Deborah Ramirez recalls Brett Kavanaugh allegedly exposed himself at a dorm party; Kavanaugh’s high school friend Mark Judge will be interviewed next.
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Deborah Ramirez recalls Brett Kavanaugh allegedly exposed himself at a dorm party; Kavanaugh’s high school friend Mark Judge will be interviewed next.
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Well here we are, 2 years later, and we find out the FBI ignored numerous witnesses, didn't bother to question over 25 people who said they could testify to Kavanaugh's terrible behavior, etc. He should NEVER have been confirmed. The thought of this man having the power he does is scary.
L. G. needs to be investigated by the FBI
Yale Law School rushes to judgement. If Yale wants to teach in Law School thrn put aside your Political differences & wait for the Evidence !!! Remember U R in Law School !!!
I love beer too..who doesnt love beer? Democrats?
The only thing I wonder about is why anybody in a professional atmosphere feels the need to shout or mock to get their point across… I do not know what happened that night. Nobody who was not present does. Yet, I am very concerned about all people who state their personal opinion on the sexual assault allegations (no matter how they came to it) as fact. And above that, I would hope that nobody in the future who is right- or wrongfully accused does have to face harassment of any kind. Justice must always be fair and not fueled by personal agenda! We are way past 'a few jokes' and also way past unprejudiced fact-gathering. I personally wish that in this setting (The Supreme Court Nomination Hearing & the discussions about it all over the media) we could all join in a debate simply about what type of leadership in the justice system is most beneficial to all citizens – and not just to either one party. Politics are getting us nowhere when politicians only fight against each other; instead of working together for the greater cause. I cannot imagine what any of the witnesses must go through, emotionally. But I feel like it will all be for nothing if the childish behavior on both sides does not stop. And this feeling is exactly why a lot of Millenials – including myself – are so frustrated with power in the hands of so few!
Kavanaugh acting like trump lmao 😂 🤣
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed
How can anyone prove or disprove these allegation…I am praying for Kavanaugh and Family..I believe in him..
And they learned nothing new. "Breaking news" 🙄
Bye bye Kava
I like the way you jackasses spout meaningless facts as though they mean something. Don't you have any meaningful facts to report? Doesn't look likecyou do.
There's nothing to investigate. Ford is a lying sciopath as is swetnuc. Let thecFBI investigate them and also the leaks that opened up this matter to the press. Ford wanted anonimity. What happened to that? You clowns don't care who you destroy!
Attention if you are a white male and have ever drank a single alcoholic drink go turn yourself in now apparently drinking automatically makes you a rapist
Confirm this Man already.
Brett already proved himself partisan, a liar, a drunk and a grudge holder. Why he's still up for nomination is beyond me.
Amazing all accusers are liberals
Lindsey Graham 's a racist!!!
Kavanaugh is a typical white privileged LIAR . Unfit to be a judge for life… seems kavanaugh has problems with women.. a high schooler who drinks that much has problems . Who raises an animal like that!!!
There wouldn't be a democrat in office if they where all held to the same standard .
As if SIX FBI investigations into Kavanaugh was not enough. Ford's story is falling apart like a cheap suit.
Ramerez story is even worse. When all four of your witnesses fail to corroborate her story, there is a problem.
A smear job by the Democrats has blown up in their faces.
All that Lindsey Graham is true… he is another bill cosby…
Fake news
36 years ago? Why is this being taken serious? She’s disgusting, hope she rots in hell for trying to ruin a mans life because he’s becoming a White House judge.
independent voter….i demand the resignation of cory booker keith ellison sherrod brown for physical abuse ……of women…. step down ….resign now
It's all a soap….let the ones who make allegations for drinking testify! Shows he is a liar and so is Linsey "the slime" Graham. Classmates say he lies, so ask them! VOTE…!
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they interview Judge.
Hey, fuck Lindsey Graham and his made up bullshit
Lindsey Grahame needs to come out of the closet !! He is a drunk he was loaded at the hearings …This is so embarrassing this whole thing !! Kavanagh is a lying sack of shit I'm so glad the orange clown Drump chose him now he is exposed. And if he IS confirmed there should be a revolt !!! A liar under OATH and shouldn't be a judge anywhere !!! He should be put in jail with the rest of the disgusting corrupt Trump lot of DISPICABLES !!! In "jesus' name I hope they all are
They should do a penis lineup, just like in Porky's.
Kavanaugh gets angry he must be guilty ….. how is somebody meant to react to accusations ?
I think Dr. Ford had a dream so vivid she really believes it was real. She has no memory of anything that night before or after the incident. These are reality dreams or night mares that I have experienced.
Once Kavanaugh testified that the drinking age was 18 and that any drinking he did was legal, he disqualified himself from consideration for SCOTUS consideration. During the time in question all hard liquor in Maryland was 21. Beer was raised from 18 to 21 while Kavanaugh was 17. In DC the beer age was also raised to 21, so the only time/place Kavanaugh could have drank beer legally was the last four month of his senior year after he turned 18. a) This is perjury plain and simply. His comments about legally drinking beer were lies. And his remarks about spiking punch also indicated a violation of the law. b) As a scofflaw, Kavanaugh is unqualified to be on the SCOTUS. Period.
But even worse was his ABA vetting. I understand that they gave Kavanaugh a "highly qualified" rating (which has since been withdraw.) But in the past, starting 12 years ago, the ABA refused him a higher rating that "qualified" because of numerous allegations about a lack of judicial temperament, judicial misconduct, and sexual harassment. The only well-known person to receive a lower rating from the ABA was Jeff Sessions who received two "not recommended" ratings for ties to the Aryan Nation and KKK. Why did the media not bring this up?
Ford is an amazingly unattractive woman. If she was attacked it was by a blind man. A desperate blind man at that.
Too bad the left already has corruption up to the ears and set in the FBI that’ll compromise the nomination. Checkmate!
Ford claimed she had one drink yet she can't remember where who and how she got to the party or how she left. In my opinion Their needs to be more evidence that something happened then just someone's say so. This day and age people are doing some disgusting vile things in the name of activism. I would require evidence to consider a claim credible. I hope the fbi does an in depth investigation. And I do believe the fbi should give all parties lie detector tests so the public can be confident that everyone has been properly vetted.
Charles Ludington, a classmate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at Yale University, will provide information to the FBI Monday, he confirmed to NBC News. He planned to give a statement to the FBI at its field office in Raleigh, N.C., "detailing violent drunken behavior by Kavanaugh in college." Ludington, a professor at North Carolina State University, described Kavanaugh as a "belligerent and aggressive" drunk.
This damaged, dishonest, thwarted-at-every-turn mockery of "justice" and "judicial inquiry" shows the United States for what it is: a large, dangerous corruption. Americans should hang their heads in shame. If this is "government," American style, the United States should abolish government and just let guns and dollars rule. Face the truth: the United States is badly broken. In no decent country in this world would such a mockery of justice take place.
Bert Hornback