and a very strict diet.
    To watch how inflammation kills the patient, click on the following link.
    To know vaccine afficacy on covid 21. Click on the following link
    To know how did i come to know to this thing,and to share this tip with your beloved people, please read, MY STORY, by clicking on the following link.
    And to know how you can wash your nose with hot water to kill the virus from nose. Click on the following link.https://youtu.be/1wesCmNDUW0….

  13. 8300 out of two 2 million! So 99.59% of kids do fine? 🧐 yeah , seems like it’s not worth it….

  14. “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized …. If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson

  15. "If someone dies WITH covid-19, we are counting that as a Covid-19 death." – Direct quote from Dr. Birx at the Coronavirus Task Force press conference. You could literally make a stuffy nose the leading cause of death using this rule.

  16. Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it

    And then imagine a "vaccine" so desired, you have to be persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it

  17. “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized …. If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson

  18. So when is their legal immunity blanket going to be removed? Since it “works so well” 😂

  19. The world is preparing for the mark of the beast as foretold in Revelation 13:16-18. When the Antichrist reveals himself, many people will take his mark and seal their fate in Hell.

    The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Repent and trust Jesus Christ alone today as your Saviour and He will wash you from your sins and give you everlasting life.

    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23

    But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. – Romans 5:8-9

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9

  20. Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine try to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new C19 variant.
    Covid-vaccine is a obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate–

  21. Idiots: “It’s not FDA approved!!!”
    Idiots after FDA approval: “You’re gonna trust the FDA NOW?!?!”

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