FDA approves 2nd COVID-19 booster shot for some

FDA approves 2nd COVID-19 booster shot for some

The Food and Drug Administration authorized a second COVID-19 booster shot for people 50 and older and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued guidance on who should get the new shot.



#WorldNewsTonight #FDA #COVID-19 #2ndBoosterShot #CDC


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32 thoughts on “FDA approves 2nd COVID-19 booster shot for some

  1. Attorney-at-Law Todd Callender, who is representing the US Navy SEALs vs President Joe Biden has recently reported an 1100% increase in US military deaths as a result of the mandate and based on their latest data, they expect this number to soon rise above 5000%.

  2. I HOPE THIS POLICY DOESN'T REACH THE PHILIPPINES. When will this end? Can they not make a more long-lasting shot? Big pharma is just making so much money already while the world is suffering from inflation due to gas prices! Whoever made this mRNA shot is stupid!!

  3. WAY too many of my friends, family and coworkers had horrible side effects from the first booster!!! There’s no way I’m putting this in my body ever.

  4. Instead for everybody vaccinated or not please rub regularly some drops of amla oil on hands, firearms and face whenever going out and proper washing with soap a water and change of clothes and face well masked. The virus becomes inactive in such oily medium which acts as a virucide.
    Have been writing this since several months against virus contaminaction and propagation.

  5. The government is saying Covid funds have dried up and soon people will have to pay for testing and vaccines. However, they throw billions of dollars to the Ukraine for humanitarian aide. Once again, the U.S. government leaving it's own people in the dust.

  6. It's going spiritual war for human souls. We are in the End Times.
    🙏 Turn to the LORD before it's too late. 🙏
    Jesus is the only way to GOD and heaven.

  7. “The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus.” – Nobel Prize-winning biologist Joshua Lederberg

  8. WAY too many of my friends, family and coworkers had horrible side effects from the first booster!!! There’s no way I’m putting this in my body ever.

  9. WAY too many of my friends, family and coworkers had horrible side effects from the first booster!!! There’s no way I’m putting this in my body ever.

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