FDA grants full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine – Car Mod Pros Portal

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first to transition from emergency authorization status to full FDA approval.

#FDA #Pfizer #COVID19


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “FDA grants full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine”
  1. Honestly you do not have your acts together nothing concrete and this why people are hasitant now you doctors want to be like bartenders and mix vaccines… I mean can I have a sex on the beach booster shot… I mean let's get real you do not have a real grip on things and this country is based on capitalism so we are just a number!!! So get it together and let's get some science fact not science fiction

  2. No they did not you liars only comirnaty is FDA approved pifzer biontek is not why don't you read from the basis summary of regulatory action dated August 23 2021 for comornaty ?

  3. Abc is a lying pos fake news trash spewing outlet.the cominarty is apprived,and not even made.this clown here,he needs a big ol malpractice lawsuit snapped off in his ass

  4. The FDA's human drug regulatory activities get 65% of its funding from "user fees!" User fees are what the pharmaceutical companies pay in order to have their product tested. The quicker the FDA approves, certifies, and licenses a drug, the more they collect in user fees. Essentially, the FDA is mostly paid by big pharma, to regulate big pharma, with bonuses for helping the drug sell quicker. Is there anyone that can help me understand how such a system can fully operate with consumer safety as the priority, and is not biased to the companies that pay them? Why doesn't Budweiser, Philip Morris, or Glock fund the ATF?

  5. complete lie- comernaty( the actual approved vaccine) will never be available – if u become injured ,phizer will laugh at u and tell u too bad – bait and switch

  6. okay, so 3 shots, and boosters or whatever tf. On a vaccine that’s been out for under a year. Long term effects? Oh yeah. We’ll deal with that when we get to it

  7. Not Approved and still under EUA. Research DR. Robert Malone and the FDA press release. He is one of the mRNA nventor. I am definitely not a Ani-vac person but like to do my research before putting things in my body. Good Luck and stay prayed up. ❤🙏🏾

  8. ‘Comirnaty’ was fda approved, not the pfizer vax that is being given to ppl now which is still under EAU (extended). Legally, they are two different vax
    Questions-Why weren’t both approved? Is it an indemnity issue? Is it so the effects can still be observed before comirnaty actually arrives/doesnt arrive to the shelf? Can the formulation of comirnaty be changed prior to manufacturing?

  9. Vax or no vax.
    Fauci and his Chinese associates = needs to be in jail or on trial, not on tv like some eastern European dictator in the Cold War.

    Covid 19 = man made bioweapon stolen from America by the Chinese to use as an excuse to take out political dissidents in their own country, but it backfired. Now the U.S. and China need to find a scapegoat as to avoid world war 3. This is just my opinion.

  10. please abc news, tell the people the truth on what is really fda approved. it isnt the current phizer shot..go read the fda release notes on what was approved and do some real reporting..your false news will kill people that believe you


  12. What a bunch of lying pieces of 💩.
    The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that is currently being used under the EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION has NOT been FDA approved.
    What has been approved is essentially the same product but under a different LABEL/NAME “Comirnaty”
    This product is NOT available yet on the market under.

    So they have all the sheep thinking the current unapproved so-called vaccine is actually approved. It is not.

    And for all you morons who want to split hairs and say yes it is because it’s the same product just under a different name – please WTFU to the scam.

    They just deceived tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even maybe millions of people to now except a completely experimental “pathogen creator” under false pretenses.

    “The full approval process has LESS to do with getting additional scientific evidence and more to do with some of the logistics," said Dr. David Dowdy, an epidemiologist at te Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. He told VOA the process included steps such as specifying the LABELING OF THE VACCINE AND THE SPECIFIC WORDING ON THE PACKAGING”



  13. This is agenda 21 and nothing more than the stripping of our right to choose what we do with our bodies and our human rights.

    The real truth is world meter is:

    Coronavirus Cases: 215,934,979

    Deaths: 4,495,107

    Recovered: 193,055,497

    Facts as of the 27th August 21

  14. Why won't YouTube let me post anything about the PFIZER customer support number? Hiding something? Call it, option 1, then whatever option it offers, LISTEN. Eight hundred – eight seven nine – three four seven seven.

  15. ALERT: FDA fraud hidden in deception. Why, where and how is the fraud done.

    Why the fraud: The fraud is needed to allure people who are hesitant to take the experimental shot which is under Emergency Use Authorization. So FDA gave an impression that the product is finally approved, so people should take the safe product and government and institutions can mandate the product, since it got FDA approval.

    How the fraud: FDA issued two letters, one to Biontech and one to Pfizer. In Pfizer letter, FDA extended the current EUA and granted permission to apply booster doses to older people, and to include children aged 12 to 15. In Biontech letter, FDA fully approved the current Pfizer shot with a guideline. The guideline is to change the label as “COMIRNATY”, and to include adverse effect message among children.

    Where is the Fraud: Fraud is in the labeling. Unless Pfizer changes the labeling to COMIRNATY, the current vaccine is under EUA. If you go to the market, you can’t find a vaccine called COMIRNATY, yet you get an impression that the Pfizer vaccine is approved, while it is still under EUA. Currently there is no approved vaccine in the market, since there is no vaccine in the market named, COMIRNATY. So basically FDA approved a product that is nonexistent.

    This is the extent of their fraud and corruption. They will play with you linguistically, hoping you stupid would never find out their deception. You may think, Pfizer would soon change the label, but they won’t be in a hurry, because under EUA they enjoy liability protection, which would be gone once it is approved. And also under the label COMIRNATY, it cannot be used as a booster. Why? Because, booster can be given only under EUA and with the current label. So, for example, if you get the booster shot, hoping it is approved, you are wrong, you are just deceived by FDA and government. On the other hand, if you take the Pfizer shot at its current label, hoping it is approved, you are also wrong. So FDA cheated you into thinking you are taking an approved product, while the product is non-existent

  16. Got the Moderna and now I have inflammation in my joints…the day after each shot. 3 months later, it is worse.

  17. I wonder why the White House and CDC are NOT mandating the vaccine for its own staff and employees. This clearly sends the wrong message as to the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Better yet, why hasn’t a single Big Media reporter asked this question which should be an obvious one to ask, even with half your brain tied behind your back?

  18. AB455 California Vaccine Mandates
    With only two weeks of the legislative session left AB455 would:
    A) Require ALL employers in California to require all their employees to be fully vaccinated.

    B) Would require everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any inn, hotel, motel, or lodging establishment, any restaurant, bar, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facility principally engaged in selling food or beverages for consumption on the premises, and any motion picture house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium, gym, spa, or other place of exhibition or entertainment. WE MUST SAY NO!!


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