FBI joins search for ‘endangered’ siblings missing in Idaho l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Officials said the kids have not been seen since September and police now suspect they are in “serious danger.”

#ABCNews #MissingChildren #FBI #Rexburg


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “FBI joins search for ‘endangered’ siblings missing in Idaho l ABC News”
  1. An yet 5 months later we have no answer to whereabouts of the children. Melanie P is aware of the truth.
    Melanie Gib is now talking with the truth

  2. Ok. Think about it. They were at Yellowstone park. With their uncle ,and lori and the gravedigger chad. They went in together but came out with no children. Hmmmm.

  3. I’m sorry this POS x 2 are going to Fry in Hell for ever an ever! Lori, and Chad need to be forced into speaking of what they did, and be put down. Both of them ASAP!

  4. These two have to be the dumbest people on the planet. She is like, lets kill my husband then your wife then my brother then the kids, nobody will even notice. And we can live happily ever after in Hawaii. Yes, that will work, not sure which one dumber him or her?

  5. I feel Lori and Chad have known each other since Loris first husbands death. She may have just started finding an interest in Chads gospel , during her first marriage and then I think she became obsessed with Chad and seeked him out .

  6. This also reminds me kinda of the dan markel case they wired the suspects phone home everything that why the FBI should wire everything to do with the mother

  7. Cops&CPS to BLACK woman:"Youre under arrest and your kids are going to the state for missing 2 days of school"
    Coos&CPS to WHITE woman: "Please Please tell us where you buried your kids. After your Hawaiu vacay of course"

  8. This is worse than Casey Anthony… What are they waiting for to arrest them?!? Kids don't just "go missing" for 4 months 🙄

  9. A positive step that the FBI is involved. The children are missing since September and the mother cant provide the children's whereabouts?? Sad. Children deserve good caretakers. Who doesnt tell the authorities the current address of their children?? Give this mother a child protective worker who will test her psychologically and drug test her??Child neglect if the state cant confirm they are in school and have access to medical care after their mother left them with another caretaker. The state needs to do a study on the current caretaker to see if they are appropriate guardians.

  10. So you can quitely bury your children run off with your fifth husband not cooperate for months with police or FBI and still no arrest this is to strange for me.

  11. Great FBI..theres now enough mounting evidence to do something. I’ve sure watched trials with less than what we’ve seen now publicly. It’s time.

  12. I hope that they find them alive or dead I pray that they find these kid's alive. But with all the people who have died around these people I don't think that they are alive. I will continue to pray for those kid's 🙏🙏🙏🎈🎈🎈🕯🕯🕯♥️♥️♥️

  13. 💭 I heard that 2 or, 3 of that ladies ex husbands were murdered! 🙄🤨 that's crazy!👎🏼

  14. ABC reporting some news that actually needs to be out there not just the impeachment. These kids are in danger it should be on the news every single day.

  15. Crazy Family ☝️☝️

  16. Wow everyone around them dying they’re on a killing spree . For what reason?

  17. We're only 6 days into 2020. She's had THREE husbands since 2018, and TWO are dead?! Umm, yeah, that alone is suspicious. Then his wife dies TWO WEEKS before they marry, and soon after, both of her kids "go missing"?! It's no wonder officials suspect, a couple serial killers found one another, and got hitched.

  18. Does anyone know why Lori's most recent Ex-Husband was Shot & Killed by her Brother? What was the reason, & is he in jail serving time for this Murder or was it Self-Defense???
    Thank you!

  19. Death is lurking around this woman …some serious, unexplained sht is happening with her and her loved ones because of that…

  20. These photos look like composite pictures, dated photos or just flat out BS… Take your choice. The opiate for the people shall never relent….
    and the opiate is TV.

  21. Sounds like another polygamous Mormons story. This entire story is built around a Word:: Concern. Not evidence, a word…. and for that we get the FBI and ??

  22. A guarantee life insurance policies are involved in these death cases. Specially that guy marrying another woman after his wife just recently died. Something is definitely suspicious here. Hopefully they’re found alive

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