FBI warns El Paso shooting may inspire copycats l ABC News

FBI warns El Paso shooting may inspire copycats l ABC News

The FBI recently launched a domestic terrorism hate crimes “fusion cell,” a unit that shares information with FBI and state and local officials on domestic terror threats.

#ABCNews #FBI #ElPaso #Dayton #MassShooting #ElPasoShooting #DaytonShooting


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45 thoughts on “FBI warns El Paso shooting may inspire copycats l ABC News

  1. Congratulations! If they weren't already inspired to be copycats, they are now! Good work everyone!! Got any more good ideas we can pass along to the masses??? Now, if you don't mind, stop giving these mass shootings so much publicity! You're only making things worse.

  2. This happens every week in Chicago and no one ever talks about it🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. It’s the media that keeps promoting this type of hate. We’ve only had almost 250 days out of the year and it’s been over 250 shootings. It’s sad when they don’t see that they are setting the goals for this! Especially by not reporting on the small cases that’s happening here in the US. I’m like fr. It’s time the media stop playing with us in our faces. And the leaders in this country do something about this shit. It’s so sad.

  4. Well if the media would stop giving these murderers instant fame (day after day after day-24 hours a day to top it off) then maybe there would be less interest for these psychopaths to even think about committing any copy cat killings!

  5. Domestic terrorism is defined as a white person not sufficiently self hating enough.
    Goodbye America!
    You are a third world country!
    But at least you weren't racist!

  6. In Texas and Ohio, it’s legal to buy military-style firearms, use them with large-capacity magazines and carry them in public with a permit. Both suspects bought the guns legally, so I'm stumped now on what kind of solution we need to stop this BS from continuing. Are guns really the ultimate problem? Both these shooters were in their early 20's. I'm 36… when I was in my early 20's I barely even had a hookup to buy pot let alone try to get a gun. I'm not saying I grew up in a perfect household because I also had my struggles but I never had intentions of going ape shit on people. Is each generation getting more and more F'ed up? I don't even know what to think anymore of how to stop this shit.

  7. the people cant understand why that are not the case ? because the domestic terrorists kkk white supremacist nationalist are in every branch of government , so how do you expect them to investigate themselves ?

  8. What they are saying is “ there will be more of the same from the leftist “. When are you people going to wake up? You could start with ANTIFA , get rid of them and most of the problem will be taken care of.

  9. Hitler was not Germanic or Aryan, Zimmerman was half hispanic, Elliot Rodger was half white, shot White women for being rejected. If you think the El Paso shooter is white, you have to be retarded officially, I am sorry to all the retarded people because even they would not make the connection that he was white. CNN has been propagating this stereotype against Russians and this conspiracy theory that white people are sitting around conspiring against everyone. Which is a prejudice, you think Trump had to come around and tell everyone, is the arrogance you have. Any challengers?

  10. Obama had 24 mass shootings ,I thought Obama was the man ? Now it's a problem!? That's more then the last three administrations! People are the problem ! Till you figure that out nothing will change ! And this so called fake assult weapon ,a fkn fork can be a adult weapon ! FBI. Less then 3% murders done by assult weapons ! Look let's Bann them there black and Scarry ! Virginia tech shooter 32 murdered with handgun! Ice facility bomber quoted AOC ! Baseball game shooter quoted Bernie! Dayton shooter Elizabeth Warren ! So more violence has come from the left ? It's people my friends !

  11. There will be copycats because if you don't have millions of followers along with a blue check mark no one hears you…..normal people can only be heard or be known by commiting these acts and other horrible acts. Again this seems like a "it's not what it is , rather it is what we make it out to be" situation. I've followed the news,politics,social sciences for over 2 years now, for more than 5 hours per day, and I'm not surprised that the media small and large drive people to commit suicide and criminal acts. We need a revolution.

  12. If our Judges would take swift action and immediately execute domestic terrorists & make examples out of these demonic mass murders, I feel like other evil hate filled mass murders wouldn't be so quick to go out & copy cat mass shootings knowing they're going to be executed immediately not 40 years from now. Mass murderers will never be fit to live amongst the general population so why waste taxpayer's money on keeping them alive in prison.

  13. Yea Tell This To All The White People Who Are Weak Inside Their Hearts n Souls. Weak White European KKK Nazi MFkers.

  14. All life matters. Those that worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth. God is neither male North female black or white Jew nor Greek. He created all of us he put us in the skin color he chose. Evil is evil. It's a shame that everyone focuses on El Paso you don't hear much about Ohio? The incidents happened within hours of each other It just fits the narrative that people must hate Trump and blame Trump for everything. It's nonsense we must blame evil an evil alone.

  15. Stop giving these evil fools names out on TV! That's one of their main purposes… To become Heroes to their followers!! Trumps words fan the fires & are trying to divide people & start a Civil War!!!

  16. More Mass Shooting on the way, the FBI just admitted that they're training these targeted people to carry out these terrorist attacks, they won't do anything because it's all planned … 2 Mass Shootings within 24hrs ? Smh .. Martial Law will start kicking doors down soon & they don't want to meet a semi automatic weapon on the other side. It's all planned ! Innocent people being killed little by little is called depopulation … Research this people … & WAKE UP , this is one Evil Country

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